SCMCLN1 ;swo/iofobp cleanup utilities ;2.12.2007 ;;5.3;Scheduling;**498**;8.13.1993;Build 23 Q INST ;check each teams institution and make sure it contains at least the ;stations base numeric identifier N SCMCSTA,SCMCL1,SCMCZN,SCMCV1,SCMCNT S SCMCSTA=$$NS^XUAF4(DUZ(2)) I $G(DUZ(2))="" W !,"Institution is undefined...exiting",!! Q W !,"Your Station Name: "_$P(SCMCSTA,U) W !," Number: "_$P(SCMCSTA,U,2) W !,"This option will output a list of TEAMS whose Station Number association" W !,"does not match the number listed above.",!! S (SCMCL1,SCMCNT)=0 F S SCMCL1=$O(^SCTM(404.51,SCMCL1)) Q:'SCMCL1 D . S SCMCZN=$G(^SCTM(404.51,SCMCL1,0)) Q:SCMCZN="" . S SCMCV1=$E($P($G(^DIC(4,+$P(SCMCZN,U,7),99)),U),1,3) Q:SCMCV1="" . I $P(SCMCSTA,U,2)'=SCMCV1 D LOG . Q D SHOW,CLEAN Q SHOW ;see what we got S DIOEND="D FOOT^SCMCLN1" S DIC="^SCTM(404.51,",L=0,BY="@.01",(FR,TO)="",FLDS=".01,.07,.07:99;""STATION #""" S BY(0)="^TMP(""SCMCLN1"",$J," S L(0)=1 D EN1^DIP Q LOG ;collect the entries with possible incorrect institution S ^TMP("SCMCLN1",$J,SCMCL1)="" S SCMCNT=SCMCNT+1 Q CLEAN ;clean up K ^TMP("SCMCLN1",$J) Q FOOT ;summary footer I SCMCNT<1 W !!,"No problems found.",!! Q W !!,"The listed entries from the TEAM file need to be reviewed for Institution." W !,"PCMM GUI clients prior to SD*5.3*297 allowed Team association to any entry" W !,"in the Institution File." Q