SPNLGICP ; ISC-SF/GMB - SCD GATHER CURRENT PATIENT DATA; 4 JUL 94 [ 07/12/94 8:19 AM ] ;6/23/95 11:30 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;;01/02/1997 GATHER(DFN) ; ; DFN Patient's internal entry number in the Patient file ; Data will be rolled up into the following global: ; ^TMP("SPN",$J,"CP", (The node at this level has the total patient count) ; with the following nodes: ; name^ssn) "Deceased", if dead; "", otherwise N VADM,VA,NAME,SSN,STATUS D DEM^VADPT ; Get patient demographics S NAME=VADM(1) S SSN=VA("PID") S STATUS=$S(VADM(6)>0:"Deceased",1:"") S ^TMP("SPN",$J,"CP",NAME_"^"_SSN)=STATUS S ^("CP")=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"CP"))+1 ; count of current patients Q