SCMCHLM ;BP/DJB - PCMM HL7 Mail Msgs ; 6/28/99 10:16am ;;5.3;Scheduling;**177,210**;AUG 13, 1993 ; ;Reference routine: SCDXMSG2 CMPLBULL(SENT,ERRCNT,VALER) ;Send completion bulletin ; ;Input : SENT - Number of messages sent to NPCD. Default=0. ; ERRCNT - Number of errored messages. ; VALER - Array containing error messages. ;Output : None ; ;Check input S SENT=+$G(SENT) S ERRCNT=$G(ERRCNT) S VALER=$G(VALER) ; ;Declare variables NEW MSGTXT,XMB,XMTEXT,XMY,XMDUZ,XMDT,XMZ,XMITPTR,LINE NEW ENCPTR,DELPTR,ENCDATE,ENCLOC,NAME,TMP,ENCZERO,SSN,PATZERO ; S MSGTXT="^TMP(""SCMC-XMIT-BLD"","_$J_",""BULLETIN"")" KILL @MSGTXT ; ;Put number of messages transmitted into message text S @MSGTXT@(1)="Transmission of PCMM Primary Care data to the NPCD has completed." S @MSGTXT@(2)="" S @MSGTXT@(3)="A total of "_SENT_" messages were sent." ;Put number of nontransmitted messages into message text S @MSGTXT@(4)="A total of "_ERRCNT_" messages were not sent." S @MSGTXT@(5)="" S @MSGTXT@(6)="Please review the IEMM Error listing for further detail." ; ;Set bulletin subject S XMB(1)="Transmission of data to NPCDB completed" ;Deliver bulletin S XMB="PCMM PRIMARY CARE DATA TO NPCDB SUMMARY" S XMTEXT=$P(MSGTXT,")",1)_"," D ^XMB ;Done - clean up and quit KILL @MSGTXT Q ; ERRBULL(REASON) ;Send error bulletin ; ;Input : REASON - Why transmission of data could not be completed ;Output : None ; ;Check input S REASON=$G(REASON) ; ;Declare variables NEW MSGTXT,XMB,XMTEXT,XMY,XMDUZ,XMDT,XMZ ; ;Set message text S MSGTXT(1)="Transmission of PCMM Primary Care data to the NPCD" S MSGTXT(2)=" " S MSGTXT(3)="could not be completed for the following reason:" S MSGTXT(4)=" " S MSGTXT(5)=" "_REASON ; ;Set bulletin subject S XMB(1)="** TRANSMISSION OF DATA TO NPCDB NOT COMPLETED **" ;Deliver bulletin S XMB="PCMM PRIMARY CARE DATA TO NPCDB SUMMARY" S XMTEXT="MSGTXT(" D ^XMB ; ;Done Q ; NOTIFY ; Description: This is used to send a message to local mail group. ; The notification message is used to alert users at the local site ; that new PCMM HL7 Transmission errors were received from the AAC. ; ;Reference routine: SCMCHLRR ; ; Input: None ; Output: None ; ;Init variables N ACK,SCBEG,SCCNT,SCEND,SCTLIEN,SCSTAT S (SCTLIEN,SCBEG,SCEND,SCCNT)=0 ; ;Get data from PCMM HL7 Trans Log file for records that have ;have a status of 'rejected' and 'marked for re-transmit' F SCSTAT="M","RJ" D .F S SCTLIEN=$O(^SCPT(404.471,"ASTAT",SCSTAT,SCTLIEN)) Q:'SCTLIEN D ..; ..;if Included In Reject Bulletin? field is not 'YES' ..I $$INCLUDE^SCMCHLA(SCTLIEN)'="Y" D ...; ...;count rejects received ...S SCCNT=SCCNT+1 ...; ...;get date/time of 'earliest' and 'latest' reject msg ...S ACK=$$ACK^SCMCHLA(SCTLIEN) ...I 'SCBEG S SCBEG=ACK ...I ACKSCEND S SCEND=ACK ...; ...;set Included In Reject Bulletin? field of record to 'YES' ...I $$UPDINCL^SCMCHLA(SCTLIEN,"Y") ; ;If reject msgs, then send notification message I SCCNT D SEND(SCBEG,SCEND,SCCNT) Q ; SEND(SCBEG,SCEND,SCCNT) ; ; Description: Used to send PCMM Transmission Errors Received ; notification message. ; ; Input: ; SCBEG - internal FM date/time earliest error received ; SCEND - internal FM date/time latest error received ; SCCNT - count of erros received ; ; Output: None ; N SCRANGE,TEXT,XMDUN,XMDUZ,XMTEXT,XMROU,XMSTRIP,XMSUB,XMY,XMZ ; ;Init subj/sender S XMSUB="PCMM Transmission Errors Received" S (XMDUN,XMDUZ)="PCMM Module" ; ;Recipient (mail group) S XMY("G.PCMM TRANSMISSION ERRORS")="" ; ;Message body S XMTEXT="TEXT(" S TEXT(1)="PCMM reject transmissions have been received from the Austin" S TEXT(2)="Automation Center (AAC)." S TEXT(3)="" S SCRANGE=" Reject Transmissions Received: "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($G(SCBEG),"2P")_" thru "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($G(SCEND),"2P") S TEXT(4)=SCRANGE S TEXT(5)=" Total Transmissions Rejected: "_$G(SCCNT) S TEXT(6)="" S TEXT(7)="Please use the PCMM Transmission Error Processing option for a" S TEXT(8)="list of the errors associated with these rejected transmissions." ; ;Mailman deliverey D ^XMD Q