SCMSP ;ALB/MTC - POST INIT ROUTINE;28-MAY-1996 ;;5.3;Scheduling;**44**;AUG 13, 1993 ; HOPUP ;-- This function will update all the clinics in file #44 to ; require Provider and Diagnosis for checkout. Using the "B" ; x-ref a check will be performed to make sure that the location ; is clinic then fields 26 (Ask provider@ CO) and 27 (Ask diagnosis ; @ CO) will be set to 1 (REQUIRED). ; N SCX,SCY,SCZ,DIC,DIE,DA,DR,X,Y,%,%H,%I N MSGTXT,XMB,XMTEXT,XMY,XMDUZ,XMDT,XMZ ; S SCX=0 F S SCX=$O(^SC("B",SCX)) Q:SCX="" S SCY=0 F S SCY=$O(^SC("B",SCX,SCY)) Q:'SCY D . S SCZ=$G(^SC(SCY,0)) Q:SCZ="" . I $P(SCZ,U,3)'="C" Q . I $$OCCA^SCDXUTL(SCY) Q . S DIE="^SC(",DA=SCY,DR="26///1;27///1" D ^DIE ;Get current date/time D NOW^%DTC ;Convert to external format S SCZ=$P(%,".",2)_"000000" S SCY=$E(SCZ,1,2)_":"_$E(SCZ,3,4)_":"_$E(SCZ,5,6) S SCX=%I(1)_"/"_%I(2)_"/"_(%I(3)+1700)_" @ "_SCY ;Store completion time in Scheduling Parameter file S SCZ=0 F X=1:1:10 L +^SD(404.91,1,"AMB"):5 I ($T) S SCZ=1 Q S:(SCZ) $P(^SD(404.91,1,"AMB"),"^",7)=% L -^SD(404.91,1,"AMB") ;Send completion bulletin ;Set message text S MSGTXT(1)=" " S MSGTXT(2)="Updating of all clinics contained in the HOSPITAL LOCATION" S MSGTXT(3)="file (#44) to require provider and diagnosis for checkout" S MSGTXT(4)="completed on "_SCX S MSGTXT(5)=" " ;Set bulletin subject S XMB(1)="HOSPITAL LOCATION UPDATE COMPLETED" ;Deliver bulletin S XMB="SCDX AMBCARE TO NPCDB SUMMARY" S XMTEXT="MSGTXT(" D ^XMB Q ; PARAM ;ALB/JLU - This entry point will set the Amb Care parameters in the ; Scheduling parameter file ; N DIC,DIE,DA,DR,X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT,MSGTXT,DELAY N PTRPAR,DLAYGO,DINUM,NODE,TASKNUM,QUEUEDT D BMES^XPDUTL(">>> Setting parameters contained in SCHEDULING PARAMETER file (#404.91)") ;Create/find entry S DIC="^SD(404.91," S DIC(0)="LX" S DIC("DR")=".001///1" S DLAYGO=404.91 S DINUM=1 S X=1 D ^DIC S PTRPAR=+Y ;Unable to create/find entry - quit I (Y<0) D Q .S MSGTXT(1)=" *** Unable to create/find entry in Scheduling Parameter file" .S MSGTXT(2)=" *** Unable to store parameters relating to Ambulatory Care" .D MES^XPDUTL(.MSGTXT) ;Get check point's parameter data. This value will be in the ; format QueueTime-TaskNumber S X=$$PARCP^XPDUTL("SCMS01") S QUEUEDT=$P(X,"-",1) S TASKNUM=$P(X,"-",2) ;Store Ambulatory Care parameters - using hard set since there's no ; cross references on these fields S NODE=$G(^SD(404.91,PTRPAR,"AMB")) S $P(NODE,U,1)=+$P(NODE,U,1) S $P(NODE,U,2)=2961001 S $P(NODE,U,3)=2961101 S DELAY=+$P(NODE,U,4) S:('DELAY) DELAY=2 S $P(NODE,U,4)=DELAY S $P(NODE,U,5)=QUEUEDT S $P(NODE,U,6)=TASKNUM S $P(NODE,U,7)="0000000" S ^SD(404.91,1,"AMB")=NODE D MES^XPDUTL(" Parameters relating to Ambulatory Care have been stored") Q ; MG4BULL ;ALB/JRP - Attach Mail Group that receives OPC generation bulletin ; to the Ambulatory Care transmission summary bulletin ; ;Input : None ;Output : None ;Notes : This is a KIDS complient check point ; ;Declare variables N DIC,DIE,DA,DR,X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT,OPCMG,BULLNAME,PTRBULL,MSGTXT D BMES^XPDUTL(">>> Attaching mail group to Ambulatory Care transmission summary bulletin") ;Get name of Mail Group that receives OPC generation bulletin S OPCMG=$$OPCMG^SCMSPU1(1) I (OPCMG="") D Q .S MSGTXT(1)=" ** MAS PARAMETER file (#43) does not have a value for" .S MSGTXT(2)=" the OPC GENERATE MAIL GROUP field (#216)" .S MSGTXT(3)=" ** Unable to attach mail group to the SCDX AMBCARE" .S MSGTXT(4)=" TO NPCDB SUMMARY bulletin" .S MSGTXT(5)=" ** Mail group must be added to bulletin manually" .D MES^XPDUTL(.MSGTXT) ;Get pointer to Ambulatory Care transmission summary bulletin S BULLNAME="SCDX AMBCARE TO NPCDB SUMMARY" S PTRBULL=+$O(^XMB(3.6,"B",BULLNAME,0)) I ('PTRBULL) D Q .S MSGTXT(1)=" ** Unable to find entry for SCDX AMBCARE TO NPCDB" .S MSGTXT(2)=" SUMMARY in BULLETIN file (#3.6)" .S MSGTXT(3)=" ** Bulletin must be manually entered" .D MES^XPDUTL(.MSGTXT) ;Attach Mail Group to Ambulatory Care transmission summary bulletin S DIC="^XMB(3.6,"_PTRBULL_",2," S DIC(0)="LX" S DIC("P")=$P(^DD(3.6,4,0),"^",2) S DA(1)=PTRBULL S DLAYGO=3.6 S X=OPCMG D ^DIC S MSGTXT(1)=" Mail group contained in the OPC GENERATE MAIL GROUP" S MSGTXT(2)=" field (#216) of the MAS PARAMETER file (#43) has" S MSGTXT(3)=" been attached to the SCDX AMBCARE TO NPCDB SUMMARY bulletin" I (Y<0) D .K MSGTXT .S MSGTXT(1)=" ** Unable to attach mail group to the SCDX AMBCARE" .S MSGTXT(2)=" TO NPCDB SUMMARY bulletin" .S MSGTXT(3)=" ** Mail group must be added to bulletin manually" D MES^XPDUTL(.MSGTXT) ;Done Q ; SDM ;ALB/JRP - Have an overlap routine with PCMM (SD*5.3*41) ; Make sure that correct version of SDM routine is installed ; ;Input : None ;Output : None ;Notes : This is a KIDS complient check point ; : Routine SCMSPX1 contains SDM with patch 41 applied to it ; and routine SCMSPX2 contains SDM with patch 41 not applied ; to it ; ;Declare variables N PATCHED,TMP,MSGTXT D BMES^XPDUTL(">>> Installing correct version of routine SDM") ;Check for PCMM installation S PATCHED=$$PATCH^XPDUTL("SD*5.3*41") ;PCMM not installed - SDM should come from SCMSPX2 I ('PATCHED) D .S MSGTXT(1)=" " .S MSGTXT(2)=" PCMM has NOT been installed. Will install a version" .S MSGTXT(3)=" of routine SDM that DOES NOT have the PCMM changes" .S MSGTXT(4)=" applied to it." .S MSGTXT(5)=" " .S MSGTXT(6)=" MSM sites must copy the SDM routine to all appropriate UCIs" .S MSGTXT(7)=" " .S MSGTXT(8)=" ********** PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING ***********" .S MSGTXT(9)=" * *" .S MSGTXT(10)=" * After installing PCMM, call the routine *" .S MSGTXT(11)=" * SCMSP at theline tag SDM (i.e. D SDM^SCMSP) *" .S MSGTXT(12)=" * in order to install a version of routine SDM *" .S MSGTXT(13)=" * with the ACRP & PCMM changes applied to it. *" .S MSGTXT(14)=" * *" .S MSGTXT(15)=" * MSM sites will then need to copy the updated *" .S MSGTXT(16)=" * SDM routine to all appropriate UCIs. *" .S MSGTXT(17)=" * *" .S MSGTXT(18)=" ************************************************" .D MES^XPDUTL(.MSGTXT) .S TMP=$$COPY^SCMSPU2("SCMSPX2","SDM",3) ;PCMM installed - SDM should come from SCMSPX1 I (PATCHED) D .S MSGTXT(1)=" " .S MSGTXT(2)=" PCMM has been installed. Will install a version" .S MSGTXT(3)=" of routine SDM that has the PCMM changes applied" .S MSGTXT(4)=" to it" .S MSGTXT(5)=" " .S MSGTXT(6)=" MSM sites must copy the SDM routine to all appropriate UCIs" .D MES^XPDUTL(.MSGTXT) .S TMP=$$COPY^SCMSPU2("SCMSPX1","SDM",3) ;Done Q