SCRPW70 ;BP-CIOFO/KEITH,ESW - Clinic appointment availability extract ; 7/8/03 2:23pm ;;5.3;Scheduling;**192,206,223,241,249,291**;AUG 13, 1993 N SDEX,SDDIV,DIR,SDFMT,SDFMTS,SDMAX,SDSORT,SDOUT,X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT N SDREPORT,SDEDT,SDBDT,SDPEDT,SDPBDT,SDPAT,SDPT,SDJN S SDJN=$J S (SDEX,SDOUT)=0 D TITL^SCRPW50("Clinic Appointment Availability Report") I '$$DIVA^SCRPW17(.SDDIV) S SDOUT=1 G EXIT^SCRPW74 D SUBT^SCRPW50("**** Date Range Selection ****") W ! S %DT="AEX",%DT("A")="Beginning date: " D ^%DT I Y<1 S SDOUT=1 G EXIT^SCRPW74 S SDBDT=Y X ^DD("DD") S SDPBDT=Y EDT S %DT("A")=" Ending date: " W ! D ^%DT I Y<1 S SDOUT=1 G EXIT^SCRPW74 I YDT S SDREPORT(1)=1 G QUE G RENS REN I SDBDT>DT S SDREPORT(1)=1 G QUE S DIR(0)="S^CL:ALL CLINICS;CP:CREDIT PAIR SELECTION",DIR("A")="Specify if all clinics or selected clinics by credit pair" S DIR("?")="Indicate if availability should include All clinics or clinics selected by DSS credit pair only." W ! D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SDOUT=1 G EXIT^SCRPW74 S SDFMTS=Y I SDFMTS="CP" D G:SDOUT EXIT^SCRPW74 .S SDSORT=Y I '$$SORT^SCRPW72(.SDSORT) S SDOUT=1 G:SDOUT EXIT^SCRPW74 RENS D SUBT^SCRPW50("**** Report Output Section Selection ****") ROSS S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="YES" N II F II=1:1:5 S SDREPORT(II)=0 I '$G(SDPAT) D .S DIR("A")="Include 'next available' appointment statistics" .W ! D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SDOUT=1 D EXIT^SCRPW74 Q .S SDREPORT(1)=Y .S DIR("A")="Include 'follow up' appointment statistics" .W ! D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SDOUT=1 D EXIT^SCRPW74 Q .S SDREPORT(2)=Y .S DIR("A")="Include 'non-follow up' appointment statistics" .W ! D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SDOUT=1 D EXIT^SCRPW74 Q .S SDREPORT(3)=Y .I SDFMT="D" D ..S DIR("A")="Include list of patient appointments" ..W ! D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SDOUT=1 D EXIT^SCRPW74 Q ..S SDREPORT(4)=Y I $G(SDPAT) D .S DIR("?")="Accept to print report for selected patient(s) or exit" .S DIR("A")="Print individual patient report" D .W ! D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SDOUT=1 D EXIT^SCRPW74 Q .S SDREPORT(5)=Y I '$D(SDREPORT) S SDOUT=1 D EXIT^SCRPW74 Q I 'SDREPORT(1),'SDREPORT(2),'SDREPORT(3),'SDREPORT(4),'SDREPORT(5) D G ROSS .W $C(7),!!,"No output elements selected--at least one must be selected to continue..." QUE I SDBDT'>DT W !!,"This report requires 132 column output!" N ZTSAVE F X="SDREPORT(","SDEX","SDBDT","SDPBDT","SDEDT","SDPEDT","SDDIV","SDDIV(","SDFMT","SDFMTS","SDSORT","SDSORT(","SDPAT","SDJN","^TMP(""SDPAT""," S ZTSAVE(X)="" W ! D EN^XUTMDEVQ("START^SCRPW72","Clinic Appointment Availability Report",.ZTSAVE) S SDOUT=1 G EXIT^SCRPW74 ; RESEND ;Entry point for manually initiating extracts for the current month N DIR,SDXTMP,SDMON,SDI,SDT,DTOUT,DUOUT W !!,$C(7),"NOTE: Use of this utility will result in the transmission of extract data to" W !,"Austin. It should only be used if automatically queued extracts failed to run." M SDXTMP=^XTMP("SD53P192") D QDIS^SCRPW74(.SDXTMP) F SDI=1,2 I $G(SDXTMP("EXTRACT",SDI,"DATE"))
SDNOW D Q:$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q:SDOUT .W !!,"Extract ",SDEX," appears to be queued for the future--" .X ^DD("DD") W !!,"Scheduled for: ",Y,", task number: ",$G(SDXTMP("EXTRACT",SDEX,"TASK")) .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO" .S DIR("A")="Do you want to delete this task and re-schedule extract "_SDEX .W ! D ^DIR Q:$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SDOUT='Y .Q:'Y S ZTSK=$G(SDXTMP("EXTRACT",SDEX,"TASK")) D KILL^%ZTLOAD .K ^XTMP("SD53P192","EXTRACT",SDEX) Q S SDT=$$WHEN^SCRPW74(SDEX),SDRPT=$$MON^SCRPW74(SDEX,SDT,.SDMON) D SCHED^SCRPW74(SDEX,SDT,SDRPT,.SDMON) Q QUEUE(SDMON) ;Queue extraction for re-run ;Input: SDMON=array of input parameters (as described in MON^SCRPW74) N %DT,SDI,Y,ZTSK,ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTSAVE S Y=DT_.22 X ^DD("DD") S %DT("B")=Y,%DT("A")="Queue to run: " S %DT="AEFXR" W ! D ^%DT I Y<1 G QQ S ZTDTH=Y,ZTSAVE("SDMON(")="",ZTRTN="RUN^SCRPW74(0)",ZTIO="" S ZTDESC="Clinic Appointment Wait Time Extract ("_SDMON("SDEX")_")" F SDI=1:1:20 D ^%ZTLOAD Q:$G(ZTSK) QQ I '$G(ZTSK) W !!,"Extract not queued!!!",! Q W !!,"Task number: ",ZTSK,! Q TXXM ;Transmit extract data N SDFAC,SDL,SDIV,SDCP,SC,SDI,SDX,SDEX,SDY,SDZ,SDP,SDSIZE,SDMG,SDMGM S SDFAC=$P($$SITE^VASITE(),U,3),SDXM=1,SDL=0,SDIV="",SDSIZE=0 S SDEX=$S(SDPAST:2,1:1) S SDMG=$P($G(^SD(404.91,1,"PATCH192")),U,(6+SDEX)) S:SDMG="" SDMG="G.SC CLINIC WAIT TIME" ;Set up monitoring mail group S SDMGM="SC CWT EXTRACT MONITOR" S:'$$GOTLOCAL^XMXAPIG(SDMGM) SDMGM="" F S SDIV=$O(^TMP("SD",$J,SDIV)) Q:SDIV="" S SDCP=0 D .F S SDCP=$O(^TMP("SD",$J,SDIV,SDCP)) Q:'SDCP S SC=0 D ..F S SC=$O(^TMP("SD",$J,SDIV,SDCP,SC)) Q:'SC D ...I SDSIZE>29000 D EXXM(SDMG,SDMGM) ;Transmit message if >29K ...;Build record leader string ...;Reporting facility, extract date, extract type ...S SDX="#"_SDFAC_U_SDEXDT_U_SDEX ...;Format version--NOTE: THIS NUMBER MUST INCREMENTED IF THE EXTRACT ...;FORMAT IS MODIFIED (e.g. existing number + 1). Refer to patch ...;SD*5.3*249 documentation for additional information. ...S SDX=SDX_"~5" ...;Report begin date, division, credit pair ...S SDX=SDX_U_SDBDT_U_$P(SDIV,U,2)_U_SDCP_U ...;Clinic ifn and name ...S SDX=SDX_SC_"~"_$$CNAME^SCRPW72(SC)_"~" ...;Maximum days for future booking ...S SDX=SDX_+$P($G(^SC(SC,"SDP")),U,2)_U ...;Build clinic statistics string ...S SDI="" F S SDI=$O(^TMP("SD",$J,SDIV,SDCP,SC,SDI)) Q:SDI="" D ....S SDY=^TMP("SD",$J,SDIV,SDCP,SC,SDI) Q:'$L(SDY) ....F SDP=1:1 S SDZ=$P(SDY,U,SDP) Q:SDZ="" D .....I $L(SDX)>220 D XMTX(SDX) S SDX="" .....S SDX=SDX_$S($E(SDX,$L(SDX))=U:"",1:"|")_SDZ ...I SDEX=1 S SDX=SDX_"$" D XMTX(SDX) Q ...S SDY=$G(^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,SDIV,SDCP,SC)) ;get next ava. info. ...S SDZ=$G(^TMP("SDNAVB",$J,SDIV,SDCP,SC)) ;get additional data ...S SDY=$$NAVA(SDY) D S SDX=SDX_SDY,SDY=$$ADDL^SCRPW72(SDZ) D ....I $L(SDX)+$L(SDY)>240 D .....S SDI=$L(SDX),SDX=SDX_$E(SDY,1,(240-SDI)),SDY=$E(SDY,(241-SDI),999) .....D XMTX(SDX) S SDX="" ...S SDX=SDX_SDY_"$" D XMTX(SDX) D:$D(^TMP("SDXM",$J)) EXXM(SDMG,SDMGM) Q EXXM(XMG,SDMGM) ;Send extract mail message ;Input: XMG=mail group to receive message ;Input: SDMGM=extract monitoring mail group (optional) N XMSUB,XMDUZ,XMDUN,XMTEXT,XMY,XMZ S XMSUB="Clinic Appointment Waiting Time Extract ("_SDEX_")" S (XMDUZ,XMDUN)="Patch SD*5.3*192/Task "_$G(ZTSK) S XMTEXT="^TMP(""SDXM"",$J," S XMY(XMG)="" S:$L($G(SDMGM)) XMY("G."_SDMGM)="" D ^XMD K ^TMP("SDXM",$J) S SDXM=1,SDSIZE=0 Q XMTX(SDX) ;Set mail message line ;Input: SDX=text value S ^TMP("SDXM",$J,SDXM)=SDX,SDXM=SDXM+1,SDSIZE=SDSIZE+$L(SDX) Q NAVA(SDY) ;Format next available appointment information ;Input: SDY=next ava. numbers from ^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,SDCP,SC) N SDI,SDX ;Format 'next available' data S SDX="^" F SDI=0:1:3 D .S:SDI SDX=SDX_"|" .S SDX=SDX_SDI_"~"_+$P(SDY,U,(SDI+SDI+1))_"~"_+$P(SDY,U,(SDI+SDI+2)) ;Format 'follow up'/'non-follow up' appointment data S SDX=SDX_U F SDI=9:2:19 D .S:SDI>9 SDX=SDX_"|" .S SDX=SDX_+$P(SDY,U,SDI)_"~"_+$P(SDY,U,(SDI+1)) S SDX=SDX_U_+$P(SDY,U,21)_"~"_+$P(SDY,U,22) F SDI=23:3:35 D .S SDX=SDX_"|"_+$P(SDY,U,SDI)_"~"_+$P(SDY,U,(SDI+1)) .S SDX=SDX_"~"_+$P(SDY,U,(SDI+2)) ;Format 'appts. w/in 30 days' data S SDX=SDX_U_+$P(SDY,U,38)_"~"_+$P(SDY,U,39) Q SDX