SPNPM2N ;SD/AB-GET NUMERATOR FOR PM #2 ;4/9/98 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;**6**;01/02/1997 MAIN ;-- Called from MAIN^SPNPM2 ;-- This program will get the NUMERATOR for Program Measure #2 ;-- The program will loop thru the ^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","TOT_PTF",DFN) global which contains all SCD Pts who have PTF records associated with their SCD DATE OF ONSET in the SCD-R file ;-- The NUMERATOR count will be the number of these patients who have a least 2 FIM scores between the Admission Date and Discharge Date in the respective PTF record ;-- Quit if no ^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","TOT_PTF") global found ; WDE/added the set below to take in-account for no global found S SPN("TOT_NUM")=0 I '$D(^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","TOT_PTF")) D EXIT Q D LOOP EXIT ; Q LOOP ;-- Loop thru the ^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","TOT_PTF",DFN) global S (SPN("DFN"),SPN("TOT_NUM"))=0 F S SPN("DFN")=$O(^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","TOT_PTF",SPN("DFN"))) Q:'+SPN("DFN") D .;--Initialize Total # FIM counter (TOT_FIM) .S SPN("TOT_FIM")=0 .;-- See if FIM data exists for this Pt, if so check FIM and Dates Recorded .I $D(^SPNL(154.1,"AA",2,SPN("DFN"))) D ..;-- Get Admission and D/C Dates ..S SPN("ADM_DT")=$P($G(^TMP($J,"SPNPM2","TOT_PTF",SPN("DFN"))),U),SPN("DC_DT")=$P($G(^(SPN("DFN"))),U,2) ..S SPN("FIM_DT")=0 ..F S SPN("FIM_DT")=$O(^SPNL(154.1,"AA",2,SPN("DFN"),SPN("FIM_DT"))) Q:'+SPN("FIM_DT") D ...;-- Check to see if FIM Date is between Admission and D/C Dates, if not then quit ...I SPN("FIM_DT")SPN("DC_DT")) Q ...S SPN("FIM_IEN")=0 ...F S SPN("FIM_IEN")=$O(^SPNL(154.1,"AA",2,SPN("DFN"),SPN("FIM_DT"),SPN("FIM_IEN"))) Q:'+SPN("FIM_IEN") D ....;-- Find out if Total FIM Score achieved, if so count as completed FIM score ....S SPN("TOT_SCORE")=$$EN3^SPNFUTL0(SPN("FIM_IEN")) ....I SPN("TOT_SCORE")'["ERR" S SPN("TOT_FIM")=SPN("TOT_FIM")+1 ....Q ...Q ..Q .I SPN("TOT_FIM")>1 S SPN("TOT_NUM")=SPN("TOT_NUM")+1 .Q Q