SDVSIT2 ;ALB/RMO/MJK - Encounter Utilities;28 DEC 1992 10:00 am ;;5.3;Scheduling;**27,44,132**;08/13/93 ;; ; ; GETAPT(DFN,SDT,SDCL,SDVIEN) ;Look-up Outpatient Encounter IEN for Appt ; Input -- DFN Patient file IEN ; SDT Appointment Date/Time ; SDCL Hospital Location file IEN for Appt ; SDVIEN Visit file pointer [optional] ; Output -- Outpatient Encounter file IEN N Y S Y=+$P($G(^DPT(DFN,"S",SDT,0)),"^",20) I 'Y D APPT^SDVSIT(DFN,SDT,SDCL,$G(SDVIEN)) S Y=+$P($G(^DPT(DFN,"S",SDT,0)),"^",20) IF Y D VIEN(Y,$G(SDVIEN)) Q +$G(Y) ; GETAE(SDVIEN,SDATYPE,SDOPE) ;Look-up Outpatient Encounter IEN for add/edit ; Input -- SDVIEN Visit file pointer ; SDATYPE Appointment Type [optional] ; SDOEP Parent encounter ien [optional] ; ; Output -- Outpatient Encounter file IEN N Y S Y=+$O(^SCE("AVSIT",SDVIEN,0)) I 'Y D AEUPD^SDVSIT(SDVIEN,$G(SDATYPE),$G(SDOPE)) S Y=+$O(^SCE("AVSIT",SDVIEN,0)) IF Y D VIEN(Y,SDVIEN) Q +$G(Y) ; GETDISP(DFN,SDT,SDVIEN) ;Look-up Outpatient Encounter IEN for disposition ; Input -- DFN Patient file IEN ; SDT Disposition Date/Time ; SDVIEN Visit file pointer [optional] ; Output -- Outpatient Encounter file IEN N Y S Y=+$P($G(^DPT(DFN,"DIS",9999999-SDT,0)),"^",18) I 'Y D DISP^SDVSIT(DFN,SDT,$G(SDVIEN)) S Y=+$P($G(^DPT(DFN,"DIS",9999999-SDT,0)),"^",18) IF Y D VIEN(Y,$G(SDVIEN)) Q +$G(Y) ; OKAE(SDOE) ; -- is add/edit ok for credit N Y,X S Y=1 S X=$G(^SCE(SDOE,0)) I $$REQ^SDM1A(+X)="CO",'$P(X,U,7) S Y=0 Q Y ; VIEN(SDOE,SDVIEN) ; -- stuff in Visit IEN if not already set ; -- needed for those sites that don't have ; scheduling turned on in Visit Tracking ; Required input SDOE = Outpatient Encounter pointer ; SDVIEN = Visit file pointer or null or zero ; ; -- quit if no vien passed G VIENQ:'SDVIEN N Y,SDOE0 S SDOE0=$G(^SCE(+SDOE,0)) ; -- quit is no encounter G VIENQ:SDOE0="" ; -- set visit ien if vien not already set IF '$P(SDOE0,U,5) D . N DIE,DA,DR . S DIE="^SCE(",DA=SDOE,DR=".05////"_SDVIEN D ^DIE IF '$P(SDOE0,U,4) D . N DIE,DA,DR,SDLOC . S SDLOC=$P($G(^AUPNVSIT(SDVIEN,0)),U,22) . IF SDLOC S DIE="^SCE(",DA=SDOE,DR=".04////"_SDLOC D ^DIE VIENQ Q ;