SPN21E ;SD/CM- ENVIRONMENT CHECK FOR SPN*2.0*21;8/20/2003 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;**21**;01/02/97 ; EN ;ENTRY N ROU,TEST,VER,X,ZAP,P20 S ROU="SPNFMENU" D CHK I $G(ZAP)=1 S XPDABORT=2 W !,"***SPN*2.0*21 ABORTED***",! D EXIT Q I $G(ZAP)=1 S XPDABORT=2 W !,"***SPN*2.0*21 ABORTED***",! D EXIT Q W !,"***Environment is fine***",! K ROU,TEST,VER,ZAP,P20 Q CHK ;CHECK FOR PATCH SPN*2*20 S X="S TEST=$T(+2^"_ROU_")" X X S VER=$P(TEST,";",3),P20=$P(TEST,";",5) I VER="" W !,"This account is missing some SPN routines!" S ZAP=1 Q I VER'[2 W !,"This is not the current version of Spinal Cord!" S ZAP=1 Q I P20'[20 W !,"Routine: ",ROU," is missing patch SPN*2*20" S ZAP=1 Q EXIT ; K ROU,TEST,VER,ZAP,P20 Q