SD53105C ;ALB/JRP - BULLETINS FOR PATCH 105;12-MAR-1997 ;;5.3;Scheduling;**105,132**;Aug 13, 1993 ; BULL1 ;Generate/send completion bulletin for cleanup #1 (see EN^SD53105A) ; ;Input : ^TMP($J,"SD53105A") defined as follows ; ^("XMIT") = Total Checked ; ^ Total deleted because of bad Encounter ptr ; ^ Total deleted because of bad Del Enc ptr ; ^ Total marked for retransmission ; ^("DEL") = Total Checked ^ Total Deleted ; ^("ERR") = Total Checked ^ Total Deleted ; ^("TIME") = Start (FM) ^ End (FM) ; ^("STOP") = Task asked to stop (1/0) ;Output : None ;Notes : Existance of ^TMP($J,"SD53105A") is assumed ; ;Declare varibales N XMB,XMTEXT,XMY,XMDUZ,XMZ,NODE,LINE ;Initialize bulletin space K ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1") S LINE=1 ;Asked to stop I (^TMP($J,"SD53105A","STOP")) D .S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",LINE)="*** Note that process was asked to stop and did not run to completion ***" .S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",(LINE+1))=" " .S LINE=LINE+2 ;Time summary S NODE=^TMP($J,"SD53105A","TIME") S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",LINE)="Process began on "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(NODE,"^",1))_" and completed on "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(NODE,"^",2)) S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",(LINE+1))=" " S LINE=LINE+2 ;Transmitted Outpatient Encounter file summary S NODE=^TMP($J,"SD53105A","XMIT") S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",LINE)="A total of "_(+$P(NODE,"^",1))_" entries in the Transmitted Outpatient Encounter file were" S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",(LINE+1))="checked and "_(+$P(NODE,"^",2))_" of them were deleted because of bad pointers to the" S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",(LINE+2))="Outpatient Encounter file and "_(+$P(NODE,"^",3))_" of them were deleted because of bad" S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",(LINE+3))="pointers to the Deleted Outpatient Encounter file. In addition to this," S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",(LINE+4))=(+$P(NODE,"^",4))_" entries were marked for re-transmission because they were rejected and" S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",(LINE+5))="did not contain a reason for rejection in the Transmitted Outpatient" S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",(LINE+6))="Encounter Error file." S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",(LINE+7))=" " S LINE=LINE+8 ;Deleted Outpatient Encounter file summary S NODE=^TMP($J,"SD53105A","DEL") S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",LINE)="A total of "_(+$P(NODE,"^",1))_" entries in the Deleted Outpatient Encounter file were" S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",(LINE+1))="checked and "_(+$P(NODE,"^",2))_" of them were deleted because an associated entry in the" S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",(LINE+2))="Transmitted Outpatient Encounter file could not be found." S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",(LINE+3))=" " S LINE=LINE+4 ;Transmitted Outpatient Encounter Error file summary S NODE=^TMP($J,"SD53105A","ERR") S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",LINE)="A total of "_(+$P(NODE,"^",1))_" entries in the Transmitted Outpatient Encounter Error file" S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",(LINE+1))="were checked and "_(+$P(NODE,"^",2))_" of them were deleted because of bad pointers to the" S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",(LINE+2))="Transmitted Outpatient Encounter file." S ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1",(LINE+3))=" " S LINE=LINE+4 ;Send completion bulletin S XMB="SCDX AMBCARE TO NPCDB SUMMARY" S XMB(1)="ACRP cleanup of files 409.73, 409.74, and 409.75" S XMTEXT="^TMP($J,""SD53105-BULL1""," S XMY(DUZ)="" S XMDUZ="ACRP - SD*5.3*105" D ^XMB ;Done - clean up and quit K ^TMP($J,"SD53105-BULL1") Q ;