SCDXPOV2 ;ALB/SCK - VISIT REPORT BY NPCDB TRANSMISSION STATUS ; 10/31/96 ;;5.S;Scheduling;**73**;Aug 13, 1993 Q GETDATE(CAPTION) ; Get and return a date value ; Input: ; Caption - Prompt to be displayed in reader call ; D NOW^%DTC S Y=X D DD^%DT S DIR(0)="DA^::EP",DIR("A")=CAPTION,DIR("B")=Y,DIR("??")="^D HELP^%DTC" D ^DIR K DIR S:$D(DIRUT) Y=-1 D CLEAR Q Y ; SHWTOT() ; Selects wether only the grand total page is shown S DIR(0)="YA",DIR("A")="PRINT FACILITY TOTAL ONLY? ",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("A",2)="THIS IS A MULTI-DIVISIONAL FACILITY.",DIR("A",1)="" S DIR("?")="IF YOU ANSWER YES (Y), YOU WILL GIVEN THE FACILITY TOTAL ONLY." D ^DIR K DIR S:$D(DIRUT) Y=-1 D CLEAR Q Y ; RPTOPT() ; Selects which parts of the report are shown S DIR(0)="S^1:TRANSMISSION STATUS ONLY;2:VISIT COUNT;3:BOTH" S DIR("A")="SELECT REPORT OPTION",DIR("B")=3 D ^DIR K DIR S:$D(DIRUT) Y=-1 D CLEAR Q Y ; QUE ; Sets up the report for queueing N LV S ZTRTN="START^SCDXPOV" S ZTDESCR="VISIT REPORT, TRANSMISSION STATUS TO NPCDB" F LV="SCXOPT","SCXBEG","SCXEND","SCXMD","SCXTFLG" S ZTSAVE(LV)="" D ^%ZTLOAD W:$D(ZTSK) !,"TASK #: ",ZTSK D HOME^%ZIS K IO("Q") Q CHKELG(SCELG) ; checks for inactive entries in the ELIGIBILTIT CODE File, #8 ; Q +$P($G(^DIC(8,SCELG,0)),U,7) ; ELGPRI(SCEL,SCCUR) ; Returns whether heirarchy level of eligibility should change ; Input ; SCEL - Eligibility ; SCCUR - Current Hierarchy level ; Returns ; SCPRI = 1 Change current hierarchy to new ; SCPRI = 0 Do not change ; N SCPRI,SCNEW S SCPRI=4,SCNEW=+$P($G(^DIC(8,SCEL,0)),U,9) S:SCNEW=1!(SCNEW=3) SCPRI=1 S:SCNEW=2!(SCNEW=15)!(SCNEW=16)!(SCNEW=17)!(SCNEW=18) SCPRI=2 S:SCNEW=4!(SCNEW=5) SCPRI=3 Q SCPRI_U_(SCPRI