SPNLGRRX ; ISC-SF/GMB - SCD GATHER OUTPATIENT PHARMACY DATA;11 MAY 94 [ 08/08/94 1:26 PM ] ;6/23/95 11:42 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;;01/02/1997 ROLLUP(DFN,FDATE,TDATE,HI) ; ; DFN Patient's internal entry number in the Patient file ; FDATE "From" date ; TDATE "Thru" date, default=today ; HI 1=keep track of individual patient usage ; 0=don't keep track ; Data will be rolled up into the following global: ; ^TMP("SPN",$J,"RX", ; with the following nodes: ; "PAT") # patients with at least 1 fill ; "FILLS") # fills of all drugs ; "FILLS",-fills) # patients with this many fills of all drugs ; "COST",-cost) # patients whose total drug cost is in this ; dollar range (cost thru cost+99) ; "VAL",-value) # patients whose total drug value is in this ; dollar range (value thru value+99) ; "DRUG",drugnr) # fills for this drug ; "DRUG",drugnr,"NAME") name of this drug ; "DRUG",drugnr,"PAT") # patients who had this drug ; "DRUG",drugnr,"COST") actual cost of all fills for this drug ; "DRUG",drugnr,"VAL") current value of all fills for this drug ; "DRUG",drugnr,"QTY") total quantity of all fills for this drug ; "DRUG",drugnr,"FILLS",-fills) # patients who had this many fills of this drug ; ...and track usage by individual patient ranked by: ; "HI","H1",-fills,-diff drugs,-cost,DFN) ; "HI","H2",-cost,-fills,-diff drugs,DFN) ; "HI","H3",-fills,-diff drugs,-value,DFN) ; "HI","H4",-value,-fills,-diff drugs,DFN) N EXPDATE,RECNR,ZEROREC,TWOREC,ZDRUGNR,FILLS,COST,RANGE,UNITVAL N FILLDATE,QTY,SUBRECNR,TOTFILLS,TOTCOST,TOTVAL,NDDRUGS I '$D(TDATE) S TDATE=DT ; We are interested in any drug whose prescription 'expiration' or ; 'cancel' date falls on or after the 'from' date. ; We are going to take only the fills or refills which occurred ; during the 'from'-'thru' date range. S (TOTFILLS,TOTCOST)=0 S EXPDATE=FDATE-.000001 ; for each expiration date F S EXPDATE=$O(^PS(55,DFN,"P","A",EXPDATE)) Q:EXPDATE'>0 D . S RECNR=0 ; for each prescription on that date . F S RECNR=$O(^PS(55,DFN,"P","A",EXPDATE,RECNR)) Q:RECNR'>0 D . . S TWOREC=$G(^PSRX(RECNR,2)) ; follow ptr to get prescripton info . . Q:TWOREC="" . . S FILLDATE=$P(TWOREC,U,2) . . Q:FILLDATE>TDATE . . S ZEROREC=$G(^PSRX(RECNR,0)) . . Q:ZEROREC="" . . S ZDRUGNR=+$P(ZEROREC,U,6) . . S (FILLS,COST,QTY)=0 . . I FILLDATE'TDATE D TRACKIT(.FILLS,.COST,.QTY,$P(ZEROREC,U,7),$P(ZEROREC,U,17)) . . S SUBRECNR=0 ; for each refill of the drug . . F S SUBRECNR=$O(^PSRX(RECNR,1,SUBRECNR)) Q:SUBRECNR'>0 D . . . S ZEROREC=$G(^PSRX(RECNR,1,SUBRECNR,0)) . . . S FILLDATE=$P(ZEROREC,U,1) . . . Q:FILLDATETDATE) . . . D TRACKIT(.FILLS,.COST,.QTY,$P(ZEROREC,U,4),$P(ZEROREC,U,11)) . . Q:'FILLS . . S TOTFILLS=TOTFILLS+FILLS . . S TOTCOST=TOTCOST+COST . . S FILLS(ZDRUGNR)=$G(FILLS(ZDRUGNR))+FILLS . . S QTY(ZDRUGNR)=$G(QTY(ZDRUGNR))+QTY . . S ^("COST")=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"RX","DRUG",ZDRUGNR,"COST"))+COST Q:TOTFILLS=0 S ^("PAT")=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"RX","PAT"))+1 S ^("FILLS")=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"RX","FILLS"))+TOTFILLS S ^(-TOTFILLS)=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"RX","FILLS",-TOTFILLS))+1 S RANGE=TOTCOST\100*100 S ^(-RANGE)=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"RX","COST",-RANGE))+1 S (TOTVAL,NDDRUGS)=0,ZDRUGNR="" ; for each drug F S ZDRUGNR=$O(FILLS(ZDRUGNR)) Q:ZDRUGNR="" D . S NDDRUGS=NDDRUGS+1 ; number of different drugs . S ^("PAT")=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"RX","DRUG",ZDRUGNR,"PAT"))+1 . S FILLS=FILLS(ZDRUGNR) . S ^(ZDRUGNR)=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"RX","DRUG",ZDRUGNR))+FILLS . S ^(-FILLS)=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"RX","DRUG",ZDRUGNR,"FILLS",-FILLS))+1 . S ^("QTY")=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"RX","DRUG",ZDRUGNR,"QTY"))+QTY(ZDRUGNR) . S UNITVAL=+$P($G(^PSDRUG(ZDRUGNR,660)),U,6) ; current price . S TOTVAL=QTY(ZDRUGNR)*UNITVAL+TOTVAL S RANGE=TOTVAL\100*100 S ^(-RANGE)=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"RX","VAL",-RANGE))+1 Q:'HI S ^TMP("SPN",$J,"RX","HI","H1",-TOTFILLS,-NDDRUGS,-TOTCOST,DFN)="" S ^TMP("SPN",$J,"RX","HI","H2",-TOTCOST,-TOTFILLS,-NDDRUGS,DFN)="" S ^TMP("SPN",$J,"RX","HI","H3",-TOTFILLS,-NDDRUGS,-TOTVAL,DFN)="" S ^TMP("SPN",$J,"RX","HI","H4",-TOTVAL,-TOTFILLS,-NDDRUGS,DFN)="" Q TRACKIT(FILLS,COST,QTY,FILLQTY,UNITCOST) ; S FILLS=FILLS+1 S COST=UNITCOST*FILLQTY+COST S QTY=QTY+FILLQTY Q NAMEIT ; names the drugs and gives current value of dispensed quantities N ZDRUGNR,UNITVAL,ZDRUGNAM S ZDRUGNR="" ; We might have a drug number which is zero... F S ZDRUGNR=$O(^TMP("SPN",$J,"RX","DRUG",ZDRUGNR)) Q:ZDRUGNR="" D . S ZDRUGNAM=$P($G(^PSDRUG(ZDRUGNR,0)),U,1) . I ZDRUGNAM="" S ZDRUGNAM="Not Identified" . S ^TMP("SPN",$J,"RX","DRUG",ZDRUGNR,"NAME")=ZDRUGNAM . S UNITVAL=+$P($G(^PSDRUG(ZDRUGNR,660)),U,6) ; current price . S ^("VAL")=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"RX","DRUG",ZDRUGNR,"QTY"))*UNITVAL Q