SCCVEDI1 ;ALB/RMO,TMP - Disposition Conversion cont.; [ 04/05/95 8:12 AM ] ;;5.3;Scheduling;**211**;Aug 13, 1993 ; CON(SCCVEVT,DFN,SCDTM,SCCVDIS) ; Should conversion event be processed for disposition ; Input -- SCCVEVT Conversion event ; DFN Patient IEN ; SCDTM Visit date/time ; SCCVDIS Array of disposition clinics ; ; Output -- 1=Yes and 0=No ; N SCECSTAT,Y,SCOE,SCDIS0,SCTYPE,SCDIV S SCDIS0=$G(^DPT(DFN,"DIS",9999999-SCDTM,0)) S SCTYPE=$P(SCDIS0,U,2) S SCDIV=+$P(SCDIS0,U,4) S SCOE=+$P(SCDIS0,U,18) S SCECSTAT=$P(SCDIS0,U,19) ; ; -- do checks S Y=1 ; -- don't use if date is greater than ACRP date IF Y,$P(SCDTM,".")>SCCVACRP S Y=0 ; -- don't use if application w/o exam IF Y,SCTYPE=2 S Y=0 ; -- don't use if no dispo clinic division & > 1 defined for site IF Y,'$G(SCCVDIS(SCDIV)),'$G(SCCVDIS(0)) S Y=0 ; -- don't use if convert and already converted IF Y,SCCVEVT=1,SCECSTAT S Y=0 ; -- don't use if re-convert and not converted IF Y,SCCVEVT=2,'SCECSTAT S Y=0 ; -- don't use if estimate and converted IF Y,'SCCVEVT,SCECSTAT S Y=0 ; -- if check out required then must have a co completion date/time IF Y,$$REQ^SDM1A(SCDTM)="CO",'$P($G(^SCE(SCOE,0)),U,7) S Y=0 Q +$G(Y) ; EN(SCCVEVT,DFN,SCDTM,SCLOG) ; Entry point to convert a disposition ; Input -- SCCVEVT Conversion event ; 0=Estimate 1=Convert 2=Re-convert ; DFN Patient IEN ; SCDTM Visit date/time ; SCLOG Scheduling conversion log IEN [optional] N SCCV,SCOE,SCCONS,SCEST ; S SCCONS("SRCE")="SD TO PCE DB CONV" S SCCONS("PKG")=$O(^DIC(9.4,"C","SD",0)) ; ;Set up the array for extracting a default disp clinic for the division I '$D(SCCVDIS) D . N SCCL,SCDIV,Z . S Z=0 F S Z=$O(^PX(815,1,"DHL",Z)) Q:'Z S SCCL=+$G(^(Z,0)),SCDIV=$P($G(^SC(SCCL,0)),U,15) I SCDIV,'$D(SCCVDIS(SCDIV)) S SCCVDIS(SCDIV)=SCCL . ; Default (0) is used if division does not have a valid disp clinic . S SCCVDIS(0)=+$P($G(^SD(404.91,1,"CNV")),U,2) ; ; Check if disposition should be processed IF '$$CON(SCCVEVT,DFN,SCDTM,.SCCVDIS) G ENQ ; ; Set-up conversion array and variables D SET^SCCVEDI3(SCCVEVT,+$G(SCLOG),DFN,.SCOE,.SCCV) ; I 'SCCVEVT,$G(SCCV("ERR")) G ENQ ; ; Don't process no new enctr or visit needed & no error to log I '$G(SCCV("NEW")),'$D(SCCV("ERR")) G ENQ ; ; Increment number of dispositions found (estimating only) I 'SCCVEVT D INCRTOT^SCCVEGU1(.SCTOT,5,1),EN^SCCVZZ("DIS-5",SCOE,SCDTM) ; ; Log error if no encounter or no visit - exit if no encounter I SCCVEVT,$S('$G(SCOE):1,1:'$P($G(SCCV("OE",0)),U,5)) D G:'$G(SCOE) ENQ . N SCE,SCERRIP,Y . S SCERRIP(1)=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,0)),U) . S Y=SCDTM D D^DIQ S SCERRIP(2)=Y . S SCERRIP(5)=$$OTHERR^SCCVU2($G(SCCV("ERR"))) . S SCERRIP(4)=$S('$G(SCOE):"Outpatient encounter",1:"Visit") . S SCE("DFN")=DFN,SCE("ENC")=$G(SCOE),SCE("VSIT")="",SCE("DATE")=SCDTM . D GETERR^SCCVLOG1(4049005.003,.SCE,.SCERRIP,$G(SCLOG),0,.SCERRMSG) . S:$G(SCOE) ^XTMP("SCCV-ERR-"_+SCLOG,"NO-VIS",SCOE)="" . S SCTOT(2.06)=$G(SCTOT(2.06))+1 ; G:$G(SCCV("ERR")) ENQ ; ; Convert additional disposition data I SCCVEVT D ENC(SCOE,.SCCV) ; ; Convert children D CHLD^SCCVEAP2(SCOE,.SCCV,$G(SCLOG)) ; ; Invoke DATA-TO-PCE call, store any errors I $S('SCCVEVT:1,1:$P($G(^SCE(SCOE,0)),U,5)) D DATA2PCE^SCCVPCE(SCOE,.SCCONS,SCCVEVT,$G(SCOEP),"","",.SCEST) ; I 'SCCVEVT D G ENQ ;Estimate exits here .F Z=1:1:3 I $P(SCEST,U,Z) D INCRTOT^SCCVEGU1(.SCTOT,Z+8,$P(SCEST,U,Z)) D EN^SCCVZZ("DIS-"_(Z+8),SCOE,SCDTM,"","",$P(SCEST,U,Z)) ; ; Update disposition as converted D DONE(DFN,SCDTM,1) ; ; Update last entry and number of records I $G(SCLOG) D UPDREC^SCCVLOG(SCLOG,SCOE,"CST") I '$G(SCLOG) S SCTOT("OK")=1 ; ENQ Q ; ENC(SCOE,SCCV) ; Convert additional disposition data for the encounter ; $$GETDISP^SDVIST2 creates the encounter and seeds it with disp data ; Input -- SCOE Outpatient encounter IEN ; SCCV Conversion array ; Output -- None N SCDATA I $G(SCCV("VST")),'$P($G(^SCE(SCOE,0)),U,5) S SCDATA(.05)=SCCV("VST") ; visit file entry S:$G(SCCV("NEW"))=1 SCDATA(901)=1 ; created by conversion I $G(SCCV("VST")) D ENCCNV^SCCVEAP1(.SCDATA) I $D(SCDATA) D UPD^SCCVDBU(409.68,SCOE,.SCDATA) ; ENCQ Q ; DONE(DFN,SCDTM,SCECSTAT) ; Update disposition encounter conversion status ; Input -- DFN Patient IEN ; SCDTM Visit date/time ; SCECSTAT Encounter conversion status ; Output -- None N SCDATA,SCIENS S SCIENS=(9999999-SCDTM)_","_DFN S:'$P($G(^DPT(DFN,"DIS",+SCIENS,0)),U,19) SCDATA(19)=SCECSTAT ; encounter conversion status I $D(SCDATA) D UPD^SCCVDBU(2.101,SCIENS,.SCDATA) Q ;