SCMRBK ;ALB/SCK - Broker Utilities for multiple patient reassignments; 4/8/96 ;;5.3;Scheduling;**148,157,204**;AUG 13, 1993 ; Q ; PTGET(SCDATA,SC) ; Return a block of patients to the client ; 'SC GET PAT BLOCK' ; ; SCJOB = $J for the ^TMP global ; SCJOBID = The second subscript id for the ^TMP global ; SCSTART = Beginning entry number for the block retrieval in the ^TMP global ; SCEND = The ending entry number for the block retrieval ; SCLAST = The last entry number in the ^TMP global ; ; This RPC returns a list of patients from the temp global that was built by ; by the call to either SCMC BLD POS PAT LIST or SCMC BLD TEAM PAT LIST ; N SCJOB,SCSTART,SCEND,I,SCLAST,SCJOBID ; D CHK^SCUTBK D TMP^SCUTBK ; D PARSE^SCMCBK1(.SC) ; F I=SCSTART:1:SCEND Q:'$G(^TMP(SCJOB,SCJOBID,I),0) D . S SCDATA(I)=^TMP(SCJOB,SCJOBID,I) I SCEND>SCLAST K ^TMP(SCJOB,SCJOBID) ; D CLRVAR^SCMCBK1 Q ; ; This is invoked after the Save button is clicked in Patient reasignment-both team and pos ; RPC - SC BLD REASSIGN PAT LST PTLSTBLD(SCOK,SCVAL) ; Build the list of patients to be assigned in the ^TMP($J,"SCPATIENT LIST",DFN) global ; 'SC BLD PAT LIST' ; N SCJOB,SCDFN ; D CHK^SCUTBK D TMP^SCUTBK ; S SCOK=0 I SCVAL["Start" D G PTBLDQ . S SCOK=$J . K ^TMP(SCOK,"SC PATIENT LIST") ; S SCJOB=$P(SCVAL,U,1) S SCDFN=$P(SCVAL,U,2) S ^TMP(SCJOB,"SC PATIENT LIST",SCDFN)=$P(SCVAL,U,3) ; equals assignment IEN (PDR) S SCOK=1 PTBLDQ ; Q ; ; This is invoked by RPC (SC FILE PAT TM REASGN) for team reasignment ; PTFILE(SCOK,SC) ; File the patient assignments in the ^TMP($J,"SC TEAM ASSIGN",SCDFN) global ; 'SCMC FILE PAT TM REASGN' ; N SCADDFLD,SCTEAM,SCFILE,SCJOB,SCNEW,SCOLD,SCBAD,SCERMSG,SCX,SCDTVAR,SCOTH N ZTPRI,ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,SCNOW ; D CHK^SCUTBK D TMP^SCUTBK ; this sets up a DUZ=.5 and a DT of the current date D NOW^%DTC S SCNOW=% ; get actual FM date/time for enter/edit documentation ; D PARSE^SCMCBK1(.SC) G:+$G(SCJOB)=0 FILEQ ; ; Additional fields for 404.42 PATIENT TEAM ASSIGNMENT FILE S SCADDFLD(.08)=$G(SC("TYPE"),99) S SCADDFLD(.1)=$G(SC("RESTRICT"),0) ; note, the fields below are not appropriate if team is being activated or modified. Be sure ; to kill as necessary before filing, and to add edit by and edit D/T where necessary - PDR S SCADDFLD(.11)=DUZ ; user entering S SCADDFLD(.12)=SCNOW ; entry date/time (changed from =DT - PDR) ; I $G(SC("BKG"))="1" D BKG(1) Q ;Bail out to run in background ; BKGTM ; Run Team Reassignment Filer in BKG I $D(ZTQUEUED) S SCJOB=$J ; want to use Task Manager assigned $J if BKG S SCX=$$ACPTRATM^SCAPMR6("^TMP(SCJOB,""SC PATIENT LIST"")",SCTEAM,SCFRMTM,.SCOTH,"SCADDFLD",SCDTVAR,"SCERMSG","SCNEW","SCOLD","SCBAD") I '$D(ZTQUEUED) D . D BAD^SCMCBK1(.SCBAD,.SCOLD,.SCOK) ; this sets up RPC return var SCOK for error report dialog . S SCOK(.1)=SCX_U_"FORE" ; K ^TMP(SCJOB,"SC PATIENT LIST") D CLRVAR^SCMCBK1 ; FILEQ Q ; ; This is invoked by RPC ('SC FILE PAT POS REASGN') for position reasignment POSFILE(SCOK,SC) ; File the patient assignments in the ^TMP($J,"SC PATIENT LIST") global ; ' SCMC FILE PAT POS REASGN ' ; N SCADDFLD,SCTEAM,SCFILE,SCJOB,SCNEW,SCOLD,SCBAD,SCERMSG,SCX N SCPOSTO,SCPOSFRM,SCDTVAR,SCMAFLD,SCADTM,SCNEW1,SCNOW ; D CHK^SCUTBK D TMP^SCUTBK S SCNOW=$$NOW^XLFDT ; D PARSE^SCMCBK1(.SC) S SCPOSTO=SC("POSITION") S SCPOSFRM=SC("FROMPOSITION") G:+$G(SCJOB)=0 FILEQ S SCADTM=1 ; S SCADDFLD(.05)=$G(SC("TYPE"),0) S SCADDFLD(.06)=DUZ S SCADDFLD(.07)=SCNOW ; I $G(SC("BKG"))="1" D BKG(2) Q ; BKGPOS ; BACKGROUND JOB ENTRY POINT I $D(ZTQUEUED) S SCJOB=$J ; want to use Task Manager assigned $J if BKG S SCX=$$ACPTATP^SCAPMR21("^TMP(SCJOB,""SC PATIENT LIST"")",SCPOSTO,SCPOSFRM,"SCADDFLD",SCDTVAR,"SCERMSG",SCADTM,"","SCNEW","SCNEW1","SCOLD","SCBAD") ; I '$D(ZTQUEUED) D . D BAD2^SCMCBK1(.SCBAD,.SCOLD,.SCOK) ; this sets up RPC return var SCOK for error report dialog . S SCOK(.1)=SCX_U_"FORE" ; K ^TMP(SCJOB,"SC PATIENT LIST") D CLRVAR^SCMCBK1 Q ; BLKPOS ; N SCX S SCX=$G(SCDTRNG("END")) S SCDTRNG("END")=3990101 ;check forever S SCOK1=$$PTTP^SCAPMC(SCBLOCK,"SCDTRNG","^TMP(""SCMC"",$J,""EXCLUDE PT"")","SCER2") S SCDTRNG("END")=SCX Q ; BLKTM ; N SCX S SCX=$G(SCDTRNG("END")) S SCDTRNG("END")=3990101 ;check forever S SCOK1=$$PTTM^SCAPMC(SCBLOCK,"SCDTRNG","^TMP(""SCMC"",$J,""EXCLUDE PT"")","SCER2") S SCDTRNG("END")=SCX Q ; ; This is used to get the patient list to fill the list box after team and position selection ; PTPOSLST(SCOK,SC) ; Get a list of of patients for a team position ; RPC:'SCMC BLD POS PAT LIST' ; N PD,FD,TD,ASNST,FC D NEWVAR^SCMCBK1 D CHK^SCUTBK D TMP^SCUTBK S FD=SC("FROMDATE") S TD=SC("TODATE") S ASNSTAT=SC("ASSIGNSTAT") ; 0=assigned only, 1=Discharged only, 2=both ; D PARSE^SCMCBK1(.SC) ; K ^TMP($J,"SCPOS") ; S SCOK=0 ; This date setting could be accomplished on GUI using the .MULT[] broker array, and ; loaded into SCDTRNG via the call to parse. I've opted to set the array explicitly ; here. S SCDTRNG("BEGIN")=FD S SCDTRNG("END")=TD S SCDTRNG("INCL")=0 ; get list of pt active for time period specified ; future discharges included S SCOK=$$PTTP^SCAPMC11(SCFRMPOS,"SCDTRNG",.SCLOC,.SCERMSG) K ^TMP("SCMC",$J,"EXCLUDE PT") M ^TMP($J,"SC PCMM IN")=@SCLOC ; S I1=$G(^TMP($J,"SC PCMM IN",0)) S FC=0 ; initialize filtered count of patients F I=1:1:I1 D . S PD=$G(^TMP($J,"SC PCMM IN",I)) ; get the discharge date . Q:$$FILTOUT(+$P(PD,U,5),+$P(PD,U,4)) . S ^TMP($J,"PCMM TMP",I)=$G(^TMP($J,"SC PCMM IN",I)) . S FC=FC+1 D ALPHA^SCAPMCU2("^TMP($J,""PCMM TMP"")","^TMP($J,""SCPOS"")") S SCOK=$J_U_FC_U_SCOK ; D CLRVAR^SCMCBK1 Q ; FILTOUT(DD,AD) ; FILTER OUT CANDIDATE PATIENTS ;bp/cmf 204t0 -- SCDTVAR(def = dt) replaces DT ; Want actives only Q:ASNSTAT=0 ((DD)&(DD'>SCDTVAR))!(AD>SCDTVAR) ; ; disch date before tomorrow, or assign date greater than today ; ; Want discharges between dates only Q:ASNSTAT=1 (DD>TD)!(DDSCDTVAR) ; ; disch date less than FROM date, or assign date > dtvar Q 0 ; ; ; used to get the patient list after a team selection ; PTTMLST(SCOK,SC) ; ; Get a list of of patients for a team - FILTER FOR ACTIVE ; RPC:'SCMC BLD TEAM PAT LIST' ; ;bp/cmf 204t0 -- SCDTVAR(def = dt) replaces DT N TD,SCDD D NEWVAR^SCMCBK1 D CHK^SCUTBK D TMP^SCUTBK ; D PARSE^SCMCBK1(.SC) K ^TMP($J,"SCTEAM") ; S SCOK=0 ; get list of patient team assignments ordered by q S SCOK=$$PTTM^SCAPMC2(SCFRMTM,"SCDTRNG",.SCLOC,"SCERMSG") ; SCLOC = ^TMP("SCTMP LIST",$J) K ^TMP("SCMC",$J,"EXCLUDE PT") M ^TMP($J,"SC PCMM IN")=@SCLOC ; S I="" F S I=$O(^TMP($J,"SC PCMM IN",I)) Q:'I D . S TD=^TMP($J,"SC PCMM IN",I) . S SCDD=$P(TD,U,5) . Q:(SCDD'="")&(SCDD'>SCDTVAR) ; filter discharged assignments . Q:$P(TD,U,4)>SCDTVAR ; filter future assignments . S ^TMP($J,"PCMM TMP",I)=^TMP($J,"SC PCMM IN",I) ; D ALPHA^SCAPMCU2("^TMP($J,""PCMM TMP"")","^TMP($J,""SCTEAM"")") ; S SCOK=$J_U_+$O(^TMP($J,"SCTEAM",""),-1)_U_SCOK ; D CLRVAR^SCMCBK1 Q ; DISCHPOS(SCOK,SC) ; DISCHARGE POSITIONS FOR A TEAM - RPC: PDR SC DIS TEAM POS ; SC("DFN") = ptr to patient file ; SC("TMASGN") = ptr to team assignment file 404.42 ; SC("DATE") = file date (date selected on client) N SCBEGIN,SCEND,SCINCL,SCDATES,SCERR D CHK^SCUTBK D TMP^SCUTBK S SCOK=1 S SCERR="SCERRMSG" K @SCERR ;;bp/cmf 204 clean error array!!!!!!!!!! [iow-0899-40854] D DISCHPOS^SCRPMTA(SC("DFN"),SC("TMASGN"),SC("DATE"),SCERR) S SCOK='$D(@SCERR) Q ; BKG(SCX) ;hand off to taskman ;input SCX=toggle between team/position reassignment ; S ZTPRI=10 S ZTRTN=$P($$S(SCX),"::") S ZTDESC=$P($$S(SCX),"::",2) S ZTDTH=$H S ZTSAVE("SC*")="" S ZTSAVE("^TMP($J,")="" I '$G(SC("NOP")) D ^%ZTLOAD ; define NOP on GUI side if don't want BKG S SCOK(0)=1_U_"BKG"_$G(ZTSK) S SCOK(.1)=$$PASSCNT^SCMCBK5($$S(3))_U_"BKG"_U_$G(SC("NOP")) Q ; S(SCX) Q $P($T(T+SCX),";;",2) ; T ;; ;;BKGTM^SCMRBK::PCMM TEAM REASSIGN BKG ;;BKGPOS^SCMRBK::PCMM POSITION REASSIGN BKG ;;^TMP($J,"SC PATIENT LIST") ;