SPNLGE ; ISC-SF/GMB - SCD GATHER EXTRACTS FOR SHIPMENT ;6/29/95 09:18 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;;01/02/1997 INIT(ABORT) ; Call this once, before you start the extract process S SPNDATE=DT ; variables used by ADDREC & FINISHUP subroutines ; Get facility number from the site parameters file S SPNFACNR=$P($G(^SPNL(154.91,1,0)),U,1) Q:SPNFACNR>0 W !,"Facility number in site parameters file ^SPNL(154.91 is not initialized!" S ABORT=1 Q EXTRACT(DFN,FDATE,TDATE,CLEARTXT,ABORT) ; Call this for each registry patient ; DFN Patient's internal entry number in the Patient file ; FDATE "From" date ; TDATE "Thru" date, default=today ; CLEARTXT 1=translate all codes to their meaning, ; 0=don't translate codes (default=0) ; ABORT Set and returned by this routine. Initially set to 0 ; Set to 1 if any errors are noticed. ; (Actually, right now, ABORT will always be 0) N SPNSSN,SPNRECNR ; variables used by ADDREC subroutine N VADM,VA I '$D(TDATE) S TDATE=DT I '$D(CLEARTXT) S CLEARTXT=0 S ABORT=0 D DEM^VADPT S SPNSSN=$$EN^SPNLGUCD(VA("PID")) S SPNRECNR=0 D EXTRACT^SPNLGEAA(DFN,CLEARTXT,.ABORT) Q:ABORT S SPNRECNR=0 D EXTRACT^SPNLGEFM(DFN,CLEARTXT,.ABORT) Q:ABORT ;S SPNRECNR=0 D EXTRACT^SPNLGECH(DFN,FDATE,TDATE,CLEARTXT,.ABORT) Q:ABORT ;S SPNRECNR=0 D EXTRACT^SPNLGEDM(DFN,FDATE,TDATE,CLEARTXT,.ABORT) Q:ABORT ;S SPNRECNR=0 D EXTRACT^SPNLGEIP(DFN,FDATE,TDATE,CLEARTXT,.ABORT) Q:ABORT ;S SPNRECNR=0 D EXTRACT^SPNLGEOP(DFN,FDATE,TDATE,CLEARTXT,.ABORT) Q:ABORT ;S SPNRECNR=0 D EXTRACT^SPNLGERA(DFN,FDATE,TDATE,CLEARTXT,.ABORT) Q:ABORT ;S SPNRECNR=0 D EXTRACT^SPNLGERX(DFN,FDATE,TDATE,CLEARTXT,.ABORT) Q:ABORT ;S SPNRECNR=0 D EXTRACT^SPNLGEUD(DFN,FDATE,TDATE,CLEARTXT,.ABORT) Q:ABORT S ^TMP("SPNX",$J,SPNDATE,SPNFACNR,SPNSSN)=TDATE Q ADDREC(TYPE,RECORD) ; Add the record to the others gathered. ; This routine is called by the above extractors. S SPNRECNR=SPNRECNR+1 S ^TMP("SPNX",$J,SPNDATE,SPNFACNR,SPNSSN,TYPE,SPNRECNR)=RECORD Q FINISHUP(FACINFO) ; Call this once, after the extract process is finished S ^TMP("SPNX",$J,SPNDATE,SPNFACNR)=FACINFO K SPNDATE,SPNFACNR Q