SPNLGSCH ; ISC-SF/GMB - SCD GATHER LAB TEST (SPECIFIC) DATA;15 JUN 94 [ 07/12/94 6:05 AM ] ;6/23/95 11:44 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;;01/02/1997 SELECT(DFN,FDATE,TDATE,HI,QLIST) ; ; DFN Patient's internal entry number in the Patient file ; FDATE "From" date ; TDATE "Thru" date, default=today ; HI 1=keep track of individual patient usage ; 0=don't keep track ; Data will be rolled up into the following global: ; ^TMP("SPN",$J,"CH", ; with the following nodes: ; "TEST",testnr) # results for this test ; "TEST",testnr,"NAME") the name of the test ; "TEST",testnr,"PAT") # patients who had this test ; "TEST",testnr,"PID",patient) SSN^# results for this patient's test N LFN,LASTDATE,TESTDATE,TESTNR,VALUE,TEST,RESULTS,PNAME,PSSN S LFN=+$P($G(^DPT(DFN,"LR")),U,1) ; Internal entry number in LAB DATA file Q:'LFN I '$D(TDATE) S TDATE=DT ; We are interested in any lab test administered within the 'from' and ; 'thru' date range. The record numbers are date/time (of test), ; subtracted from 9999999. This causes the tests to be listed in order ; from most recent to oldest. So we must modify our from & to dates. S LASTDATE=9999999-FDATE S TESTDATE=9999999-(TDATE+1) ; for each test date in the range F S TESTDATE=$O(^LR(LFN,"CH",TESTDATE)) Q:TESTDATE'>0!(TESTDATE>LASTDATE) D . ;S TESTNR=1 ; for each test on that date . ;; we start after 1 because the first two (0,1) nodes we ignore. . ;; Each node thereafter is for a specific test. . ;F S TESTNR=$O(^LR(LFN,"CH",TESTDATE,TESTNR)) Q:TESTNR'>0 D . ;. Q:'$D(QLIST(TESTNR)) ; make sure we want this test . S TESTNR="" ; for each test we're interested in . F S TESTNR=$O(QLIST(TESTNR)) Q:TESTNR="" D . . Q:'$D(^LR(LFN,"CH",TESTDATE,TESTNR)) ; was this test given? . . S VALUE=$G(^LR(LFN,"CH",TESTDATE,TESTNR)) . . ; make sure the test wasn't cancelled . . I VALUE=""!(VALUE["canc")!(VALUE["CANC") Q . . S TEST(TESTNR)=$G(TEST(TESTNR))+1 ; number results for this test Q:'$D(TEST) D:HI GETNAME^SPNLRU(DFN,.PNAME,.PSSN) S TESTNR="" F S TESTNR=$O(TEST(TESTNR)) Q:TESTNR="" D . S RESULTS=TEST(TESTNR) . S ^(TESTNR)=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"CH","TEST",TESTNR))+RESULTS . S ^("PAT")=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"CH","TEST",TESTNR,"PAT"))+1 . S:HI ^TMP("SPN",$J,"CH","TEST",TESTNR,"PID",PNAME_U_PSSN)=RESULTS Q