SCRPBK ;MJK/ALB - RPC Broker Utilities ; 27 FEB 96 ;;5.3;Scheduling;**41**;AUG 13, 1993 ; GETREC(SCDATA,SCRPT) ; -- get REPORT record ; input : SCRPT := ien of report definition ; output : SCDATA is the return array ; SCDATA(0) := 0th node of rpt def ; (1..n) := sections for ; [Description], [Sorts], [Fields], [Files] ; ; Related RPC: SCRP DEFINITION GETRECORD ; N SC,X,SCINC S SCINC=-1,SCRPT=+SCRPT ; -- get 0th node of team S X=$$RPTDEF(SCRPT) ; -- add to return array D SET(X,.SCINC,.SCDATA) ; -- get description D DESC(.SCINC,SCRPT,.SCDATA) ; -- get sorts D SORTS(.SCINC,SCRPT,.SCDATA) ; -- get fields D FIELDS(.SCINC,SCRPT,.SCDATA) ; -- get files D FILES(.SCINC,SCRPT,.SCDATA) Q ; SET(X,INC,SCDATA) ; -- set value in return array S INC=$G(INC)+1,SCDATA(INC)=X Q ; RPTDEF(SCRPT) ; -- retrieve rpt def demographics N X,Y S X=$G(^SD(404.92,SCRPT,0)) S Y=$P(X,U)_U_$P($G(^SD(404.94,+$P(X,U,2),0)),U) Q Y ; DESC(SCINC,SCRPT,SCDATA) ; -- get rpt description N I,X D SET("[Description]",.SCINC,.SCDATA) S I=0 F S I=$O(^SD(404.92,SCRPT,1,I)) Q:'I S X=$G(^(I,0)) D . D SET(X,.SCINC,.SCDATA) D SET("$$END",.SCINC,.SCDATA) Q ; SORTS(SCINC,SCRPT,SCDATA) ; -- get possible sorts N I,X D SET("[Sorts]",.SCINC,.SCDATA) S I=0 F S I=$O(^SD(404.92,SCRPT,"SORTS",I)) Q:'I S X=$G(^(I,0)) D . D SET(X,.SCINC,.SCDATA) D SET("$$END",.SCINC,.SCDATA) Q ; FIELDS(SCINC,SCRPT,SCDATA) ; -- get fields to ask N I,X,Y D SET("[Fields]",.SCINC,.SCDATA) S I=0 F S I=$O(^SD(404.92,SCRPT,"FIELDS",I)) Q:'I S X=$G(^(I,0)) D . S Y="" . S Y=Y_$P($G(^SD(404.93,+X,0)),U,2)_U ; component name . S Y=Y_$P(X,U,2)_U ; required . S Y=Y_$P(X,U,3)_U ; always ask . S Y=Y_$P(X,U,4)_U ; default value . D SET(Y,.SCINC,.SCDATA) D SET("$$END",.SCINC,.SCDATA) Q ; FILES(SCINC,SCRPT,SCDATA) ; -- get files to select N I,X,Y,SCTYPE D SET("[Files]",.SCINC,.SCDATA) S I=0 F S I=$O(^SD(404.92,SCRPT,"FILES",I)) Q:'I S X=$G(^(I,0)) D . S SCTYPE=$$TYPE(+X) . S Y="" . S Y=Y_SCTYPE_U ; file type . S Y=Y_+X_U ; file # . S Y=Y_+$P(X,U,2)_U ; selections allowed . IF $$CHKTYPE^SCRPBK2(SCTYPE) D SET(Y,.SCINC,.SCDATA) D SET("$$END",.SCINC,.SCDATA) Q ; TYPE(FILENUM) ; -- determine file type for file N X S X="" IF FILENUM=4 S X="DIVISION" G TYPEQ IF FILENUM=404.51 S X="TEAM" G TYPEQ IF FILENUM=200 S X="PRACTITIONER" G TYPEQ IF FILENUM=403.46 S X="ROLE" G TYPEQ IF FILENUM=8930 S X="USERCLASS" G TYPEQ IF FILENUM=44 S X="CLINIC" G TYPEQ TYPEQ Q X ; ; ; -- variable descriptions for SCRPBK* routines ; SCDATA -> result return array ; SCINC -> incrmental variable used when build SCDATA ; SCQRY -> ien of 404.95 ; SCQDEF -> raw query defintion received from client ; SCQREC -> query definition ; SCRPT -> ien of 404.92 - query definition ; SCRPTID -> ien of 404.92 - report definifion ; SCRPT -> report name ; SCTYPE -> selection file type (DIVISION, TEAM, etc.) ; SCGLB -> closed global root of a file [i.e. ^SC] ; SCAN -> array where the name of used/required report ; fields or file selections are stored ; SCPROC -> process being performed when error occured ; SCPARM()-> error parameters to be used by BLD^DIALOG call ; SCLOG -> contains the array name where application generated ; error messages are stored(usually SCDATA) ; SCERR() -> array where FM DBS generated errors are stored ; SCTEXT -> text used to search files ; SCSELS()-> array of file entry selections ; VAUTD() -> array of divisions subscripted by iens ; VAUTT() -> array of teams subscripted by iens ; VAUTP() -> array of practitioners subscripted by iens ; VAUTR() -> array of roles subscripted by iens ; VAUTC() -> array of clinics subscripted by iens ; VAUTUC()-> array of user classes subscripted by iens ;