SCRPTP ;ALB/CMM - List of Team's Patients ; 29 Jun 99 04:11PM ;;5.3;Scheduling;**41,48,174,177,526,520**;AUG 13, 1993;Build 26 ; PROMPTS ;Prompt for Institution, Team, Role, Patient Status and Print device N QTIME,PRNT,VAUTD,VAUTT,VAUTR,VAUTPS,NUMBER K SCUP S QTIME="" W ! D INST^SCRPU1 I Y=-1 G ERR W ! K Y D PRMTT^SCRPU1 I '$D(VAUTT) G ERR W ! K Y D ROLE^SCRPU1 I '$D(VAUTR) G ERR W ! K Y D PTSTAT^SCRPU2 I '$D(VAUTPS) G ERR W ! K Y S SORT=$$SORT2^SCRPU2() I SORT<1 G ERR W !!,"This report requires 132 column output!" D QUE(.VAUTD,.VAUTT,.VAUTR,VAUTPS,SORT) Q ; QUE(INST,TEAM,ROLE,PSTAT,SORT,IOP,ZTDTH) ;queue report ;INST - institutions selected (variable and array) ;TEAM - teams selected (variable and array) ;ROLE - roles selected (variable and array) ;PSTAT - patient status - 1=all or OPT or AC ;SORT - 1=d,t,ptname 2=d,t,Pt ID 3=d,t,pract,pt name 4=d,t,pract,Pt ID N ZTSAVE,II F II="INST","TEAM","ROLE","ROLE(","SORT","PSTAT","INST(","TEAM(" S ZTSAVE(II)="" W ! D EN^XUTMDEVQ("QENTRY^SCRPTP","Team Patient Listing",.ZTSAVE) Q ; ENTRY2(INST,TEAM,ROLE,PSTAT,SORT,IOP,ZTDTH) ;Second entry point for GUI to use ;INST - institutions selected (variable and array) ;TEAM - teams selected (variable and array) ;ROLE - roles selected (variable and array) ;PSTAT - patient status - 1=all or OPT or AC ;SORT - 1=d,t,ptname 2=d,t,Pt ID 3=d,t,pract,pt name 4=d,t,pract,Pt ID ;IOP - print device ;ZTDTH - queue time (optional) ; ;validate parameters I '$D(INST)!'$D(TEAM)!'$D(ROLE)!'$D(PSTAT)!'$D(SORT)!'$D(IOP)!(IOP="") Q N NUMBER S IOST=$P(IOP,"^",2),IOP=$P(IOP,"^") I IOP?1"Q;".E S IOP=$P(IOP,"Q;",2) I IOST?1"C-".E D QENTRY G RET I ZTDTH="" S ZTDTH=$H S ZTRTN="QENTRY^SCRPTP" S ZTDESC="List of Team's Patients",ZTIO=IOP N II F II="INST","TEAM","ROLE","ROLE(","SORT","PSTAT","INST(","TEAM(","IOP" S ZTSAVE(II)="" D ^%ZTLOAD RET S NUMBER=0 I $D(ZTSK) S NUMBER=ZTSK D EXIT1 Q NUMBER ; QENTRY ;driver entry point S TITL="Team Patient Listing",STORE="^TMP("_$J_",""SCRPTP"")" K @STORE S @STORE=0 D FIND I $O(@STORE@(0))="" S NODATA=$$NODATA^SCRPU3(TITL) I '$D(NODATA) D PRINTIT^SCRPTP2(STORE,TITL) D EXIT2 Q ERR ; EXIT1 ; K ZTDTH,ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTSK,ZTIO,ZTSAVE,SCUP Q EXIT2 ; K @STORE K STOP,STORE,TITL,IOP,TEAM,INST,ROLE,PSTAT,SORT,NODATA Q FIND ; N TIEN,ERR,LIST,OKAY I TEAM=1 D TALL^SCRPPAT3 ;gets all teams for all divisions selected S TIEN="",LIST="^TMP("_$J_",""SCRPTP ARRAY"")",ERR="ERROR" K @LIST,@ERR F S TIEN=$O(TEAM(TIEN)) Q:TIEN="" D .;TIEN - team ien .S OKAY=$$PTTM^SCAPMC2(TIEN,"",LIST,ERR) .; gets all patients for given team .D HITS^SCRPTP3(LIST,TIEN) .K @LIST,@ERR K @LIST,@ERR Q TINF(TIEN) ;team information ;TIEN - team ien ;returns: institution ien ^ team name ^ primary care ^ team phone N PC,PHONE,TNODE,TNAME S TNODE=$G(^SCTM(404.51,TIEN,0)) S TNAME=$P(TNODE,"^") ;team name S PC=$S($P(TNODE,"^",5)=1:"YES",1:"NO") ;primary care team S PHONE=$P(TNODE,"^",2) ;team phone S INS=+$P(TNODE,"^",7) ;institution ien D TDESC^SCRPITP2(TIEN,INS) ;gets team description Q INS_"^"_TNAME_"^"_PC_"^"_PHONE ; PST(PTIEN,CLIEN) ; ;PTIEN - patient ien ;CLIEN - associated clinic ien ;returns 1=selected patient status, 0=not selected patient status ; N EN,NXT,FOUND,ENODE S EN="",(FOUND,NXT)=0 Q:'$D(^DPT(PTIEN,"DE","B",CLIEN)) FOUND S EN=$O(^DPT(PTIEN,"DE","B",CLIEN,"")) I EN=""&(PSTAT=1) S FOUND=1 Q FOUND Q:EN=""!'$D(^DPT(PTIEN,"DE",EN,1)) FOUND F S NXT=$O(^DPT(PTIEN,"DE",EN,1,NXT)) Q:(FOUND)!(NXT="")!(NXT'?.N) D .;check if active enrollment .S ENODE=$G(^DPT(PTIEN,"DE",EN,1,NXT,0)) .I $P(ENODE,"^",3)'="",$P(ENODE,"^",3)DT Q ;not active enrollment .; ^ discharge date ^ enrollment date .Q:$P(ENODE,"^",2)'=$E(PSTAT,1)&(PSTAT'=1) ;not selected patient status .S FOUND=1 Q FOUND ; FORMAT(INS,TIEN,PTIEN,PTNAME,PID,PIEN,PNAME,CNAME,PINF,ROLN,PCAP) ;Format column information ;INS - Institution ien ;TIEN - team ien ;PTIEN - patient ien ;PTNAME - patient name ;PID - SSN ;PIEN - practitioner ien ;PNAME - practitioner name ;CNAME - clinic name ;LAST - last appointment ;NEXT - next appointment ;ROLN - role name ;PCAP - PC? ; N SEC,TRD I PNAME="" S PNAME="[BAD DATA]" I PTNAME="" S PTNAME="[BAD DATA]" I PID="" S PID="*********" S @STORE@("P",INS,TIEN,PNAME,PIEN)="" ;practitioner S @STORE@("PT",INS,TIEN,PTNAME,PTIEN)="" ;patient S @STORE@("PID",INS,TIEN,PID,PTIEN)="" I (SORT=1)!(SORT=2) S SEC=PTIEN,TRD=PIEN ;sort doesn't include practitioner I (SORT=3)!(SORT=4) S SEC=PIEN,TRD=PTIEN ;sort includes practitioner S @STORE@(INS,TIEN,SEC,TRD)=$E(PTNAME,1,15) ;patient name S $E(@STORE@(INS,TIEN,SEC,TRD),18)=PID ;9 digit pid S $E(@STORE@(INS,TIEN,SEC,TRD),32)=$E(PNAME,1,22) ;practitioner name S $E(@STORE@(INS,TIEN,SEC,TRD),56)=$E($G(ROLN),1,22) ;role name S $E(@STORE@(INS,TIEN,SEC,TRD),80)=$G(PCAP) ;PC? S $E(@STORE@(INS,TIEN,SEC,TRD),85)=$P(PINF,"^",8) ;last appointment S $E(@STORE@(INS,TIEN,SEC,TRD),97)=$P(PINF,"^",9) ;next appointment S $E(@STORE@(INS,TIEN,SEC,TRD),109)=$E(CNAME,1,24) ;clinic name Q FORMATAC(SCCNT,CNAME,PINF,INS,TIEN,PTIEN,PTNAME,PID,PIEN,PNAME,ROLN,PCAP) ;Format MULTIPLES ;INS - Institution ien ;TIEN - team ien ;PTIEN - patient ien ;PTNAME - patient name ;PID - last 4 PID - includes pseudo notation as 5th ;PIEN - practitioner ien ;PNAME - practitioner name ;CNAME - clinic name ;LAST - last appointment ;NEXT - next appointment ;ROLN - role name ;PCAP - PC? ; N SEC,TRD I PNAME="" S PNAME="[BAD DATA]" I PTNAME="" S PTNAME="[BAD DATA]" I PID="" S PID="****" S @STORE@("P",INS,TIEN,PNAME,PIEN)="" ;practitioner S @STORE@("PT",INS,TIEN,PTNAME,PTIEN)="" ;patient S @STORE@("PID",INS,TIEN,PID,PTIEN)="" ;last 4 pid N TRD I (SORT=1)!(SORT=2) S SEC=PTIEN,TRD=PIEN ;sort doesn't include practitioner I (SORT=3)!(SORT=4) S SEC=PIEN,TRD=PTIEN ;sort includes practitioner I '$D(@STORE@(INS,TIEN,SEC,TRD,SCCNT)) D .S $E(@STORE@(INS,TIEN,SEC,TRD,SCCNT),85)=$P(PINF,"^",8) ;last appointment .S $E(@STORE@(INS,TIEN,SEC,TRD,SCCNT),97)=$P(PINF,"^",9) ;next appointment .S $E(@STORE@(INS,TIEN,SEC,TRD,SCCNT),109)=$E(CNAME,1,24) ;clinic name .Q Q