SPNLRU1 ;HISC/JWR-Report Printing utilities ;10/24/2001 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;**2,16,19**;01/02/1997 EN ; W !! S SPNLTRAM="ALL" Q K DIRUT S DIR(0)="SAO^T:Traumatic Injuries;N:Non-Traumatic Injuries;A:All Patients" S DIR("A")="Injury Type (T,N,A): " S DIR("A",.5)="Include patients with which of the following injury types:" S DIR("A",1)=" " S DIR("A",2)=" T - Include only patients with traumatic injuries" S DIR("A",3)=" N - Include only patients with non-traumatic injuries" S DIR("A",4)=" A - Include all patients with any type of injury" S DIR("A",5)=" " S DIR("B")="All Patients" S DIR("?",1)=" You may only select one item from the given list," S DIR("?")=" Select by entering 'T' or 'N' or 'A'." D ^DIR W !! K DIR I $D(DIRUT) K DIRUT S ABORT=1 Q S:Y="T" SPNLTRAM="TRAUMATIC",SPNLTRM1="Patients with Traumatic Injuries" S:Y="N" SPNLTRAM="NON-TRAUMATIC",SPNLTRM1="Patients with Non-Traumatic Injuries" Q TRAUMA(D0) ;Screen out traumatic/non-traumatic injuries S SPNTD=$$EN4^SPNLUTL0(D0) I SPNLTRAM="ALL" S SPNTD=1 G Q I $E(SPNTD,1,9)=SPNLTRAM S SPNTD=1 G Q I SPNLTRAM="NON-TRAUMATIC",SPNTD[SPNLTRAM S SPNTD=1 G Q S SPNTD=0 Q Q SPNTD Q DIE ;This tag was placed in here to avoid adding another routine to ;the *17 build. Routine spnls has a call to this label and this label ;did not exist. So now it does and we are once again happy Q