SCMCTSK5 ;ALB/JDS - PCMM Inactivation Reports ; 03 Jun 2004 3:30 PM ;;5.3;Scheduling;**297**;AUG 13, 1993 Q FLAG ; ;;Patients scheduled for inactivation from their Primary Care team and ;;Primary Care Provider assignments appear below. Inactivation will ;;occur on the Scheduled Date for Inactivation date unless the patient ;;has a completed appointment encounter with their current Primary Care ;;Provider (PCP) or their Associate Primary Care Provider (AP) before ;;that date. The patient may be reactivated to their previous PCP and PC ;;team if they return for care. ;; ;;VHA DIRECTIVE 2003-063, ACTIVE PATIENTS IN PCMM, establishes the rules for ;;PCMM automated inactivation of patients. The following is from that Directive. ;; ;;Inactivation of primary care patients from a PCMM panel occurs under the ;;following circumstances: ;;(2) (a) The patient expires and ;;(b) Newly assigned patients (either newly-enrolled patients or patients who ;;have been re-assigned to a different provider) who have not been seen by ;;their PCP or Associate Provider (AP) and 12 months have passed since ;;the time of assignment to that provider. This provides every PCP a 1-year ;;grace period for seeing patients added to their panel (either newly-enrolled ;;patients or patients transferred from a different panel) before they are ;;inactivated. Patients must be seen by their PCP or AP within 12 months of ;;being assigned, or they need to be inactivated from the PCP's panel. ;;(c) Established patients that have been assigned to the PCP's panel for more ;;than 12 months, but have not been seen by their PCP or AP in the past 24 months ;;need to be inactivated. ;;(3) Patients appropriate for removal are to be identified and inactivated on ;;a regular basis. ;; ;;With PCMM patch SD*5.3*297 installed, inactivations occur on the fifteenth ;;and the last day of the month. ;; ;;Patients Scheduled for Inactivation from Primary Care panels ;; Date ;; Scheduled ;;Patient Name SSN Provider Team for Inactivation ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q EXT ; ;;By using the Extend Patients Inactivation Date option, these patients' ;;PCMM inactivation dates are now 60 days from their original inactivation date. ;;Inactivation will occur on the Date Scheduled for Inactivation unless the ;;patient has a completed appointment encounter with their current Primary ;;Care Provider (PCP) or their Associate Primary Care Provider (AP) before ;;that date. ;;VHA DIRECTIVE 2003-063, ACTIVE PATIENTS IN PCMM, establishes the rules for ;;PCMM automated inactivation of patients. The following is from that Directive. ;; ;;Inactivation of primary care patients from a PCMM panel occurs under the ;;following circumstances: ;;(2) (a) The patient expires and ;;(b) Newly assigned patients (either newly-enrolled patients or patients who ;;have been re-assigned to a different provider) who have not been seen by ;;their PCP or Associate Provider (AP) and 12 months have passed since ;;the time of assignment to that provider. This provides every PCP a 1-year ;;grace period for seeing patients added to their panel (either newly-enrolled ;;patients or patients transferred from a different panel) before they are ;;inactivated. Patients must be seen by their PCP or AP within 12 months of ;;being assigned, or they need to be inactivated from the PCP's panel. ;;(c) Established patients that have been assigned to the PCP's panel for more ;;than 12 months, but have not been seen by their PCP or AP in the past 24 months ;;need to be inactivated. ;;(3) Patients appropriate for removal are to be identified and inactivated on ;;a regular basis. ;; ;;With PCMM patch SD*5.3*297 installed, inactivations occur on the fifteenth ;;and the last day of the month. ;; ;;Patients with Extended PCMM Inactivation Dates ;; Date ;; Scheduled for ;;Patient Name SSN Provider Team Inactivation ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q INACT ; ;;Patients inactivated from their Primary Care team and Primary Care Provider ;;assignments appear below. The patient may be reactivated to their previous PCP ;;and PC team if they return for care. ;;VHA DIRECTIVE 2003-063, ACTIVE PATIENTS IN PCMM, establishes the rules for PCMM ;;automated inactivation of patients. The following is from that Directive. ;; ;;Inactivation of primary care patients from a PCMM panel occurs under the ;;following circumstances: ;;(2) (a) The patient expires and ;;(b) Newly assigned patients (either newly-enrolled patients or patients who ;;have been re-assigned to a different provider) who have not been seen by ;;their PCP or Associate Provider (AP) and 12 months have passed since ;;the time of assignment to that provider. This provides every PCP a 1-year ;;grace period for seeing patients added to their panel (either newly-enrolled ;;patients or patients transferred from a different panel) before they are ;;inactivated. Patients must be seen by their PCP or AP within 12 months of ;;being assigned, or they need to be inactivated from the PCP's panel. ;;(c) Established patients that have been assigned to the PCP's panel for more ;;than 12 months, but have not been seen by their PCP or AP in the past 24 months ;;need to be inactivated. ;;(3) Patients appropriate for removal are to be identified and inactivated on ;;a regular basis.. ;; ;;With PCMM patch SD*5.3*297 installed, inactivations occur on the fifteenth ;;and the last day of the month. ;; ;;Patients Automated Inactivations from Primary Care Panels ;; Date Reason ;; Patient Patient ;;Patient Name SSN Provider Team Inact Inact ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q PRIN ; ;;WARNING- The following primary care staff will be automatically ;;inactivated in PCMM software if a correct 'Person Class' and ;;'Provider Type' are not entered in the New Person File (#200) or ;;their role and position in the 'Position Setup' window is not ;;corrected to correspond with their 'Provider Type', 'Person ;;Class' and the Primary Care business rules stated below: ;; ;;1. Staff designated as Primary Care Providers (PCPs) in PCMM that ;; are not an Attending physician (Attending MD or Attending DO) NP ;; or PA, shall be inactivated from PCMM ;;2. Staff designated as Associate Providers (APs) in PCMM, that are not ;; a Resident/Intern (Physician) NP or PA shall be inactivated in ;; PCMM ;;3. All persons designated as an Associate Provider or Primary Care ;; Provider, who do not have the correct 'Provider Type' and 'Person ;; Class' entered in the New Person file (#200) in VistA, shall be ;; inactivated from their Primary Care positions in PCMM six months ;; after installation of patch SD*5.3*297 Date: |DATE| ;;4. Please contact your PCMM Coordiator or Information Systems ;; to correct these problems ;; ;; PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS SCHEDULDED FOR INACTIVATION ;; ;;Provider's Assoc Team Person # of Pts Sch Inac ;;Name Clinics Position Role Class Assigned Date ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Q GONE ; ;; PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS INACTIVATED ;; ;;Provider's Assoc Team Person # of Pts Inac ;;Name Clinics Position Role Class Assigned Date ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Q MAIL(POS,T) ;Given POS as position set up who gets mail I $D(^TMP("SCML",$J,"POS",POS)) Q S ^TMP("SCML",$J,"POS",+$G(POS))="" ;who gets mail at this position N TWO S TWO=$G(^SCTM(404.57,+$G(POS),2)) I $P(TWO,U,10) D ;get preceptor .S PREC=+$$OKPREC3^SCMCLK(POS,DT) Q:'PREC .D POS(PREC) I $P(TWO,U,9)="T" D ;get team providers .S T=$G(T) .N I F I=0:0 S I=$O(^SCTM(404.57,"C",T,I)) Q:'I D POS(I) I $P(TWO,U,9)="P" D ;get position providers .D POS(POS) Q Q POS(P) ;provider N A S A=+$$GETPRTP^SCAPMCU2(P,DT) Q:'A S ^TMP("SCML",$J,"POS",A)="" S ^TMP("SCML",$J,"XM",A,POS)="" Q LINES(TYPE) ;Lines of Bulletin N I,ZERO,ZERO1,Y S Y=$$PDAT^SCMCGU("SD*5.3*297") X ^DD("DD") F I=1:1 S A=$P($T(@($P("FLAG^INACT^EXT^PRIN^GONE",U,TYPE))+I),";;",2) Q:A="" D .S ^TMP("SCMCTXT",$J,I,0)=$S(A["|DATE|":$P(A,"|DATE|",1)_Y,1:A) ;S ^TMP("SCMCTXT",$J,2,0)="Patient Team Position Dt "_$S($G(XMSUB)["Fla":"Flagged",1:"Inactivate") S (CNT,HEAD)=$O(^TMP("SCMCTXT",$J,99),-1)+1 S DIV="" F I=0:0 S I=$O(^TMP("SCMC",$J,I)) Q:'I S ENTRY=+$O(^(I,0)) D .I TYPE>3 D MM(TYPE) Q .S ZERO=$G(^SCPT(404.43,+ENTRY,0)),ZERO1=$G(^SCPT(404.42,+ZERO,0)) .D MAIL(+$P(ZERO,U,2),+$P(ZERO1,U,3)) ;find out which individuals get this .D MAKEMAIL(TYPE) Q MAKEMAIL(TYPE) ; D MAKEMAIL^SCMCTSK6(TYPE) Q MM(TYPE) ;for providers D MM^SCMCTSK6(TYPE) Q PRMAIL(TYPE) ; ;Send mail to providers D PRMAIL^SCMCTSK6(TYPE)