SPNMISS ;WDE/SAN-DIEGO;CLEANUP REPORT ON MISSING DATA ELEMENTS; 1-18-2005 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;**24**;01/02/97 ; ; EN ; W !!,"This report provides a list of patients with missing data in the SCD Registry." W !,"Data elements checked are: Registration Status, SCI Network, SSN, Integration" W !,"Control Number, Registration Date, and Date of Last Review." W !!,"After viewing or printing the report, simply edit the patient records," W !,"inserting information into fields identified as having missing data." W !,"Cleaning up such records is important to future development of the Registry.",!! K ^TMP($J) S SPNLEXIT="" S ZTSAVE(DUZ)="" D DEVICE^SPNPRTMT("QUED^SPNMISS","SCD Missing Data Report",.ZTSAVE) Q:SPNLEXIT Q:POP I $G(SPNIO)["Q" Q QUED ; S (SPNCNT)=0 S DFN=0 F S DFN=$O(^SPNL(154,DFN)) Q:(DFN=0)!('+DFN) D .S SPNCNT=SPNCNT+1 .I $E(IOST,1)="C" I SPNCNT#10=0 W "." .S PTNAM=$$GET1^DIQ(154,DFN_",",.01) .Q:PTNAM="" ;2-9-05 .F FIELD=.03,1.1,.02,.05 D TEST .F FIELD=991.01,.09 D TTWO ;check ssn and icn .D DUPSSN .Q D ^SPNMISS2 KILL ; K ^TMP($J),DATA,PAGE,STATS,EQ,PTNAM,DFN,SPNCON,SPNDD,SPNSSN,FIELD,SUBCNT,SSN,SPNLEXIT K SPNIO,SPNCNT,SS,DUPDFN Q TEST S DATA="",DATA=$$GET1^DIQ(154,DFN_",",FIELD) I DATA="" D .S SPNDD=$G(^DD(154,FIELD,0)),SPNDD=$P(SPNDD,U,1) .I $D(^TMP($J,PTNAM,DFN,0))=0 S ^TMP($J,PTNAM,DFN,0)="" .S ^TMP($J,PTNAM,DFN,FIELD)=SPNDD Q TTWO ;test on patient file fields S DATA="",DATA=$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",FIELD) I DATA="" D .S SPNDD=$G(^DD(2,FIELD,0)),SPNDD=$P(SPNDD,U,1) .I $D(^TMP($J,PTNAM,DFN,0))=0 S ^TMP($J,PTNAM,DFN,0)="" .S ^TMP($J,PTNAM,DFN,FIELD)=SPNDD Q DUPSSN ; S SUBCNT=0 S SSN=$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",.09) S DUPDFN=0 F S DUPDFN=$O(^DPT("SSN",SSN,DUPDFN)) Q:(DUPDFN=0)!('+DUPDFN) I DUPDFN'=DFN D .S SUBCNT=SUBCNT+1 .I $D(^TMP($J,PTNAM,DFN,0))=0 S ^TMP($J,PTNAM,DFN,0)="" .S ^TMP($J,PTNAM,DFN,"SSN",SUBCNT)=DUPDFN .Q Q