SDWL120 ;IOFO BAY PINES/esw- EWL- 120 delay appt message;05/28/2006 ; Compiled April 9, 2007 14:19:00 ;;5.3;scheduling;**446**;AUG 13, 1993;Build 77 ; MESS(DFN,SDWLDA,SDPR) ; ; SDWLDA - EWL IEN to 409.3 ; SDPR - flag indicating creation of 409.32 clinic entry ; 0 - no entry ; 1 - entry created S ^TMP("SDWL120",$J,.01)="An open Wait List entry was created with a 120 days flag, indicating that it" S ^TMP("SDWL120",$J,.02)="was not possible to schedule an appointment for the listed clinic within" S ^TMP("SDWL120",$J,.03)="120 days of the desired date." S ^TMP("SDWL120",$J,.04)="" N SDAPPT,Y S ^TMP("SDWL120",$J,.05)="An EWL Entry was created for the following patient," S ^TMP("SDWL120",$J,.06)="" S ^TMP("SDWL120",$J,.07)=$$FORM^SDFORM("PATIENT NAME",23,"SSN",12,"EWL",35) S ^TMP("SDWL120",$J,.08)="--------------------------------------------------------------------------" S ^TMP("SDWL120",$J,.09)=$$FORM^SDFORM($E($$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",.01,"I"),1,25),23,$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",.09,"I"),12,$$GET1^DIQ(409.3,SDWLDA_",",8),35) S ^TMP("SDWL120",$J,.1)="" I SDPR S ^TMP("SDWL120",$J,.11)="SD WL CLINIC LOCATION parameter entry created." N XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,XMDUZ S XMSUB="EWL opened entry with a 120 days flag" S XMY("G.SD EWL BACKGROUND UPDATE")="" S XMTEXT="^TMP(""SDWL120"",$J," S XMDUZ="POSTMASTER" D ^XMD K ^TMP("SDWL120",$J) Q ; MESS2(SC) ; ; SC - pointer to file 44 S ^TMP("SDWL120",$J,.01)="An attempt has been made to create an EWL Entry after the lack of" S ^TMP("SDWL120",$J,.02)="any availability on the clinic," S ^TMP("SDWL120",$J,.03)=$$GET1^DIQ(44,SC,.01) S ^TMP("SDWL120",$J,.04)="within 120 days of a patient's desired date." S ^TMP("SDWL120",$J,.05)="" S ^TMP("SDWL120",$J,.06)="The clinic has no linked Institution or Division which are required" S ^TMP("SDWL120",$J,.07)="to create the association with a Wait List." N XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,XMDUZ S XMSUB="EWL Location entry could not be created" S XMY("G.SD EWL BACKGROUND UPDATE")="" S XMTEXT="^TMP(""SDWL120"",$J," S XMDUZ="POSTMASTER" D ^XMD K ^TMP("SDWL120",$J) Q