SCMSVUT5 ;BPFO/JRP - IEMM UTILTIES (CONT);7/29/2002 ;;5.3;Scheduling;**254,293**;Aug 13, 1993 ; PARSE(INARR,OUTARR,SEP,SUB,MAX) ;Parse array into individual fields ;Input : INARR - Array containing data to parse (full global ref) ; INARR = First 245 characters of data ; INARR(1..n) = Continuation nodes ; OR ; INARR(x) = First 245 characters of data ; INARR(x,1..n) = Continuation nodes ; OUTARR - Array to put parsed data into (full global ref) ; SEP - Field separator (defaults to ^) (1 character) ; SUB - Starting subscript of OUTARR (defaults to 0) ; MAX - Maximum length of output node (defaults to 245) ;Output : None ; OUTARR(SUB) = First piece (MAX characters) ; OUTARR(SUB,1..n) = Continuation nodes ; OUTARR(SUB+X) = Xth piece (MAX characters) ; OUTARR(SUB+X,1..n) = Continuation nodes ;Notes : OUTARR is initialized (KILLed) on entry ; : Assumes that INARR and OUTARR are defined and valid ; ;Declare variables N NODE,STOP,DATA,INFO,FLD,SEPCNT,CN,OUT,TMP,ROOT,OUTNODE K @OUTARR S SEP=$G(SEP) S SEP=$E(SEP,1) S:SEP="" SEP="^" S SUB=+$G(SUB) S MAX=+$G(MAX) S:'MAX MAX=245 S NODE=INARR S INFO=$G(@NODE) S ROOT=$$OREF^DILF(INARR) S FLD=1 S SEPCNT=$L(INFO,SEP) S STOP=0 S OUTNODE=$NA(@OUTARR@(SUB)) S CN=0 F S DATA=$P(INFO,SEP,FLD) D Q:STOP .I FLD=SEPCNT D Q ..D ADDNODE ..S NODE=$Q(@NODE) ..I (NODE="")!(NODE'[ROOT) S STOP=1 Q ..S INFO=$G(@NODE) ..S SEPCNT=$L(INFO,SEP) ..S FLD=1 .D ADDNODE .S SUB=SUB+1 .S CN=0 .S OUTNODE=$NA(@OUTARR@(SUB)) .S FLD=FLD+1 Q ADDNODE ;Used by PARSE to add data to output node (handles continuation nodes) S TMP=$G(@OUTNODE) I ($L(TMP)+$L(DATA))<(MAX+1) S @OUTNODE=TMP_DATA Q S @OUTNODE=TMP_$E(DATA,1,(MAX-$L(TMP))) S CN=CN+1 S DATA=$E(DATA,(MAX-$L(TMP)+1),$L(DATA)) S OUTNODE=$NA(@OUTARR@(SUB,CN)) I DATA'="" D ADDNODE Q ; ; SEGPRSE(SEGMENT,OUTARR,FS) ;Parse HL7 segment by field separator ;Input : SEGMENT - Array containing HL7 segment to parse ; (full global ref) ; SEGMENT = First 245 characters of segment ; SEGMENT(1..n) = Continuation nodes ; OR ; SEGMENT(x) = First 245 characters of segment ; SEGMENT(x,1..n) = Continuation nodes ; OUTARR - Array to put parsed segment into (full global ref) ; FS - HL7 field separator (defaults to ^) (1 character) ;Output : None ; OUTARR(0) = Segment name ; OUTARR(seq#) = Data (first 245 characters) ; OUTARR(seq#,1..n) Continuation nodes ;Notes : OUTARR is initialized (KILLed) on entry ; : Assumes SEGMENT and OUTARR are defined and valid ; D PARSE($G(SEGMENT),$G(OUTARR),$G(FS),0,245) Q ; SEQPRSE(SEQDATA,OUTARR,ENCODE) ;Parse HL7 sequence by component ;Input : SEQDATA - Array containing seq to parse (full global ref) ; SEQDATA = First 245 characters of sequence ; SEQDATA(1..n) = Continuation nodes ; OR ; SEQDATA(x) = First 245 characters of sequence ; SEQDATA(x,1..n) = Continuation nodes ; OUTARR - Array to put parsed sequence into (full global ref) ; ENCODE - HL7 encoding characters (defaults to ~|\&) (4 chars) ;Output : None ; OUTARR(rep#,comp#) = Data (first 245 characters) ; OUTARR(rep#,comp#,1..n) = Continuation nodes ;Notes : OUTARR is initialized (KILLed) on entry ; : Assumes SEQDATA and OUTARR are defined and valid ; ;Declare variables N RS,CS,INFO,DATA,REP,COMP S ENCODE=$G(ENCODE,"~|\&") S ENCODE=$E(ENCODE,1,4) S:$L(ENCODE)'=4 ENCODE="~|\&" S CS=$E(ENCODE,1) S RS=$E(ENCODE,2) S INFO=$NA(^TMP("SCMSVUT5",$J,"SEQPRSE")) D PARSE($G(SEQDATA),INFO,RS,1,245) S REP=0 F S REP=+$O(@INFO@(REP)) Q:'REP D PARSE($NA(@INFO@(REP)),$NA(@OUTARR@(REP)),CS,1,245) K @INFO Q