SCMCHLR7 ;ALB/KCL - PCMM HL7 Error Code Report ;09-FEB-2000 ;;5.3;Scheduling;**210**;AUG 13, 1993 ; ECRPRT ; Description: This entry point is used to print the PCMM HL7 Error ; Code Report. This report is based on entries in the PCMM HL7 ; ERROR CODE (#404.472) file and uses the FileMan EN1^DIP API for ; printing the report. ; ; Input: None ; Output: None ; N BY,DHD,DIC,FLDS,FR,L,TO,%ZIS ; ;Required input for EN1^DIP call S DIC="^SCPT(404.472," S L=0 S BY=".01" ; Sort criteria (BY ERROR CODE) S FR="" S TO="" ; ;Fields to be printed (in order listed) S FLDS=".01,.03,10" ; ;Report header S DHD="PCMM Transmission Error Code Report" ; ;Print report S %ZIS="QM" D EN1^DIP ; Q