SDWLMSG ;IOFO BAY PINES/DMR - EWL-SC PRIORITY BACKGROUND MESSAGES;09/02/2004 2:10 PM [5/12/05 2:58pm] ; Compiled June 7, 2006 11:07:43 ; Compiled May 1, 2007 15:08:25 ;;5.3;scheduling;**327,394,446**;AUG 13, 1993;Build 77 ; MESS ;Send message 1 S ^TMP("SDWLQSC1",$J,.01)="Patient Name SSN OLD-EWL/SC % NEW-EWL/SC % PRIORITY" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC1",$J,.02)="------------ --- ------------ ------------ --------" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC1",$J,.03)="" N XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,XMDUZ S XMSUB="EWL SC Patient Update with SC Priority" S XMY("G.SD EWL BACKGROUND UPDATE")="" S XMTEXT="^TMP(""SDWLQSC1"",$J," S XMDUZ="POSTMASTER" D ^XMD K ^TMP("SDWLQSC1",$J) Q MESS1 ;Send message 2 S ^TMP("SDWLQSC2",$J,.01)="Patient Name SSN OLD-EWL/SC % NEW-EWL/SC % MULTI-ENTRIES" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC2",$J,.02)="------------ --- ------------ ------------ -------------" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC2",$J,.03)="" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC2",$J,.04)="** NOTE: EWL SC PRIORITY MAY REQUIRE MANUAL UPDATE. PLEASE REVIEW **" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC2",$J,.05)="" N XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,XMDUZ S XMSUB="EWL SC Patient Update with SC Percentage Change" S XMY("G.SD EWL BACKGROUND UPDATE")="" S XMTEXT="^TMP(""SDWLQSC2"",$J," S XMDUZ="POSTMASTER" D ^XMD K ^TMP("SDWLQSC2",$J) Q MESS2 ; S ^TMP("SDWLQSC3",$J,.01)="This message displays any pending appointments in the EWL file which have" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC3",$J,.02)="a status of 'CANCELED BY CLINIC', there may be further action required if" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC3",$J,.03)="the patient still needs an appointment." S ^TMP("SDWLQSC3",$J,.04)="" N SDFORM S SDFORM=$$FORM^SDFORM("PATIENT NAME",32,"CLINIC",27,"DATE/TIME of APPT",21) D ;added .S ^TMP("SDWLQSC3",$J,.05)=SDFORM S ^TMP("SDWLQSC3",$J,.06)="-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC3",$J,.07)="" N XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,XMDUZ S XMSUB="EWL appointment entries with a status of 'CANCELED BY CLINIC'." S XMY("G.SD EWL BACKGROUND UPDATE")="" S XMTEXT="^TMP(""SDWLQSC3"",$J," S XMDUZ="POSTMASTER" D ^XMD K ^TMP("SDWLQSC3",$J) Q MESS3 ; S ^TMP("SDWLQSC4",$J,.01)="This message displays the number of open Wait List entries that are tied to" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC4",$J,.02)="an Inactive Clinic. These Wait List entries may require further action," S ^TMP("SDWLQSC4",$J,.03)="please review." S ^TMP("SDWLQSC4",$J,.04)="" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC4",$J,.05)="CLINIC and NUMBER of WAIT LIST entries" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC4",$J,.06)="" N XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,XMDUZ S XMSUB="INACTIVE CLINICS with OPEN WAIT LIST entries." S XMY("G.SD EWL BACKGROUND UPDATE")="" S XMTEXT="^TMP(""SDWLQSC4"",$J," S XMDUZ="POSTMASTER" D ^XMD K ^TMP("SDWLQSC4",$J) Q MESS4 ;PCMM Inactivative Team Report S ^TMP("SDWLQSC5",$J,.01)="This message displays any PCMM Teams that have been inactivated" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC5",$J,.02)="and have patients waiting on the Wait List. The PCMM Teams" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC5",$J,.03)="are displayed along with the number of open Wait List entries." S ^TMP("SDWLQSC5",$J,.04)="" N XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,XMDUZ S XMSUB="Wait List PCMM Inactive Team Report" S XMY("G.SD EWL BACKGROUND UPDATE")="" S XMTEXT="^TMP(""SDWLQSC5"",$J," S XMDUZ="POSTMASTER" D ^XMD K ^TMP("SDWLQSC5",$J) Q MESS5 ;PCMM Position Inactivation Report S ^TMP("SDWLQSC6",$J,.01)="This message displays any PCMM Positions that have been inactivated" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC6",$J,.02)="and have patients waiting on the Wait List. The PCMM Positions" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC6",$J,.03)="are displayed along with the number of open Wait List entries." S ^TMP("SDWLQSC6",$J,.04)="" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC6",$J,.05)="Team Position Team Open EWL Entries" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC6",$J,.06)="" N XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,XMDUZ S XMSUB="Wait List PCMM Inactive Position Report" S XMY("G.SD EWL BACKGROUND UPDATE")="" S XMTEXT="^TMP(""SDWLQSC6"",$J," S XMDUZ="POSTMASTER" D ^XMD K ^TMP("SDWLQSC6",$J) Q MESS6 ;Date of Death error message S ^TMP("SDWLQSC7",$J,.01)="This message displays any patient on the Wait List who had " S ^TMP("SDWLQSC7",$J,.02)="a Date of Death entered in error. The Wait List entry is" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC7",$J,.03)="reopened and may require additional follow-up." S ^TMP("SDWLQSC7",$J,.04)="" N XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,XMDUZ S XMSUB="Wait List Date of Death Error Report" S XMY("G.SD EWL BACKGROUND UPDATE")="" S XMTEXT="^TMP(""SDWLQSC7"",$J," S XMDUZ="POSTMASTER" D ^XMD K ^TMP("SDWLQSC7",$J) Q MESS7 ;PCMM Team available slots S ^TMP("SDWLQSC8",$J,.01)="This message displays any PCMM Teams that have open EWL entries" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC8",$J,.02)="waiting - and now have open slots available. Message displays" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC8",$J,.03)="PCMM Team and number of open slots and number of EWL entries waiting" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC8",$J,.04)="for that PCMM Team." S ^TMP("SDWLQSC8",$J,.05)="" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC8",$J,.07)="" N XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,XMDUZ S XMSUB="PCMM Team Report of Available Slots" S XMY("G.SD EWL BACKGROUND UPDATE")="" S XMTEXT="^TMP(""SDWLQSC8"",$J," S XMDUZ="POSTMASTER" D ^XMD K ^TMP("SDWLQSC8",$J) Q MESS8 ;PCMM Position available open slots S ^TMP("SDWLQSC9",$J,.01)="This message displays any PCMM Positions that have open EWL entries" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC9",$J,.02)="waiting - and now have open slots available. Message displays" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC9",$J,.03)="PCMM Position and number of open slots and number of EWL entries waiting" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC9",$J,.04)="for that PCMM Position." S ^TMP("SDWLQSC9",$J,.05)="" S ^TMP("SDWLQSC9",$J,.07)="" N XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,XMDUZ S XMSUB="PCMM Positions Report of Available Slots" S XMY("G.SD EWL BACKGROUND UPDATE")="" S XMTEXT="^TMP(""SDWLQSC9"",$J," S XMDUZ="POSTMASTER" D ^XMD K ^TMP("SDWLQSC9",$J) Q MESS9(DFN) ; S ^TMP("ENC",$J,.01)="This message displays any open EWL Clinic (C) or Specialty (S) type entries" S ^TMP("ENC",$J,.02)="along with the date/time of the first identified encounter or appointment for" S ^TMP("ENC",$J,.03)="that patient (in the same Clinic or Specialty) entered after the origination" S ^TMP("ENC",$J,.04)="date of the EWL entry." S ^TMP("ENC",$J,.05)="" S ^TMP("ENC",$J,.06)="Please review, and Disposition the EWL entry if the encounter/appointment has" S ^TMP("ENC",$J,.07)="satisfied the need for the EWL entry." N SDFORM S SDFORM=$$FORM^SDFORM("PATIENT NAME",22,"CLINIC",18,"EWL Type-Org. Date",25,"Date/Time of Appt",21) D ;added .S ^TMP("ENC",$J,.08)=SDFORM S ^TMP("ENC",$J,.09)="-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" N SSN S SSN=$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",.09,"I"),SSN=$E(SSN,1,3)_"-"_$E(SSN,4,5)_"-"_$E(SSN,6,10) S ^TMP("ENC",$J,.1)=SSN N XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,XMDUZ S XMSUB="EWL entries with existing, related appointment/encounter." S XMY("G.SD EWL BACKGROUND UPDATE")="" S XMTEXT="^TMP(""ENC"",$J," S XMDUZ="POSTMASTER" D ^XMD K ^TMP("ENC",$J) Q