SCRPW77 ;BP-CIOFO/KEITH,ESW - Clinic Appointment Availability Extract (cont.) ; 5/28/03 4:49pm ;;5.3;Scheduling;**223,241,291**;AUG 13, 1993 ; ACCRUE ;Accrue counts and averages to division and division/credit pair totals F S SDCL=$O(^TMP("SDXNAVA",$J,SDCL)) Q:'SDCL D .S SC0=$G(^SC(SDCL,0)) Q:'$L(SC0) Q:'$$CPAIR^SCRPW71(SC0,.SDCP) .S SDIV=$$DIV^SCRPW71(SC0) Q:'$L(SDIV) .Q:'$D(^TMP("SD",$J,SDIV,SDCP,SDCL)) .S:'$D(^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,SDIV,SDCP)) ^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,SDIV,SDCP)="" .I SDMD S:'$D(^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,0,SDCP)) ^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,0,SDCP)="" .S SDX=$P(^TMP("SDXNAVA",$J,SDCL),U,1,8) .S $P(SDX,U,9)=$G(^TMP("SDYNAVA",$J,SDCL)) .S $P(SDX,U,38)=$P(^TMP("SDXNAVA",$J,SDCL),U,9,10) .S SDAVE=$$AVE(SDX),^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,SDIV,SDCP,SDCL)=SDAVE .S:$$AVE2(SDCL,.SDAVE2) ^TMP("SDNAVB",$J,SDIV,SDCP,SDCL)=SDAVE2 .I SDMD S ^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,0,SDCP,SDCL)=SDAVE .F SDI=1:1:18 S $P(^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,SDIV),U,SDI)=$P($G(^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,SDIV)),U,SDI)+$P(SDX,U,SDI) .F SDI=19:1:39 S $P(^TMP("SDZNAVA",$J,SDIV),U,SDI)=$P($G(^TMP("SDZNAVA",$J,SDIV)),U,SDI)+$P(SDX,U,SDI) .I SDMD D ..F SDI=1:1:18 S $P(^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,0),U,SDI)=$P($G(^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,0)),U,SDI)+$P(SDX,U,SDI) ..F SDI=19:1:39 S $P(^TMP("SDZNAVA",$J,0),U,SDI)=$P($G(^TMP("SDNZAVA",$J,0)),U,SDI)+$P(SDX,U,SDI) ..Q .F SDI=1:1:18 S $P(^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,SDIV,SDCP),U,SDI)=$P(^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,SDIV,SDCP),U,SDI)+$P(SDX,U,SDI) .F SDI=19:1:39 S $P(^TMP("SDZNAVA",$J,SDIV,SDCP),U,SDI)=$P($G(^TMP("SDZNAVA",$J,SDIV,SDCP)),U,SDI)+$P(SDX,U,SDI) .I SDMD D ..F SDI=1:1:18 S $P(^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,0,SDCP),U,SDI)=$P(^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,0,SDCP),U,SDI)+$P(SDX,U,SDI) ..F SDI=19:1:39 S $P(^TMP("SDZNAVA",$J,0,SDCP),U,SDI)=$P($G(^TMP("SDZNAVA",$J,0,SDCP)),U,SDI)+$P(SDX,U,SDI) ..Q .S SDT=0 F S SDT=$O(^TMP("SDXNAVA",$J,SDCL,SDT)) Q:SDOUT!'SDT D ..S SDX=$P(^TMP("SDXNAVA",$J,SDCL,SDT),U,1,8) ..S $P(SDX,U,9)=$G(^TMP("SDYNAVA",$J,SDCL,SDT)) ..S $P(SDX,U,38)=$P(^TMP("SDXNAVA",$J,SDCL,SDT),U,9,10) ..S ^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,SDIV,SDCP,SDCL,SDT)=$$AVE(SDX) ..Q .Q S SDIV="" F S SDIV=$O(^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,SDIV)) Q:'$L(SDIV) D .S SDX=^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,SDIV)_U_$P($G(^TMP("SDZNAVA",$J,SDIV)),U,19,39) .S ^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,SDIV)=$$AVE(SDX) .S SDCP=0 F S SDCP=$O(^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,SDIV,SDCP)) Q:'SDCP D ..S SDX=^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,SDIV,SDCP)_U_$P($G(^TMP("SDZNAVA",$J,SDIV,SDCP)),U,19,39) ..S ^TMP("SDNAVA",$J,SDIV,SDCP)=$$AVE(SDX) ..Q .Q K ^TMP("SDWNAVA",$J),^TMP("SDXNAVA",$J),^TMP("SDYNAVA",$J),^TMP("SDZNAVA",$J) Q ; AVE(SDX) ;Calculate averages ;Input: SDX=string of appointment totals and total waiting time ;Output: string of appointment totals and average waiting time N SDI,SDY,SDZ F SDI=2:2:22,24:3:36 D .S SDY=+$P(SDX,U,(SDI-1)),$P(SDX,U,(SDI-1))=SDY .S $P(SDX,U,SDI)=$FN($S(SDY=0:0,1:$P(SDX,U,SDI)/SDY),"",1) .Q:SDI<24 .S $P(SDX,U,SDI+1)=$FN($S(SDY=0:0,1:$P(SDX,U,SDI+1)/SDY),"",1) .Q S SDY=$P(SDX,U)+$P(SDX,U,5),SDZ=+$P(SDX,U,38)*100 S $P(SDX,U,38)=$FN($S(SDY=0:0,1:(SDZ/SDY)),"",1) S SDY=$P(SDX,U,3)+$P(SDX,U,7),SDZ=+$P(SDX,U,39)*100 S $P(SDX,U,39)=$FN($S(SDY=0:0,1:(SDZ/SDY)),"",1) Q SDX ; AVE2(SDCL,SDAVE2) ;Format additional fields ;Input: SDCL=clinic ifn ;Input: SDAVE2=variable to return values (pass by reference) N SDX,SDY,SDI S SDAVE2=$G(^TMP("SDWNAVA",$J,SDCL)) Q:'$L(SDAVE2) 0 S SDY=+$P(SDAVE2,U,8) F SDI=1:1:4 D .S SDX=$P(SDAVE2,U,SDI)*100 .S $P(SDAVE2,U,SDI)=$FN($S(SDY=0:0,1:(SDX/SDY)),"",1) .Q Q 1 ; STOP ;Check for stop task request S:$D(ZTQUEUED) (SDOUT,ZTSTOP)=$S($$S^%ZTLOAD:1,1:0) Q ; OUT4 ;Output patient list N SDY,SDI,SDPNAME,DFN,SDADT I '$O(^TMP("SDPLIST",$J,SC,0)) D Q .S SDY="No appointments scheduled during this date range were found." .W !!?(IOM-$L(SDY)\2),SDY Q S SDI=0 F S SDI=$O(^TMP("SDPLIST",$J,SC,SDI)) Q:SDOUT!'SDI D .S SDPNAME="" .F S SDPNAME=$O(^TMP("SDPLIST",$J,SC,SDI,SDPNAME)) Q:SDOUT!(SDPNAME="") D ..S DFN=0 ..F S DFN=$O(^TMP("SDPLIST",$J,SC,SDI,SDPNAME,DFN)) Q:SDOUT!(DFN="") D ...S SDADT=0 ...F S SDADT=$O(^TMP("SDPLIST",$J,SC,SDI,SDPNAME,DFN,SDADT)) Q:SDOUT!'SDADT D ....S SDATA=^TMP("SDPLIST",$J,SC,SDI,SDPNAME,DFN,SDADT) ....I 'SDXM,$Y>(IOSL-SDFLEN) D FOOTER(SDREPORT),HDR^SCRPW76(1,SDREPORT,SDIV,SDCP,SC) ....Q:SDOUT ....W !,$$DTX(SDI),?13,$E(SDPNAME,1,23),?38,$P(SDATA,U) ....W ?50,$$DTX(SDADT),?69,$$SRTY($P(SDATA,U,2)) ....W ?98,$P(SDATA,U,3),?102,$$DTX($P(SDATA,U,4)) ....W ?115,$S($P(SDATA,U,5)=0:"NO",$P(SDATA,U,5)=1:"YES",1:"") ....W ?120,$J($P(SDATA,U,7),5,0),?127,$J($P(SDATA,U,6),5,0) ....Q ...Q ..Q .Q Q:SDOUT D FOOTER(SDREPORT) Q OUT5(DFN,SC) ;Output patient list N SDY,SDI,SDPNAME,SDADT I '$O(^TMP("SDIPLST",$J,DFN,SC,0)) D Q .S SDY="No appointments scheduled during this date range were found." .W !!?(IOM-$L(SDY)\2),SDY Q S SDI=0 F S SDI=$O(^TMP("SDIPLST",$J,DFN,SC,SDI)) Q:SDOUT!'SDI D .S SDPNAME="" .F S SDPNAME=$O(^TMP("SDIPLST",$J,DFN,SC,SDI,SDPNAME)) Q:SDOUT!(SDPNAME="") D ..S SDADT=0 ..F S SDADT=$O(^TMP("SDIPLST",$J,DFN,SC,SDI,SDPNAME,SDADT)) Q:SDOUT!'SDADT D ...S SDATA=^TMP("SDIPLST",$J,DFN,SC,SDI,SDPNAME,SDADT) ...I 'SDXM,$Y>(IOSL-SDFLEN) D FOOTER(SDREPORT),HDR^SCRPW76(1,SDREPORT,SDIV,SDCP,SC) ...Q:SDOUT ...W !,$$DTXN(SDI),?11,$$SRTY($P(SDATA,U,2)),?31,$$DTXN($P(SDATA,U,4)) ...W ?42,$$DTXN(SDADT),?52,$J($P(SDATA,U,7),5,0) ...W ?59,$J($P(SDATA,U,6),5,0),?69,$P(SDATA,U,3) ...W ?73,$S($P(SDATA,U,5)=0:"NO",$P(SDATA,U,5)=1:"YES",1:"") ...W ?79,$$DTXN($P(SDATA,U,8)),?96,$P(SDATA,U,9),?102,$P($$DTXN($P(SDATA,U,10)),"@") ...I +$P(SDATA,U,11)>0 N SDFN,SDARR,DR,DIQ,DIC,DA D W ?113,$G(SDARR(SDFN,DA,DR,"I")) ....S DR=".01",DIQ="SDARR(",DIQ(0)="I",DIC=200,SDFN=200,DA=$P(SDATA,U,11) D EN^DIQ1 ...Q ..Q .Q Q:SDOUT D FOOTER(SDREPORT) Q ; SRTY(SDSRTY) ;Externalize scheduling request type ;Input: SDSRTY=internal value for request type Q:'$L(SDSRTY) "" Q:SDSRTY="N" "Next available" Q:SDSRTY="C" "Not-next ava-C/R" ;Clinician Request Q:SDSRTY="P" "Not-next ava-P/R" ;Patient Request Q:SDSRTY="W" "Walk in appoint" Q:SDSRTY="M" "Multi booking" Q:SDSRTY="A" "Auto rebook" Q "Not-next available" ; DTX(Y) ;Externalize date X ^DD("DD") Q Y ; DTXN(Y) ;External date formated to abbreviate I +Y=0 S Y="" Q Y X ^DD("DD") N SDSTR S Y=$P(Y,",")_","_$E($P(Y,",",2),3,10) I $L(Y)#2=0 S Y=$E(Y,1,3)_" "_$P(Y," ",2) Q Y ; FOOTER(SDREPORT) ;Print footer ;Input: SDREPORT=report element to print N SDI,SDFL S SDFL=$S(SDREPORT=1:10,SDREPORT=2:8,SDREPORT=5:13,1:9) I SDXM D Q .D XMTX^SCRPW73(" ") S SDI=0 .F S SDI=$O(SDFOOT(SDREPORT,SDI)) Q:'SDI D XMTX^SCRPW73(SDFOOT(SDREPORT,SDI)) .Q F SDI=1:1:80 Q:$Y>(IOSL-SDFL) W ! S SDI=0 F S SDI=$O(SDFOOT(SDREPORT,SDI)) Q:'SDI W !,SDFOOT(SDREPORT,SDI) Q ; FOOT(SDTX) ;Report footer for retrospective report ;Input: SDTX=array to return text I $G(SDREPORT(1)) D .S SDTX(1,1)=SDLINE .S SDTX(1,2)="NOTE: TYPE '0' represents appointments scheduled during the report time frame not indicated by the user or by calculation to be" .S SDTX(1,3)="'next available' appointments. TYPE '1' represents appointments defined by the user as being 'next available' appointments. TYPE" .S SDTX(1,4)="'2' represents appointments calculated to be 'next available' appointments. TYPE '3' represents appointments indicated both by the" .S SDTX(1,5)="user and by calculation to be 'next available' appointments. WAIT TIME is the average number of days from the date an appointment" .S SDTX(1,6)="was scheduled to the date it is to be performed. The '% NNA' and '% NA' columns reflect percentage of appointments scheduled within" .S SDTX(1,7)="30 days for 'non-next available' appointments (types 0 & 2) and 'next available' appointments (types 1 & 3), respectively." .S SDTX(1,8)=SDLINE Q I $G(SDREPORT(2)) D .S SDTX(2,1)=SDLINE .S SDTX(2,2)="NOTE: The date range categories ('0-1', '2-7', '8-30', etc.) are based on the difference between the 'desired date' defined for the" .S SDTX(2,3)="appointment and the date the appointment was performed. 'Wait Time' reflects the average of this difference for all appointments in" .S SDTX(2,4)="each category. 'Follow up' status is determined by encounter activity to the same DSS ID credit pair as the appointment clinic" .S SDTX(2,5)="within the previous 24 months." .S SDTX(2,6)=SDLINE Q I $G(SDREPORT(3)) D .S SDTX(3,1)=SDLINE .S SDTX(3,2)="NOTE: The date range categories ('0-1', '2-7', '8-30', etc.) are based on the difference between the 'desired date' defined for the" .S SDTX(3,3)="appointment and the date the appointment was performed. 'Wait Time1' reflects the average difference between the 'desired date' and" .S SDTX(3,4)="the date the appointment was performed. 'Wait Time2' reflects the average difference between the transaction date (the date the" .S SDTX(3,5)="appointment was entered by the Scheduling package user) and the date the appointment was performed. 'Non-follow up' status is" .S SDTX(3,6)="determined by the absence of encounter activity to the same DSS ID credit pair as the appointment clinic in the previous 24 months." .S SDTX(3,7)=SDLINE Q I $G(SDREPORT(4)) D .S SDTX(4,1)=SDLINE .S SDTX(4,2)="NOTE: 'Next Ava. Ind.' Values--'0' = not indicated by the user or calculation to be a 'next available' appointment, '1' = defined" .S SDTX(4,3)="by the user as a 'next available' appointment, '2' = indicated by calculation to be a 'next available' appointment, '3' = indicated" .S SDTX(4,4)="by the user and by calculation to be a 'next available' appointment. 'Wait Time1' = the difference between the 'date desired' and" .S SDTX(4,5)="the date of the appointment. 'Wait Time2' = the difference between the 'date scheduled' and the date of the appointment." .S SDTX(4,6)=SDLINE Q I $G(SDREPORT(5)) D FOOT^SCRPW78(.SDTX,SDLINE) Q Q