SDYCENR ;ALB/CAW - CLINIC ENROLLMENT ; 7/18/94 ;;5.3;Scheduling;**21**;Aug 13, 1993 ; EN N SDFLAG,SDASH,SDPAGE,SDQUIT D WRT,INIT S %ZIS="PMQ" D ^%ZIS I POP G ENQ I '$D(IO("Q")) D LOOP G ENQ S Y=$$QUE ENQ K SDASH,SDPAGE,SDQUIT D:'$D(ZTQUEUED) ^%ZISC Q ; INIT ; Init variables S $P(SDASH,"=",80)="",SDPAGE=0,SDQUIT=0 Q LOOP ; Loop through the enrollment info N SDCLIN,SDCLN,SDENR,SDENROL,SDPAT K ^DPT("AEB1") K ^TMP("EN2",$J) S SDPAT=0 F S SDPAT=$O(^DPT(SDPAT)) Q:'SDPAT D .S SDCLN=0 F S SDCLN=$O(^DPT(SDPAT,"DE",SDCLN)) Q:'SDCLN S SDCLIN=^(SDCLN,0) D ..S SDENR=0 F S SDENR=$O(^DPT(SDPAT,"DE",SDCLN,1,SDENR)) Q:'SDENR S SDENROL=^(SDENR,0) D ...S ^DPT("AEB1",+SDCLIN,+SDENROL,SDPAT,SDCLN,SDENR)="" ...D LOOP1 D ^SDYCENR1 Q ; LOOP1 ; Find inactive enrollments with no date of discharge I ($P(SDCLIN,U,2)="I"&('$P(SDENROL,U,3))) S SDPT=$G(^DPT(SDPAT,0)) Q:SDPT="" D .S ^TMP("EN2",$J,$P(SDPT,U),$P(SDPT,U,9),$P($G(^SC(+SDCLIN,0)),U))="" Q WRT ; W !,"The following will provide a listing which will include patients that " W !,"have an inactive enrollment with no date of discharge. Because the " W !,"date of discharge cannot be automatically determined, the dates of " W !,"discharge will have to be entered manually via the 'Edit Clinic " W !,"Enrollment Data' option.",! Q ; QUE() ; -- que job ; return: did job que [ 1|yes 0|no ] ; K ZTSK,IO("Q") S ZTDESC="Enrollment Information Report",ZTRTN="LOOP^SDYCENR" S (ZTSAVE("SDPAGE"),ZTSAVE("SDASH"),ZTSAVE("SDQUIT"))="" D ^%ZTLOAD W:$D(ZTSK) " (Task: ",ZTSK,")" Q $D(ZTSK)