SDWLAPI ;;IOFO BAY PINES/TEH - WAIT LIST API;06/12/2002 ; 20 Aug 2002 2:10 PM ;;5.3;scheduling;**263**;AUG 13 1993 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ASK1 ;Prompt for putting Patient on Waiting List ; ;Check Wait List file for Patient on Wait List. ; S Y=0,DIR(0)="YA0^^" S DIR("A")="Do you want to place this Patient on a Waiting List? No // " D ^DIR K DIR("A"),DIR(0) I 'Y!(Y="")!($D(DUOUT)) D NEW^SDWLE(DFN) ;-Call Wait List Enter/Edit Module. Q ASK2 ;If appointment is made and the Patient is on the Waiting List for the Clinic/Specialty prompt S DIR(0)="YAO^^" S DIR("A",1)="This Patient is currently on the Waiting List for this Clinic/Specialty." S DIR("A")="Do you wish to remove from List Yes // " D ^DIR K DIR("A"),DIR(0) I 'Y D .S DIE="^SDWL(409.3",DA=SDWLDA,DR="18Reason for Not Dispositioning: " D EDIT^SDWLDISP END Q