SPNPM2 ;SD/AB-PROGRAM MEASURE #2 ;5/26/98 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;**6**;01/02/1997 MAIN ;-- This program will 1st collect all SCD-R Pts into the ^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","ALL_SCD") global then it will collect into 4 seperate ^TMP($J,"SPNPM2") as follows: ;-- TOT_ADM = All SCD-R Pts /w FY 97 admissions ;-- TOT_DIS = All SCD-R Pts /w FY 97 disharges ;-- TOT_ONSET = All SCD-R Pts /w Date of Onset between 4/1/96 and 9/30/97 ;-- TOT_ICD = All SCD-R Pts /w any SCI ICD-9 codes in any PTF record ;-- TOT_PTF = All SCD-R Pts /w PTF records meeting PM #2 Denominator criteria ;-- This program also calls ^SPNPM2B which calls ^SPNPMDX which collects all SCI ICD9 codes into the ^TMP($J,"SPNPMDX","SPNICD",ICD_IEN) global ; ;-- SPN Variable Array List: ;-- ADM_DT = admission date ;-- BEG_DT = beginning date (for loop) ;-- BEG_DT1 = variable/changing beginning date ;-- DC_DT = discharge date ;-- DFN = DFN ;-- END# = ending number (ICD9) ;-- END_DT = ending date (for loop) ;-- E_NODE = "E" node of file 154 global ;-- FIM_DT = FIM date ;-- FIM_IEN = FIM IEN (in file 154.1) ;-- FY = fiscal year ;-- I = FOR loop variable ;-- ICDPT = pointer from PTF file to ICD9 Dx file ;-- ICD_FLG = ICD9 flag (set to 1 if SCI Dx found) ;-- ICD_IEN = IEN in ICD9 Dx file (#80) ;-- ONSET_DT = beginning SCD onset date (for loop) ;-- ONS_DT = actual SCD onset date found from file 154 record ;-- ONS_FLG = SCD onset date flag (set to 1 if date is between 4/1/96 and 9/30/97) ;-- PIECE = piece in 70 node of PTF file global (ICD9 pointer) ;-- PTF_ADMDT = PTF record admission date ;-- PTF_DCDT = PTF record discharge date ;-- PTF_FLG = PTF flag (set to 1 if PTF record is correct type, is transmitted, has at least one SCI ICD9 code, and admission date on or after Onset Date) ;-- PTF_IEN = IEN in PTF file ;-- ST# = starting number for ICD9 code FOR loop ;-- TOT_ADM = total # SCD Pts with FY admissions ;-- TOT_CNT = total count (used to count total of all SCD Pts) ;-- TOT_DENOM1 = denominator total based on FY admissions ;-- TOT_DENOM2 = denominator total based on discharges ;-- TOT_DIS = total # of SCD-R Pts /w FY discharges ;-- TOT_FIM = total # of FIMS found (1-2) ;-- TOT_ICD = total # of SCD-R Pts /w any SCI ICD9 codes in any PTF record ;-- TOT_NUM = Numerator total for PM #2 ;-- TOT_ONSET = total # of SCD-R Pts /w SCD Onset Date between 4/1/96 and 9/30/97 ;-- TOT_PTF = Denominator total for PM #2 ;-- TOT_SCORE = FIM total score (from file 154.1) ; K:$D(^TMP($J)) ^($J) ;-- Get previous FY information, BEG_DT and END_DT D GETYR D GETALL D GETADM D GETDIS D GETONS ;-- Get PTF and ICD info D ^SPNPM2B ;-- Now get Denominator totals D ^SPNPM2D ;-- Get Numerator D ^SPNPM2N ;-- Print Results D ^SPNPM2C EXIT K SPN K:$D(^TMP($J)) ^($J) Q GETYR ;-- Get FY for previous FY, and set Ending Date (END_DT) to FM FY_0930 I +$E($G(DT),4,7)<931 S SPN("FY")=$E($G(DT),1,3)-1 E S SPN("FY")=$E($G(DT),1,3) S SPN("END_DT")=+SPN("FY")_"0930" S SPN("BEG_DT")=+(SPN("FY")-1)_"1001" S SPN("ONSET_DT")=+(SPN("FY")-1)_"0401" Q GETALL ;-- Get all SCD-R patients and store into ^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","ALL_SCD",DFN) global S SPN("DFN")=0 F S SPN("DFN")=$O(^SPNL(154,SPN("DFN"))) Q:'+SPN("DFN") D .;-- Quit if no Zero Node .Q:'$D(^SPNL(154,SPN("DFN"),0)) .;-- Set ^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","ALL_SCD",DFN) .S ^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","ALL_SCD",SPN("DFN"))="" .Q Q GETADM ;-- Get all SCD pts who have had admissions in FY 97 ;-- Loop thru date range (BEG_DT thru END_DT) in Pt Movement file (^DGPM) ;-- Store into ^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","TOT_ADM",DFN) global ;-- Initialize DFN variable S SPN("DFN")=0,SPN("END_DT")=SPN("END_DT")+.999 F S SPN("DFN")=$O(^DGPM("APTT1",SPN("DFN"))) Q:'+SPN("DFN") D .S SPN("BEG_DT1")=SPN("BEG_DT")-.001 .F S SPN("BEG_DT1")=$O(^DGPM("APTT1",SPN("DFN"),SPN("BEG_DT1"))) Q:'+SPN("BEG_DT1")!(SPN("BEG_DT1")>SPN("END_DT")) D ..;-- Get PTF pointer# from PM_IEN ..;S SPN("PM_IEN")=$O(^DGPM("APTT1",SPN("DFN"),SPN("BEG_DT1"),0)) ..;S SPN("PTF_IEN")=$P($G(^DGPM(SPN("PM_IEN"),0)),U,16) ..;-- Check to see if Pt in SCD-R, if so then set ^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","TOT_ADM",DFN) global ..I +$D(^SPNL(154,SPN("DFN"),0)) S ^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","TOT_ADM",SPN("DFN"))="" ..Q .Q Q GETDIS ;-- Get all SCD pts who have had discharges in FY 97 ;-- Loop thru date range (BEG_DT thru END_DT) in Pt Movement file (^DGPM) ;-- Store into ^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","TOT_DIS",DFN) global ;-- Initialize DFN variable S SPN("DFN")=0 F S SPN("DFN")=$O(^DGPM("APTT3",SPN("DFN"))) Q:'+SPN("DFN") D .S SPN("BEG_DT1")=SPN("BEG_DT")-.001 .F S SPN("BEG_DT1")=$O(^DGPM("APTT3",SPN("DFN"),SPN("BEG_DT1"))) Q:'+SPN("BEG_DT1")!(SPN("BEG_DT1")>SPN("END_DT")) D ..;-- Get PTF pointer# from PM_IEN ..;S SPN("PM_IEN")=$O(^DGPM("APTT3",SPN("DFN"),SPN("BEG_DT1"),0)) ..;S SPN("PTF_IEN")=$P($G(^DGPM(SPN("PM_IEN"),0)),U,16) ..;-- Check to see if Pt in SCD-R, if so then set ^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","TOT_DIS",DFN) global ..I +$D(^SPNL(154,SPN("DFN"),0)) S ^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","TOT_DIS",SPN("DFN"))="" ..Q .Q Q GETONS ;-- Get all SCD pts who have an ETIOLOGY /w a DATE OF ONSET between 4/1/96 and 9/30/97 ;-- Store into ^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","TOT_ONSET",DFN) global ;-- Quit if '$D(^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","ALL_SCD")) Q:'$D(^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","ALL_SCD")) ;-- Inititalze SPN("DFN") S SPN("DFN")=0 F S SPN("DFN")=$O(^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","ALL_SCD",SPN("DFN"))) Q:'+SPN("DFN") D .;-- Initialize Onset flag (ONS_FLG) - this flag=1 if DATE OF ONSET is between 4/1/96 and 9/30/97 .S SPN("ONS_FLG")=0 .I +$D(^SPNL(154,SPN("DFN"),"E",0)) D ..S SPN("E_NODE")=0 ..F S SPN("E_NODE")=$O(^SPNL(154,SPN("DFN"),"E",SPN("E_NODE"))) Q:'+SPN("E_NODE")!(SPN("ONS_FLG")=1) D ...S SPN("ONS_DT")=$P($G(^SPNL(154,SPN("DFN"),"E",SPN("E_NODE"),0)),U,2) ...;-- If ONS_DT>0 and then ONST_DT is between 4/1/96 and 9/30/97, then set ONS_FLG and store into ^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","TOT_ONSET",DFN) ...I SPN("ONS_DT")>0,SPN("ONS_DT")>2960331&(SPN("ONS_DT")<2971001) S ^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","TOT_ONSET",SPN("DFN"))=SPN("ONS_DT") S SPN("ONS_FLG")=1 ...Q ..Q .Q Q