SPNPRI16 ;SD/WDE/Pre init action for patch 16;11/1/2001 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;**16**;01/02/97 EN ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- 154 ;remove data and fields in 154 W !,"Please stand by while I remove the obsolete data",!," and fields in the SCD (SPINAL CORD) REGISTRY file (#154)." S SPNCNT=0 S SPNDFN=0 F S SPNDFN=$O(^SPNL(154,SPNDFN)) Q:(SPNDFN="")!('+SPNDFN) D .S SPNCNT=SPNCNT+1 I SPNCNT#40=0 W "." .I SPNCNT#610=0 W "Working" .F SPNX=8.7,8.5,.04,9,2.3 D ..S SPNCHK=$$GET1^DIQ(154,SPNDFN_",",SPNX) ..I $L(SPNCHK)>0 S DA=SPNDFN,DIE="^SPNL(154,",DR=SPNX_"///@" D ^DIE ..S SPNCHK="" ..Q .Q ;now remove the fields in 154 K DA,DR,SPNX,DIE,SPNCHK,SPNDFN F SPNX=8.7,8.5,.04,9,2.3 D .S DA=SPNX,DA(1)=154,DIK="^DD(154," D ^DIK K DIK,DA,DR,SPNX,SPNCHK ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1541 ;remove data and fields in 154.1 W !,"Please stand by while I remove the obsolete data",!," and fields in the OUTCOMES file (#154.1)." S SPNIEN=0 F S SPNIEN=$O(^SPNL(154.1,SPNIEN)) Q:(SPNIEN="")!('+SPNIEN) D .S SPNCNT=SPNCNT+1 I SPNCNT#40=0 W "." .I SPNCNT#610=0 W "Working" .F SPNX=2.1,2.11,2.12,9 D ..S SPNCHK=$$GET1^DIQ(154.1,SPNIEN_",",SPNX) ..I $L(SPNCHK)>0 S DA=SPNIEN,DIE="^SPNL(154.1,",DR=SPNX_"///@" D ^DIE ..Q .Q K DA,DR,SPNX,DIE,SPNCHK,SPNIEN ;remove the fields now in 154.1 F SPNX=2.1,2.11,2.12,9 D .S DA=SPNX,DA(1)=154.1,DIK="^DD(154.1," D ^DIK K DIK,DA,DR,SPNX,SPNCHK ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- 15491 ;remove data and fields from file 154.91 W !,"Please stand by while I remove the obsolete data",!," and fields in the SCD SITE PARAMETERS file (#154.91)" S SPNIEN=0 F S SPNIEN=$O(^SPNL(154.91,SPNIEN)) Q:(SPNIEN="")!('+SPNIEN) D .S SPNCNT=SPNCNT+1 I SPNCNT#40=0 W "." .I SPNCNT#610=0 W "Working" .F SPNX=1,2,3 D ..S SPNCHK=$$GET1^DIQ(154.91,SPNIEN_",",SPNX) ..I $L(SPNCHK)>0 S DA=SPNIEN,DIE="^SPNL(154.91,",DR=SPNX_"///@" D ^DIE ..Q K DA,DR,SPNX,DIE,SPNCHK,SPNIEN ;remove the fields IN 154.91 F SPNX=1,2,3 D .S DA=SPNX,DA(1)=154.91,DIK="^DD(154.91," D ^DIK K DIK,DA,DR,SPNX,SPNCHK,SPNIEN ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- 15493 ;remove data and fields and file 154.93 W !,"Please stand by while I remove the obsolete data",!," and the file CURRENT TRANSMISSION CYCLE (#154.93)." S DIU="^SPNL(154.93,",DIU(0)="DST" D EN^DIU2 K DIU ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- 15494 ;remove data and fields and file 154.94 W !,"Please stand by while I remove the obsolete data",!," and the file TRANSMISSION CYCLE HISTORY (#154.94)." S DIU="^SPNL(154.94,",DIU(0)="DST" D EN^DIU2 K DIU ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1549 ;remove data and fields and file 154.9 W !,"Please stand by while I remove the obsolete data",!," and the file PATIENT TRANSMISSION STATUS (#154.9)." S DIU="^SPNL(154.9,",DIU(0)="DST" D EN^DIU2 K DIU K DIE,DA,DR,SPNX,SPNIEN,SPNCHK Q