SDAMOWP1 ;ALB/CAW - Appointment Waiting Time Print Routine ; 12/1/91 ;;5.3;Scheduling;**12,20**;Aug 13, 1993 ; HDR ; -- print header ; N Y D HDRD ; I $D(SDNO) D NO G HDR1 I SDSORT=1!(SDSORT=2) W !,?70," Clinic: ",$E(LEVEL1,1,23) I SDSORT=3!(SDSORT=4) W !,?70,"Stop Code: ",$E(LEVEL1,1,23) ; HDR1 W !,"Sorted By: ",$P($T(SORT1+SDSORT),";;",2) I SDSORT'=5,$D(^TMP("SDWTTOT",$J,+SDDIV,LEVEL1,"PRIM")) W ?70," Total: ",+^("PRIM") I SDSORT=5,$D(^TMP("SDWTTOTD",$J,+SDDIV,"DIV")) W ?70," Total: ",+^("DIV") ; W !,SDASH I SDSEL=1 W !,"Patient",?20,"ID",?26,$S("^3^4^5^"[(U_SDSORT_U):"Clinic",1:""),?46,"Check-In",?62,"Appointment",?78,"Elapsed",?92,"Check-Out",?109,"Elapsed",?120,"Total" I SDSEL=1 W !,?46,"Date/Time",?62,"Date/Time",?78,"Time",?92,"Date/Time",?109,"Time",?120,"Time",!,SDASH HDRQ Q ; HDRD ; Print header with dates ; W @IOF,"Appointment Waiting Time Report",?51,"Report Date: ",$P($$NOW^VALM1,":",1,2) S SDPAGE=SDPAGE+1 W ?108,"Page: ",SDPAGE W !,SDASH ; W !,"Dates : ",$$FDATE^VALM1(SDBEG)," to ",$$FDATE^VALM1(SDEND) I $D(SDNO) D NODIV G HDRDQ S SDDIVNAM=$E($S($D(^DG(40.8,+SDDIV,0)):$P(^(0),U),1:""),1,SDLEN) I SDDIVNAM'="" W ?70," Division: ",SDDIVNAM HDRDQ Q ; HDRT(SORT) ; Print header for totals ; N SRT S SRT=$G(SORT) W !,$S("^1^2^"[(U_SRT_U):"Clinic","^3^4^"[(U_SRT_U):"Stop Code",1:"Division"),?40,"Appointments",?56,"Total CI Time",?71,"Total CO Time",?86,"Average Pre",?101,"Average Post",?116,"Average Total" W !,?86,"Waiting Time",?101,"Waiting Time",?116,"Waiting Time" W !,SDASH Q TOT(WHAT,LEVEL1,DIV) ; Print totals ; N TOTAL,TOTAL1,TOTAL2,TOTAL3,TOTAL4 I WHAT="PRIM" S TOTAL=$G(^TMP("SDWTTOT",$J,+DIV,LEVEL1,"PRIM")) I WHAT="DIV" S TOTAL=$G(^TMP("SDWTTOTD",$J,+DIV,"DIV")) I WHAT="GRAND" S TOTAL=$G(^TMP("SDWTTOTG",$J,"GRAND")) S TOTAL1=$P(TOTAL,U,1),TOTAL2=$P(TOTAL,U,2),TOTAL3=$P(TOTAL,U,3),TOTAL4=$P(TOTAL,U,4) W !,$G(LEVEL1) W ?40,TOTAL1 W ?56,$$HRS^SDAMOWP(TOTAL2) W ?71,$$HRS^SDAMOWP(TOTAL3) W ?86,$$HRS^SDAMOWP($P((TOTAL2/TOTAL1),".")) W ?101,$$HRS^SDAMOWP($P((TOTAL3/TOTAL1),".")) W ?116,$$HRS^SDAMOWP($P((TOTAL4/TOTAL1),".")) TOTQ Q ; SORT1 ; -- hdr labels for sort ;;DIVISION, CLINIC, PATIENT ;;DIVISION, CLINIC, APPOINTMENT DATE/TIME ;;DIVISION, STOP CODE, CLINIC ;;DIVISION, STOP CODE, PATIENT ;;DIVISION, PATIENT, APPOINTMENT DATE/TIME ;;$$END Q ; TOTP(SORT,DIV,LEVEL1) ; Print totals ; D HDRD,HDRT(SORT) F S LEVEL1=$O(^TMP("SDWTTOT",$J,+DIV,LEVEL1)) Q:LEVEL1=""!(SDQUIT) D .D CHECK(SORT) Q:SDQUIT .D TOT("PRIM",LEVEL1,DIV) Q:SDQUIT W !,SDASH1 D TOT("DIV","TOTAL",DIV),LEGEND D PAUSE^SDAMOWP Q ; CHECK(SORT) ; check to see if header should be printed I 'SDPAGE D HDRT(SORT) Q I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-",($Y+6)>IOSL D PAUSE^VALM1 I 'Y S SDQUIT=1 Q I ($Y+6)>IOSL W @IOF D HDRT(SORT) Q ; LEGEND ; Print legend on bottom ; W !!,?5,"o Check-In Date/Time - Time the patient first checks in at the clinic reception area." W !,?5,"o Appointment Date/Time - Time of the veteran's scheduled appointment." W !,?5,"o Elapsed Time(s) - 1. The elapsed period of time from the patient checking in at the clinic to the appointment time. " W !,?5," (Appointment time minus Check-In time)" W !,?5,"o 2. The elapsed period of time from the appointment time to the time the patient checks out." W !,?5," (Check-Out time minus Appointment Time)" W !,?5,"o Total Waiting Time - The elapsed period of time from the patient's check-in date/time to the time leaving the clinic" W !,?5," after service is completed. (Check-Out time minus Check-In time)" LEGENDQ Q ; NODIV ; Print divisions when no appts found ; N DIV S DIV="" W !,?70,"Division(s): " I VAUTD=1 W "All" G NODIVQ F S DIV=$O(VAUTD(DIV)) Q:DIV="" W ?83,VAUTD(DIV),! NODIVQ Q ; NO ; Print stop code or clinic when no appts found ; N SDWHAT S SDWHAT="" W !,?72,$S(SDSORT=1!(SDSORT=2):"Clinic(s): ",SDSORT=3!(SDSORT=4):"Stop Code(s): ",1:"") I SDSORT=1!(SDSORT=2),VAUTC=1 W "All" G NOQ I SDSORT=1!(SDSORT=2) F S SDWHAT=$O(VAUTC(SDWHAT)) Q:SDWHAT="" W ?83,VAUTC(SDWHAT),! I SDSORT=3!(SDSORT=4),VAUTS=1 W "All" G NOQ I SDSORT=3!(SDSORT=4) F S SDWHAT=$O(VAUTS(SDWHAT)) Q:SDWHAT="" W ?87,VAUTS(SDWHAT),! NOQ Q