SCRPV1B1 ; bp/djb - PCMM Inconsistency Rpt - Print ; 8/25/99 10:04am ;;5.3;Scheduling;**177**;AUG 13, 1993 ; LIST ;List inconsistency descriptions NEW I,NUM,OPT,PAGE,QUIT,TXT,X,Y S QUIT=0 S OPT="Team Assignment/Team/Position" D HD^SCRPV1B F I=1:1:8 D Q:QUIT . S TXT=$T(TXT+I^SCRPV1B) . S NUM=$P(TXT,";",3) . S TXT=$P(TXT,";",4) . ;If error 8, substitute in text. . I TXT["[]" S TXT=$P(TXT,"[]",1)_OPT_$P(TXT,"[]",2) . I $Y>(IOSL-8) D PAUSE^SCRPV1B Q:QUIT . W !! . ;W NUM_". " ;Display inconsistency number . S X=TXT X ^%ZOSF("UPPERCASE") S TXT=Y ;Convert to all caps . W "<> ",TXT . D @("LIST"_NUM) ;Display additional descriptive text. W ! Q LIST1 ; W !?6,"Position exists with patients assigned to the Position, but no staff" W !?6,"member is assigned to that Position." W !?9,"FIX..: Use PCMM GUI" W !?9,"STEPS: Go to Team, go to Position, open Team, clinic on Staff button" W !?9," and assign staff to position." Q LIST2 ; W !?6,"Patient is assigned to a Primary Care Team but has no Primary Care" W !?6,"Practitioner assigned." W !?9,"FIX..: Use VistA options" W !?9,"STEPS: Go to Appointment Management or PCE, enter patient name, type" W !?9," in PC for PC Assign or Unassign, select one of the following:" W !?9," 1. POSITION ASSIGNMENT - BY PRACTITIIONER NAME" W !?9," 2. POSITION ASSIGNMENT - BY POSITION NAME" W !?9," 3. TEAM UNASSIGNMENT" W !?9," Use either #1 or #2 to assign patient." Q LIST3 ; W !?6,"Patient has multiple active Primary Care Practitioners assigned." W !?9,"FIX..: Use PCMM GUI" W !?9,"STEPS: Go to Patient Assignment, enter patient name, double click on" W !?9," team name, open Positions Assignment tab, determine which PCP" W !?9," assigned need to be deleted, highlight that selection, go to" W !?9," EDIT, Position Assignment, then delete. No VistA fix." Q LIST4 ; W !?6,"Associate Provider and Primary Care Provider is the same staff member." W !?9,"FIX..: Use PCMM GUI" W !?9,"STEPS: First determine which position the staff member should be in." W !?9," Under the Patient drop down menu, have 'Show All Team" W !?9," Assignments' checked. Do not check under Team drop down menu," W !?9," 'Active Only'. Under Team, click on speed positions setup" W !?9," button and select team. Primary Care Position Setup screen is" W !?9," displayed, click on one of the positions, either AP or PCP." W !?9," Click the staff button, click the Inactive button and assign" W !?9," an effective date, status, and reason. Close." Q LIST5 ; W !?6,"Associate Provider has not been assigned a Preceptor." W !?9,"FIX..: Use PCMM GUI" W !?9,"STEPS: Go to Team, Positions, double click team that AP is on," W !?9," double click AP's name, click Preceptor button and assign" W !?9," preceptor to AP." Q LIST6 ; W !?6,"Associate Provider is not listed as 'Can Provide Primary Care'." W !?9,"FIX..: Use PCMM GUI" W !?9,"STEPS: Go to Team, Positions, double click AP's name, go to Settings" W !?9," tab and click on 'Can Provide Primary Care'." Q LIST7 ; W !?6,"Primary Care Provider position is not listed as 'Can Provide Primary" W !?6,"Care'." W !?9,"FIX..: Use PCMM GUI" W !?9,"STEPS: Go to Team, Positions, double click PCP's name, go to Settings" W !?9," tab and click on 'Can Provide Primary Care'." Q LIST8 ; W !?6,"An active Position assignment is associated with an inactive Team" W !?6,"assignment, Team, or Position." W !?9,"FIX..: Use PCMM GUI" W !?9,"INACTIVE POSITION" W !?9,"STEPS: Determine if POSITION should be inactive." W !?9," If answer is NO:" W !?9," The position should not be inactive. Reactivate the position." W !?9," If answer is YES:" W !?9," The position should be inactive. Reactive the position so" W !?9," that the patients assigned to this position can be" W !?9," inactivated/reassigned. Then inactivate position." W !?9,"INACTIVE TEAM" W !?9,"STEPS: Determine if TEAM should be inactive." W !?9," If answer is NO:" W !?9," Team should not be inactive. Reactivate the team." W !?9," If answer is YES:" W !?9," Team should be inactive. Reactivate the team so that" W !?9," active patient position assignments can be inactivated or" W !?9," reassigned. Then inactivate team." Q ; BRIEFPOS ;Print POSITION error counts only. NEW ERROR,NUM,NUM1,POS,TM,TXT ; S NUM=0 F S NUM=$O(^TMP("PCMM POSITION",$J,NUM)) Q:'NUM D ; . S TM="" . F S TM=$O(^TMP("PCMM POSITION",$J,NUM,TM)) Q:TM="" D ; .. S POS="" .. F S POS=$O(^TMP("PCMM POSITION",$J,NUM,TM,POS)) Q:POS="" D ; ... S ERROR(NUM\1)=($G(ERROR(NUM\1))+1) ; W !,"Total teams/positions per inconsistency type:" S NUM=0 F S NUM=$O(ERROR(NUM)) Q:'NUM!QUIT D ; . S NUM1=(NUM\1) . S TXT=$T(TXT+NUM1^SCRPV1B) . I $Y>(IOSL-6) D PAUSE^SCRPV1B Q:QUIT . ;W !?3,$P(TXT,";",3)_". " . S TXT=$P(TXT,";",4) . I TXT["[]" D ; .. S TXT=$P(TXT,"[]",1)_"Team Assign/Team/Position"_$P(TXT,"[]",2) . W !?3,TXT_" - "_ERROR(NUM1) Q ; BRIEFPT ;Print PATIENT error counts only. NEW DFN,DFNNAM,ERROR,NUM ; S DFNNAM="" F S DFNNAM=$O(^TMP("PCMM PATIENT",$J,DFNNAM)) Q:DFNNAM="" D ; . S DFN=0 . F S DFN=$O(^TMP("PCMM PATIENT",$J,DFNNAM,DFN)) Q:'DFN D ; .. S NUM=0 .. F S NUM=$O(^TMP("PCMM PATIENT",$J,DFNNAM,DFN,NUM)) Q:'NUM D ; ... S ERROR("PT",NUM\1)=($G(ERROR("PT",NUM\1))+1) ; W !,"Total patients per inconsistency type:" S NUM=0 F S NUM=$O(ERROR("PT",NUM)) Q:'NUM!QUIT D ; . S NUM=NUM\1 . S TXT=$T(TXT+NUM^SCRPV1B) . I $Y>(IOSL-6) D PAUSE^SCRPV1B Q:QUIT . ;W !?3,$P(TXT,";",3)_". " . S TXT=$P(TXT,";",4) . I TXT["[]" D ; .. S TXT=$P(TXT,"[]",1)_"Team Assign/Team/Position"_$P(TXT,"[]",2) . W !?3,TXT_" - "_ERROR("PT",NUM) Q