SDSCPRM ;ALB/JAM/RBS - ASCD Site Parameter Edit ; 1/19/07 12:43pm ;;5.3;Scheduling;**495**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 50 ;;MODIFIED FOR NATIONAL RELEASE from a Class III software product ;;known as Service Connected Automated Monitoring (SCAM). ; ;**Program Description** ; This program allows the supervisor to modify the number of days ; to check for 'checked out' encounters that need to evaluate the ; Service Connected flag. Q EN ; Entry point N SITE,SDTYPE,DIC,PARAM S SITE=+$$SITE^VASITE() Q:'SITE S PARAM=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","SDSC SITE PARAMETER",0)) Q:'PARAM D EDIT^XPAREDIT(SITE_";DIC(4,",PARAM_"^SDSC SITE PARAMETER") Q