SCCVDEL1 ;ALB/TMP - OLD SCHED VISITS FILE DELETE; [ 03/04/98 09:39 AM ] ;;5.3;Scheduling;**211**;Aug 13, 1993 ; DELDATA ; -- kill global N VALMY,SCCV D FULL^VALM1 W ! ; ; -- check for gaps IF '$$GAP^SCCVDEL() G DELDATAQ ; ; -- check for complete flag IF '$$COMPL^SCCVDEL() G DELDATAQ ; D EN^VALM2($G(XQORNOD(0))) S SCCV=0 F S SCCV=$O(VALMY(SCCV)) Q:'SCCV D . D KILL(+$G(^TMP("SCCV.DELETE.DX",$J,SCCV))) D BLD^SCCVDEL ; DELDATAQ ; S VALMBCK="R" Q ; KILL(FNO) ; -- kill data global N SCGLB ; IF '$G(FNO) W !!,"Invalid file number '",$G(FNO),"' specified." G KILLQ ; IF FNO'=40.1,FNO'=40.15,FNO'=409.5,FNO'=409.43,FNO'=409.44 W !!,"Invalid file number '",$G(FNO),"' specified." G KILLQ ; S SCGLB=$$FGLB^SCCVDEL(FNO) IF $D(^DIC(FNO)) W !!,"Data global '",SCGLB,"' cannot be KILLed. ^DIC(",FNO,") still exists." G KILLQ ; IF $D(^DD(FNO)) W !!,"Data global '",SCGLB,"' cannot be KILLed. ^DD(",FNO,") still exists." G KILLQ ; IF $D(@SCGLB)=0 W !!,"Data global '",SCGLB,"' does not exist. Global does not need to be KILLed." G KILLQ ; IF $D(@SCGLB) D . IF $$PROT(SCGLB) D . . S Y=$$LOG^SCCVDEL(FNO,$G(DUZ),"DATA") . . IF 'Y D Q . . . W !!,"Cannot kill data global!" . . . W !,$P(Y,U,2) . . S X="ERR^SCCVDEL1",@^%ZOSF("TRAP") . . K @SCGLB . . W !!,"Data global '",SCGLB,"' successfully KILLed." . ELSE D . . W !!,"Data gloabl '",SCGLB,"' was not KILLed." ; KILLQ D PAUSE^SCCVU Q ; PROT(SDGLB) ; -- ask if ok to kill and protection is off N DIR,Y W ! S DIR(0)="YA" S DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to KILL the '"_SDGLB_"' global? " S DIR("B")="No" D ^DIR IF 'Y S SCOK=0 G PROTQ ; IF SDGLB="^SDD(409.43)"!(SCGLB="^SDD(409.44)") S SCOK=1 G PROTQ ; W ! S DIR(0)="YA" S DIR("A")="Are you sure global root KILL protection is turned off? " S DIR("B")="No" D ^DIR IF 'Y S SCOK=0 G PROTQ S SCOK=1 PROTQ Q SCOK ; ERR ; -- error trap routine ; ; -- check for 'protection' error and set $ECODE to null ; -- setting of $ECODE to null per Wally Fort instructions on 1/28/99 IF $$EC^%ZOSV["PROT" D S $ECODE="" Q . W !!,">>> Protection error has occurred. Global has not been KILLed." . W !," You must removed root-level protection on global." D @^%ZOSF("ERRTN") Q