SPNLR1 ;ISC-SF/GB-SCD SETUP FOR REPORTS ;6/23/95 11:52 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;;01/02/1997 ; This subroutine asks the user questions concerning the report. ; It should be called using the ENTRY entry point. RPTID and ABORT ; must be supplied by the calling program. All parms except RPTID ; should be "call by reference". ; ABORT must be tested by calling program upon return. ASK(RPTID,FDATE,TDATE,QLIST,HIUSERS,ABORT) ; I "ABCDEF"[RPTID D . D ASK1 E D ASK2 K SPNLTRAM,SPNLTRM1,SPNTD,SPNCAUSE,SPND1,SPNETIOL Q ASK1 ; D @("ASK^SPNLR"_RPTID_"(.QLIST,.ABORT)") Q:ABORT I RPTID'="F" D EN^SPNLRU1 Q:ABORT I $G(QLIST("WINDOW"))=1 D Q:ABORT . D GETWIN E S (FDATE,TDATE)="" S HIUSERS=0 Q ASK2 ; ; FDATE,TDATE: Get report period (window) D GETWIN Q:ABORT ; ; Call the report routine to let it ask its specific questions D @("ASK^SPNLR"_RPTID_"(.QLIST,.ABORT)") Q:ABORT ; D EN^SPNLRU1 Q:ABORT I "QRS"[RPTID D . D SEEUSE ; HIUSERS: Do you want to see the users? E D HIUSE Q:ABORT ; HIUSERS: How many highest users do you want identified? Q GETWIN ; Ask the user for the period (window) N DIR,DIRUT,Y ; Enter a Date; Optional; no minimum; today is maximum; Exact date S DIR(0)="DO^:DT:EX" S DIR("A")="Start date for period" S DIR("?")="^D HELP^%DTC" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S ABORT=1 Q S FDATE=Y S DIR(0)="DO^"_FDATE_":DT:EX" S DIR("B")="TODAY" S DIR("A")=" End date for period" S DIR("?")="^D HELP^%DTC" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S ABORT=1 Q S TDATE=Y Q HIUSE ; N DIR,DIRUT,Y S DIR(0)="NO^0:100" ; Optional number from 0 to 100 S DIR("B")=0 ; Default answer I $D(^XUSEC("SPNL SCD PTS",DUZ)) D . S DIR("A")="Number of highest users to identify" . S DIR("?")="Enter the number of patients you want identified who have used the most resources" E D . S DIR("A")="Number of highest users (data only) to identify" . S DIR("?")="Only patient resource utilization data is displayed, as you are not authorized to see patient names and SSNs" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S ABORT=1 Q S HIUSERS=Y Q SEEUSE ; For the "specific" reports, should we show the patients or not? N DIR,DIRUT,Y I $D(^XUSEC("SPNL SCD PTS",DUZ)) D . S DIR(0)="YAO" ; Answer yes or no . S DIR("B")="YES" ; Default answer . S DIR("A")="Do you want to see patient usage data? " . S DIR("?")="Answer YES to list resource utilization data broken out by patient. Answer NO to list only the totals for each selection." . D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S ABORT=1 Q . S HIUSERS=Y E S HIUSERS=0 ; don't show patients Q