SDP333P ;bpiofo/swo sd*5.3*333 post init ;;5.3;Scheduling;**333**;July 23, 2003 ;PAIT Clean-UP remove all entries from file 409.6 I $P($G(^SDWL(409.6,0)),"^",4)=0 D Q . W !,"File 409.6 has no entries - nothing to clean up." N DIR W !,"SD*5.3*333 POST INIT" S DIR(0)="YA^^",DIR("A")="Clean-Up file 409.6? ",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("?")="If this is the first installation of the patch answer 'YES'" S DIR("?",1)="ATTENTION: Answering 'YES' will delete all entries from file 409.6" S DIR("?",2)="(Patient Appointment Information Transmission). This is CORRECT" S DIR("?",3)="for a first installation of the patch. If you are re-installing the" S DIR("?",4)="patch and want to keep the entries in 409.6 answer 'NO'" D ^DIR Q:'Y S ZTDTH=$H,ZTRTN="START^SDP333P",ZTIO="" S ZTDESC="PAIT Clean-Up" K ZTSK D ^%ZTLOAD I '$D(ZTSK) D Q . W !,"Failed to create Task!" W !,"PAIT Clean-UP Task Submitted. Task number: "_$G(ZTSK) W !,"Members of the SD-PAIT mail group will receive a notification message" W !,"when the clean-up job has completed." Q START ;tasked entry point N DA,DIK,SDV1 S DIK="^SDWL(409.6," S SDV1=0 F S SDV1=$O(^SDWL(409.6,SDV1)) Q:'SDV1 D . S DA=SDV1 D ^DIK K DIK MSG ; N SDAMX,XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,XMDUZ S XMSUB=$P($$SITE^VASITE(),"^",3)_" PAIT Clean-Up" S XMY("G.SD-PAIT")="" S XMY("S.SD-PAIT-SERVER@FORUM.VA.GOV")="" S XMTEXT="SDAMX(" S XMDUZ="POSTMASTER" S SDAMX(1)="" S SDAMX(2)="The PAIT Clean-Up, task #"_$G(ZTSK)_", from the post installation" S SDAMX(3)="of SD*5.3*333 has completed. You may resume post installation activities." D ^XMD