SPNLGSIP ; ISC-SF/GMB - SCD GATHER (SPECIFIC) INPATIENT ADMISSIONS DATA;16 JUN 94 [ 07/11/94 10:48 AM ] ;6/23/95 11:46 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;;01/02/1997 SELECT(DFN,FDATE,TDATE,HI,QLIST) ; ; This entry point is to be used solely for selecting data to be used ; in a report. ; DFN Patient's internal entry number in the Patient file ; FDATE "From" date ; TDATE "Thru" date, default=today ; HI 1=keep track of individual patient usage ; 0=don't keep track ; Data will be rolled up into the following global: ; ^TMP("SPN",$J,"IP", ; with the following nodes: ; "BS",bsnr) # different patients in this bedsec ; "BS",bsnr,"DAYS") # days in this bedsec ; "BS",bsnr,"STAYS") # stays in this bedsec ; "BS",bsnr,"PID",patient name^SSN) stays^days N RECNR,NODE0,NODE70,ZDD,ZAD,STAYS,DAYS,BSNR,PNAME,PSSN I '$D(TDATE) S TDATE=DT ; We will take all admissions which overlap the desired range, and adjust ; the admit and/or discharge dates to conform with the desired range. S RECNR=0 ; for each inpatient record F S RECNR=$O(^DGPT("B",DFN,RECNR)) Q:RECNR="" D . S NODE0=$G(^DGPT(RECNR,0)) . Q:$P(NODE0,U,11)'=1 ; 1=PTF record, 2=census record . S NODE70=$G(^DGPT(RECNR,70)) . S ZDD=$P(NODE70,U,1)\1 ; Discharge date . Q:ZDD'=0&(ZDDTDATE ; Admit date . D BSMOVE Q:'$D(STAYS) D:HI GETNAME^SPNLRU(DFN,.PNAME,.PSSN) S BSNR="" ; for each bedsection stayed in F S BSNR=$O(STAYS(BSNR)) Q:BSNR="" D . S ^(BSNR)=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"IP","BS",BSNR))+1 . S ^("STAYS")=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"IP","BS",BSNR,"STAYS"))+STAYS(BSNR) . S ^("DAYS")=$G(^TMP("SPN",$J,"IP","BS",BSNR,"DAYS"))+DAYS(BSNR) . S:HI ^TMP("SPN",$J,"IP","BS",BSNR,"PID",PNAME_U_PSSN)=STAYS(BSNR)_U_DAYS(BSNR) Q BSMOVE ; Deal with inpatient bedsection movements. ; Completed movements (those with moveout dates) are in the "AM" index. N MOVEIN,MOVEOUT,MOVEDATE,SUBRECNR S MOVEOUT=ZAD S MOVEDATE="" F S MOVEDATE=$O(^DGPT(RECNR,"M","AM",MOVEDATE)) Q:MOVEDATE'>0 D Q:MOVEIN>TDATE . S MOVEIN=MOVEOUT . S MOVEOUT=MOVEDATE\1 . Q:MOVEOUTTDATE) . S SUBRECNR=$O(^DGPT(RECNR,"M","AM",MOVEDATE,0)) . D STAYS(SUBRECNR) ; The following could also be Q:ZDD'="" Q:$G(SUBRECNR)=1 ; The current (and last) bedsection is always in ; subrecord 1. If we get past this Quit, then the patient is still in ; hospital and the current bedsection would not be in the "AM" index ; because the patient hasn't yet moved out. S MOVEIN=MOVEOUT S MOVEOUT=TDATE Q:MOVEIN>TDATE D STAYS(1) Q STAYS(SUBRECNR) ; N BSDAYS,BSNR,X,X1,X2 S BSNR=+$P($G(^DGPT(RECNR,"M",SUBRECNR,0)),U,2) Q:'$D(QLIST("BS",BSNR)) S STAYS(BSNR)=$G(STAYS(BSNR))+1 ; # of stays in this bedsection S X2=$S(MOVEINTDATE:TDATE,1:MOVEOUT) D ^%DTC S BSDAYS=X+1 S DAYS(BSNR)=$G(DAYS(BSNR))+BSDAYS ; # of days in this bedsection Q