SDAM5 ;MJK/ALB - Appt Mgt (HELP) ; 12/1/91 ;;5.3;Scheduling;;Aug 13, 1993 ; HLP ; -- help for list I $D(X),X'["??" D HLPS,PAUSE^VALM1 G HLPQ D CLEAR^VALM1 F I=1:1 S SDX=$P($T(HELPTXT+I),";",3,99) Q:SDX="$END" D PAUSE^VALM1:SDX="$PAUSE" Q:'Y W !,$S(SDX["$PAUSE":"",1:SDX) W !,"Possible actions are the following:" D HLPS,PAUSE^VALM1 S VALMBCK="R" HLPQ K SDX,Y Q ; HLPS ; -- short help S X="?" D DISP^XQORM1 W ! Q ; HELPTXT ; -- help text ;;Enter actions(s) by typing the name(s), or abbreviation(s). ;; ;;ACTION PRE-SELECTION: ;; Actions may be pre-selected by separating them with ";". ;; ;; For example, "AL;CI" will advance through the 2 menus, ;; automatically selecting the actions. In this example, the user ;; would be selecting the 'Appointment List Menu' and then the ;; 'Checked In' list. ;; ;;LIST ENTRY PRE-SELECTION: ;; Entries from appointment list can be pre-selected in the following ;; manner: ;; CI=1 ...will process entry #1 for check in ;; CI=3 4 5 ...will process entries 3,4,5 for check in ;; CI=1-3 ...will process entries 1,2,3 for check in ;; ;; If no entry is pre-selected, the user will be prompted for a ;; selection. ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;$PAUSE ;;$END ;;MULTIPLE ACTION SELECTION: ;; More than one action can be selected in the following manner: ;; ;; Select Action: CL,CD ...user will select a clinic and then ;; be asked to enter a new date range ;; ;; CL,AL;NA ...user will select a clinic and then ;; all 'NO ACTION TAKEN' appointments ;; will be listed. ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;$END ;