SCMCHLE ;BP/DJB - PCMM HL7 EVENT File Utils ; 11 Dec 2002 1:14 PM ;;5.3;Scheduling;**177,204,272**;May 01, 1999 ; ;Reference routine: ^SCDXFU01 ADD(EVDATE,EVPTR,DFN,TP,FTEE) ;Add a new event to PCMM HL7 EVENT file (#404.48). ; ; Input: EVDATE - Date/time of PCMM event in FM format. ; Default="NOW" ; EVPTR - Variable pointer that records IEN and file where ; event occurred. Used to determine Table Designator ; and Table ID for the ZPC segment. ; DFN - Pointer to PATIENT file (#2). ; TP - Team Position (Used when processing deletes) ; In the case of changes to 404.53, this may be ; PrecepteeTP-PreceptorTP. ;Output: None ; NEW EVIEN Q:$G(SCMCOFF) ;..djb/bp NOIS ISH-1299-40937. Turn off HL7 messaging. Q:'$G(EVPTR) ;......................Event pointer S EVIEN=$$CREATE(.EVDATE) ;..........Create new entry Q:+EVIEN<0 S DFN=$G(DFN) S TP=$G(TP) D STORE(EVIEN,EVPTR,DFN,$G(DUZ),TP,$G(FTEE)) ;Store event info D TRANSMIT(EVIEN,1) ;................Mark entry for transmission Q ; CREATE(EVDATE) ;Create entry in PCMM HL7 EVENT (#404.48) ; ; Input: EVDATE - Date/time of PCMM event, in Fileman format. ; Default="NOW". ;Output: Pointer to entry in PCMM HL7 EVENT (#404.48) ; -1^Error - Unable to create entry ; NEW SCERR,SCFDA,SCIEN S:'$G(EVDATE) EVDATE="NOW" ; S SCFDA(404.48,"+1,",.01)=EVDATE D UPDATE^DIE("E","SCFDA","SCIEN","SCERR") ; I $D(SCERR) Q "-1^Unable to create entry in PCMM HL7 EVENT file" Q SCIEN(1) ; STORE(EVIEN,EVPTR,DFN,EVDUZ,TP,FTEE) ;Store data in PCMM HL7 EVENT file ; ; Input: EVIEN - Pointer to entry in PCMM HL7 EVENT file (#404.48) ; EVPTR - Variable pointer that records IEN and file where ; event occurred. Used to determine Table Designator ; and Table ID for the ZPC segment. ; DFN - Pointer to PATIENT file (#2). ; EVDUZ - Pointer to entry in NEW PERSON file (#200) that ; caused event to occur (defaults to current DUZ). ; TP - Team Position (Used when processing deletes) ; In the case of changes to 404.53, this may be ; FTEE Workload indicator ;Output: None ;Notes : If EVDUZ and current DUZ not valid, use POSTMASTER (.5) ; NEW SCERR,SCFDA,SCIENS ; ;Check input Q:'+$G(EVIEN) Q:'$D(^SCPT(404.48,EVIEN)) Q:'$G(EVPTR) S:'+$G(EVDUZ) EVDUZ=$S($G(DUZ):DUZ,1:.5) I EVDUZ'=.5,'$D(^VA(200,EVDUZ)) S EVDUZ=.5 ; S SCIENS=EVIEN_"," S SCFDA(404.48,SCIENS,.02)=DFN ;....Patient S SCFDA(404.48,SCIENS,.04)=TP ;.....Team Position S SCFDA(404.48,SCIENS,.05)=EVDUZ ;..User S SCFDA(404.48,SCIENS,.07)=EVPTR ;..Variable event pointer I $G(FTEE) S SCFDA(404.48,SCIENS,.08)=FTEE ;Workload Indicator D FILE^DIE(,"SCFDA","SCERR") Q ; TRANSMIT(EVIEN,RESET) ;Set transmit flag in PCMM HL7 EVENT (#404.48) ; ;Input: EVIEN - Pointer to entry in PCMM HL7 EVENT file (#404.48) ; RESET - Should TRANSMISSION REQUIRED fld be ON or OFF? ; 0 = NO ; 1 = YES (Default) ;Output: None ;Notes : Setting TRANSMISSION REQUIRED field to 'YES' flags entry ; entry for transmission. ; NEW SCERR,SCFDA,SCIENS ; ;Check input Q:'+$G(EVIEN) Q:'$D(^SCPT(404.48,EVIEN)) S RESET=$S($G(RESET)=0:"NO",1:"YES") ; S SCIENS=EVIEN_"," S SCFDA(404.48,SCIENS,.03)=RESET D FILE^DIE("E","SCFDA","SCERR") Q