SDPMHLA ; BPFO/JRC - HL 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT HANDLER ; 3/30/04 11:20am ;;5.3;SCHEDULING;**313**;AUG 13, 1993 ; ;==================================================================== ;Additional Performance Monitors process acknowledgement routine ; ;This routine takes and enhanced mode acknowledgement message ;from Austin passes it to HL7 and it matches it to the originating ;message from the information contained in the message ID. ; ;Input ; Acknowledgment message from AAC ;Output ; Bulletin to 'SD PM NOTIFICATION TIU' when a rejection message ; is found ;==================================================================== ACKR01 ; Receives the ACK messages ; Input : All variables set by the HL7 package N SDACK,SDPARAM,HLNODE,I,X ;Get message text S ^TMP("SDPRUACK",$H)="START PROCESS" F I=1:1 X HLNEXT Q:(HLQUIT'>0) D . S SDMSG(I,1)=HLNODE . ; Check for segment length greater than 245 . S X=0 F S X=+$O(HLNODE(X)) Q:('X) S SDMSG(I,(X+1))=HLNODE(X) ; M ^TMP("SDPRUACK",$H,"HL")=SDMSG ; Analyze the message and take appropriate response ; Quit if there is no valid message header Q:$P(SDMSG(1,1),"^")'="MSH" ; S X=1,SDPARAM="" F S X=+$O(SDMSG(X)) Q:('X) D . I $P(SDMSG(X,1),"^")="MSA" D .. D PROCESS(SDMSG(X,1),.SDPARAM) Q ; NOTIFY ; Task sending of response notification Q:$O(SDPARAM(""))="" D SENDIT Q SENDIT ; Notify mail group that a error message was received ; Input : MSGARY() - Array containing HL7 Message received ; Ouput : None N MSGTXT,XMY,XMTEXT,XMDUZ,XMDT,XMZ,LINE,XMB,XMCHAN,XMSUB ; S MSGTEXT(1)=" " S MSGTEXT(2)="TIU's Performance Indicator National Rollup encountered an error while" S MSGTEXT(3)="processing HL7 message '"_MSGID_"'. If necessary, use option 'Performance" S MSGTEXT(4)="Monitor Retransmit Report (AAC)' to retransmit it." S MSGTEXT(5)=" " S MSGTEXT(6)="Encounter date range: "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(STADATE,1)_" to "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(ENDDATE,1) S MSGTEXT(7)=" " S MSGTEXT(8)="Please contact Austin Automation Center's help desk." S XMSUB="SD ENC PERF MON Error Message" S XMTEXT="MSGTEXT(" S XMY("G.SD PM NOTIFICATION TIU")="" S XMCHAN=1 S XMDUZ="Performance Indicator" ;S XMB="SDPM REJECT" S XMDT=DT D ^XMD Q ; PROCESS(SDMSG,SDPARAM) ;Process incoming acknowledgment ; N ACK,MSGID,PMSG,MNODE,STADATE,ENDDATE ; Q:$G(SDMSG)']"" ; S ACK=$P(SDMSG,HL("FS"),2) ; Get acknowledgment code ; If the acknowledgementcode is AA, then do not send notification Q:ACK="AA" ; Get outgoing message ID S MSGID=$P(SDMSG,HL("FS"),3) S MSGID=$E(MSGID,4,$L(MSGID)) ; Set rejection message for SDPM acknowledgement message S:'(ACK="AA") SDPARAM(4)=$S(ACK="AE":"Application Error",ACK="AR":"Application Reject",1:"Unknown Error") ; Retrieve HL7 parent message ID S PMSG=$P($G(^HL(772,MSGID,0)),HL("FS"),8) ;IA # 4069 ; Retrieve HL7 message 'OBR' node S MNODE=^HL(772,MSGID,"IN",1,0) ;IA # 4069 ; Retrieve date range S RANGE=$P($G(^HL(772,MSGID,"IN",1,0)),HL("FS"),28) ;IA # 4069 S STADATE=$P($G(RANGE),"~",4),ENDDATE=$P($G(RANGE),"~",5) ; Convert date from HL7 to FM format S STADATE=$$HL7TFM^XLFDT(STADATE),ENDDATE=$$HL7TFM^XLFDT(ENDDATE) D NOTIFY Q