SPNAHOCH ;HISC/DAD-AD HOC REPORTS: HELP TEXT ;9/9/96 09:27 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;;01/02/1997 ; EN(SPNLABEL) ; *** Print the help text N SP,X Q:$T(@SPNLABEL)="" F SP=1:1 S X=$P($T(@SPNLABEL+SP),";;",2,99) Q:X=U W !,X Q H1 ;; *** Sort help ;;Macro functions: [L Load sort macro [S Save sort macro ;; [O Output macro [I Inquire sort macro [D Delete sort macro ;; ;;Sort prefixes: (e.g. enter +1 to turn on totaling for field 1) ;; + Totalled fields - Reverse sort order ! Sequence/ranking number ;; # New page on sort @ Suppress sub-header ' Range without sorting ;; ;;Sort suffixes: (e.g. enter 1;C5 to print the field 1 sub-header at column 5) ;; ;Cn - Start the sub-header ;Ln - Use the first n characters of ;; caption at column n a field value for sorting ;; ;Sn - Skip n lines every time the ;"xxx" - Use xxx as the sub-header ;; sort field value changes caption, for no caption ;"" ;; ;TXT - Force digits to be sorted ;; as strings not as numbers ;;^ H2 ;; *** Print help ;;Macro functions: [L Load print macro [S Save print macro ;; [O Output macro [I Inquire print macro [D Delete print macro ;; ;;Print prefixes: (e.g. enter !1 to turn on counting for field 1) ;; & Total ! Count + Total, Count & Mean ;; # Total, Count, Mean, Maximum, Minimum, and Standard Deviation ;; ;;Print suffixes: (e.g. enter 1;C5 to print the field 1 value at column 5) ;; ;Cn - Start output at column n ;Yn - Start output at line n ;; Use ;C-n to start output n Use ;Y-n to start output n ;; columns from the right margin lines from the bottom margin ;; ;Ln - Left justify data in an ;Rn - Right justify data in an ;; output field of n characters output field of n characters ;; Will truncate the output Will not truncate the output ;; ;Wn - Wrap output in a field of n ;X - Omit spaces between print ;; characters, breaks at word fields and suppress the ;; divisions, default wrap ;W column header ;; ;Sn - Skip n lines before printing ;Dn - Output numeric value with n ;; Use ;S to skip one line decimal places (rounds off) ;; ;N - Do not print duplicated data ;T - Use field Title as header ;; ;"" - Suppress column header ;"xxx" - Use xxx as column header ;;^ H3 ;; *** Beginning sort help ;; ;; Enter the beginning sort value or press to start with BEGINNING. ;;^ H4 ;; *** Ending sort help ;; ;; Enter the ending sort value or press to stop with ENDING. ;;^ H5 ;; *** Report header help ;; Enter header (60 characters maximum), press ;; for standard VA FileMan header, ^ to exit. ;;^ H6 ;; *** Routine name ;; ;; Enter the name of a MUMPS routine that will be used ;; by the Ad Hoc Report Generator. The routine name must ;; start with an uppercase letter and may continue with ;; numbers and uppercase letters. The routine name must ;; be from 2 to 8 characters in length. ;;^ H7 ;; *** Field name ;; ;; Enter the menu text that will appear on the Ad Hoc ;; sort/print menus. Must be 2 to 30 characters. ;;^ H8 ;; *** No records to print message help ;; ;; If no data is found that meets the user's sort criteria a ;; 'NO RECORDS TO PRINT' message will automatically be produced. ;; Answer 'NO' to this question to suppress this message. ;;^ H9 ;; *** Menu header help ;; ;; Enter the text you want displayed at the top of the sort ;; and print menu screens. The header will be 'Text' followed ;; by 'Ad Hoc Report Generator'. The header text is optional ;; and may be null. To suppress the header altogether enter '@'. ;; The header text must be from 0 to 45 characters in length. ;;^ H10 ;; *** Check/update macro checksum help ;; ;; Enter 'YES' to change the checksum for this macro. ;; Enter 'NO' to leave the checksum for this macro as is. ;; Enter 'ALL' to change the checksum for all macros. ;; Enter '^' to exit. ;;^ H11 ;; *** Sort criteria in header ;; ;; Answer 'YES' to include the sort criteria ;; in the report header, otherwise answer 'NO'. ;;^ H12 ;; *** Sort from/to look-up screen ;; ;; Enter MUMPS code that contains an IF statement. After execution, ;; if $T is set to 1 the entry is selectable, otherwise it is not. ;; For pointers, the naked indicator will equal the zero node of ;; the entry being screened. The variable Y represents the record ;; number for pointers, and the internal code for sets of codes. ;;^