SD53P496 ;ALB/ESW - SD*5.3*496 POST INIT; Oct 04, 2006 ; 10/23/06 5:40pm ; 4/16/07 5:27pm ;;5.3;SCHEDULING;**496**;AUG 13, 1993;Build 11 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;Clean ^GMR(123,"F" cross-reference, used to search by patient to ;get REQUEST/CONSULTATION ien, through verification that each cross- ;reference entry has its corresponding REQUEST/CONSULTATION entry pointed to. Q ; POST ; N SDA S SDA(1)="",SDA(2)=" SD*5.3*496 Post-Install .....",SDA(3)="" D ATADDQ S SDA(1)=" >> Verifying if )'^GMR(123,""F"",SDPT,SDIN)' have corresponding" S SDA(2)=" '0' entries in the REQUEST/CONSULTATION file (# 123), and remove them if not." N SDPT,SDIN,DA,SDREF,CNT S CNT=0 S SDPT="" F S SDPT=$O(^GMR(123,"F",SDPT)) Q:SDPT'>0 D .S SDIN="" F S SDIN=$O(^GMR(123,"F",SDPT,SDIN)) Q:SDIN="" D ..I $G(^GMR(123,SDIN,0))="" S CNT=CNT+1 D S SDREF=^GMR(123,"F",SDPT,SDIN) K ^(SDIN),SDREF ...N SDA ...S SDA(1)="Entry "_SDIN_" - Patient DFN= "_SDPT_" does not have '0' node" ...S SDA(2)=" ""F"" - cross-reference deleted." ...D ATADDQ I 'CNT N SDA S SDA(1)=" No bad ""F"" cross-references identified" E N SDA S SDA(1)=" "_CNT_" 'hanging' ""F"""_" cross-references identified" S SDA(2)=" SD*5.3*496 Post-Install finished." D ATADDQ Q ; ATADDQ D MES^XPDUTL(.SDA) K SDA Q