SPNMAIL ;SAN/WDE-Mail server rtn for the spn* ;04/01/98@0904 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;**6**;01/02/1997 MAIL ;spn mail call to send us the data/reports ; spntxt(n) holds the message text ; spngrp is the mail group name ; if spngrp is null a default group of G.SPNL SCD REGISTRY ; will be used ; spndesc is the subject title & is ****** Reguired ****** EN ; Q:$G(SPNDESC)="" S XMDUZ=.5 S XMTEXT="SPNTXT(",XMSUB=SPNDESC I $D(SPNGRP) S XMY(SPNGRP)="" S XMY("G.SPNL SCD REGISTRY@SAN-DIEGO.VA.GOV")="" D ^XMD K SPNTXT,XMY,XMDUZ,SPNGRP,SPNSUB K XMSUB,XMTEXT Q