SDUL40 ;ALB/MJK - Screen Malipulation Utilities (cont.) ; 12/1/91 ;;5.3;Scheduling;;Aug 13, 1993 ; FIND ; -- find text in list N START,BEG,SDQUIT,SDULHIT S DIR(0)="F^2:50",DIR("A")="Search for" S:$D(SDULFIND) DIR("B")=SDULFIND S DIR("?")="Enter from two to fifty characters." D ^DIR K DIR I "^"[Y G FINDQ S SDULFIND=Y,(BEG,START)=SDULBG,FINISH=SDULCNT F D SEARCH(START,FINISH) D D:SDULHIT UPD(SDULHIT,SDULFIND,"") Q:$D(SDQUIT) .I 'SDULHIT,BEG=1 D PAUSE^SDUL1 S SDQUIT="" Q .I SDULHIT,BEG=1,SDULHIT=SDULCNT D PAUSE^SDUL1 S SDQUIT="" Q .I 'SDULHIT!(SDULHIT=SDULCNT),BEG'=1,$$BEG S FINISH=BEG-1,(BEG,START)=1 Q .I 'SDULHIT!(SDULHIT=SDULCNT),BEG'=1 S SDQUIT="" Q .W ! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="Yes",DIR("A")="Find Next '"_SDULFIND_"'" D ^DIR K DIR .I Y S START=SDULHIT+1 Q .S SDQUIT="" FINDQ D FINISH^SDUL4 Q ; BEG() ; -- ask if ok to start from top W !!,"<<< End of list >>>" S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to start at the beginning of the list",DIR("B")="Yes" D ^DIR K DIR Q Y ; SEARCH(START,FINISH) ; -- search to end or first hit ; input: START := line to start search on ; FINISH := line to end search on ; N Y,X,L,CNT S SDULHIT="",CNT=0 S SDULBCK="" D:SDULCC RESET^SDUL4 W !,"...searching for '"_SDULFIND_"'" F I=START:1:FINISH S CNT=CNT+1 W:'(CNT#100) "." I $$UPPER^SDUL1(@SDULAR@(I,0))[$$UPPER^SDUL1(SDULFIND) S SDULHIT=I Q I 'SDULHIT W *7,!!,"Text not found." G SEARCHQ I SDULCC D .I SDULHITSDULST) S SDULBG=SDULHIT D LST^SDUL4,PAINT^SDUL4 .D UPD(SDULHIT,SDULFIND,"REV") D PGUPD^SDUL4 I 'SDULCC S SDULBG=SDULHIT D REFRESH^SDUL SEARCHQ Q ; UPD(LINE,TEXT,ATTR) ; -- set/unset video attribute on text ; input: LINE := number of line ; TEXT := chars to set attribute on ; ATTR := attribute to use ; N ATTRON,ATTROFF,Y,LEN,POS I 'SDULCC G UPDQ S Y=@SDULAR@(LINE,0),LEN=$L(TEXT),POS=0,(ATTRON,ATTROFF)="" I ATTR="REV" S ATTRON=IORVON,ATTROFF=IORVOFF F S POS=$F($$UPPER^SDUL1(Y),$$UPPER^SDUL1(TEXT),POS) Q:'POS D INSTR^SDUL1(ATTRON_$E(Y,POS-LEN,POS-1)_ATTROFF,POS-LEN,SDUL("TM")+(LINE-SDULBG),LEN,0) UPDQ Q ;