SCUTIE2 ;ALB/SCK - IEMM LIST MANAGER UTILITIES; 16-JUN-97 ;;5.3;Scheduling;**66**;AUG 13, 1993 ; Q ENTRY(SDYX) ; Get entry for incomplete encounter lookup. Mimics the selection process in ; Appointment Management, but allows for the additional selection of an error code from ; the Transmitted OP ENC Error Code file. ; ; Input: ; SDYX - Pointer to return variable for the IEN of the selected Patient, Clinic, or Error code ; ; Sets SDENTYP as follows: ; P - Patient Selection ; C - Clinic Selection ; E - Error Code Selection ; S DIR(0)="FA",DIR("A")="Select Patient name, Clinic name, or Error Code: " S DIR("?")="Enter as P.patient name, name, or E.error name" S DIR("??")="^D HELP^SCUTIE2" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) S VALMQUIT="" G ENQ ; I $E(Y,1,2)="P."!($E(Y,1,2)="p.") D G ENQ . S SDYX=$$LOOKUP($P(Y,".",2),2) . S SDENTYP="P" ; I $E(Y,1,2)="C."!($E(Y,1,2)="c.") D G ENQ . S SDYX=$$LOOKUP($P(Y,".",2),44) . S SDENTYP="C" ; I $E(Y,1,2)="E."!($E(Y,1,2)="e.") D G ENQ . S SDYX=$$LOOKUP($P(Y,".",2),409.76) . S SDENTYP="E" ; S SDYX=$$MULTLKUP(Y) ENQ Q $G(SDYX)>0 ; LOOKUP(X,SCG) ; Look up IEN for the specified file ; ; Input: ; X - Lookup value for the DIC call ; SCG - The file to do the lookup on ; ; Returns Y = the IEN of the selected entry ; S DIC=SCG,DIC(0)="EMQ" D ^DIC Q $G(Y) ; MULTLKUP(SD1) ; Lookup entry for unspecified selection file. Try searching the patient ; file, hospital location file, and the transmitted OP ENC error code file for ; a possible match. ; ; Input: ; SD1 - Lookup value ; ; Returns Y = The IEN of the selected entry ; N Y,X,SCVAL,DUOUT,DTOUT ; S SD1=$$UPPER^VALM1(SD1) ; First pass, try patient file for match W !!,"Searching for patient ",SD1 K DIC S DIC=2,DIC(0)="EM",X=SD1 D ^DIC K DIC I +Y>0 S SCVAL=$$OK E S SCVAL=0 I $G(SCVAL)<0 Q -1 I $G(SCVAL)'=0 S SDENTYP="P" G MLTQ ; ; Second pass, try hospital location file for match W !!,"Searching for Clinic ",SD1 K DIC S DIC=44,DIC(0)="EM",X=SD1 D ^DIC K DIC I +Y>0 S SCVAL=$$OK E S SCVAL=0 I SCVAL<0 Q -1 I SCVAL'=0 S SDENTYP="C" G MLTQ ; ; Final pass, try error file for match W !!,"Searching for Error Code ",SD1 K DIC S DIC=409.76,DIC(0)="EM",X=SD1 D ^DIC K DIC I +Y>0 S SCVAL=$$OK E S SCVAL=0 I SCVAL<0 Q -1 I SCVAL'=0 S SDENTYP="E" G MLTQ MLTQ Q $G(Y) ; OK() ; Ask user if displayed entry is ok for selection. ; Return 1 if Ok, 0 if not N Y K DIRUT,DIR W ! S DIR(0)="SA^Y:Yes;N:No",DIR("A")=" ...OK? ",DIR("B")="Yes" S DIR("?")="Answer with Yes to accept, or No to ignore" D ^DIR K DIR Q $S($D(DIRUT):-1,1:Y="Y") ; HELP ; ; W !?2,"Enter P.patient name to select a specific patient," W !?2," name to select a specific clinic, or E.Error Name" W !?2,"to select a specific error.",! W !?2,"If selecting a specific error by its description it may be" W !?2,"necessary to enter more than three characters(Ex. E.Abxxxx)." W !?2,"Because this is a descriptive field, case sensitivity applies.",! W !?2,"If just a name is entered, any matches will be displayed in" W !?2,"patient, clinic, error code order. You will have the option" W !?2,"of selecting or ignoring the choice.",! Q