SOWKQAM5 ;B'HAM ISC/SAB,DLR-Routine to print quality mgmt. monitor V report ; 20 Apr 93 / 7:58 AM [ 09/26/94 8:44 AM ] ;;3.0; Social Work ;**34,53,64**;27 Apr 93;Build 6 ;Reference to GETPLIST^SDAMA202 supported by IA #3869 ;Reference to ^DIC(40.7 supported by IA #557 ; BEG W ! S %DT="AEXP",%DT("A")="ALL CASES STARTING FROM: " D ^%DT G:"^"[X CLOS G:Y'>0 BEG S SB1=Y X ^DD("DD") S SBA=Y END W ! S %DT("A")="ALL CASES ENDING: " D ^%DT G:"^"[X CLOS G:Y'>0 END S SE1=Y X ^DD("DD") S SEA=Y I SE1IOSL CHK D:$G(OUT)'=1 OUT Q HDR1 W !!?45,"Department of Veterans Affairs",!?45,$P(^DD("SITE"),"^")_" ("_$P(^DD("SITE",1),"^")_")",!?40,"Social Work Information Management System",!?45,"Quality Management Monitor V" W !?40,"Access to Social Work Services by Location",!,"Date: "_$E(DT,4,5)_"/"_$E(DT,6,7)_"/"_$E(DT,2,3),?60,"Reporting Period "_SBA_" to "_SEA,! W !?34,"Stop",?60,"# Pats. Open/",?86,"Total # Patients",?116,"% Population",!,"Clinic",?34,"Code",?46,"Location",?60,"# PT. Visits",?86,"Treatment Episodes",?118,"Served",! Q OUT W !,$P(^SC($P(SWCL(CDC),"^"),0),"^"),?35,$P(SWCL(CDC),"^",2) W ?46,$P(SWCL(CDC),"^",3),?65,$J($P(SWCL(CDC),"^",4),3,0),?91,$J($P(SWCL(CDC),"^",5),3,0),?119,$S(+$P(SWCL(CDC),"^",5):$J(+$P(SWCL(CDC),"^",4)/+$P(SWCL(CDC),"^",5)*100,3,0),1:$J("0",3,0)) S TOT1=TOT1+$P(SWCL(CDC),"^",4),TOT2=TOT2+$P(SWCL(CDC),"^",5) Q CHK ; N SWXX I $E(IOST)["C" R !,"Press to continue: ",SWXX:DTIME I SWXX["^" S OUT=1 W @IOF Q W @IOF D HDR1 Q