SPNPRT02 ;HIRMFO/WAA- PRINT Patient Listing ; 8/21/96 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;**1,12,13**;01/02/1997 ; EN1 ; Main Entry Point S SPNC=0 ;Line counter N SPNLEXIT,SPNIO S SPNLEXIT=0 D EN1^SPNPRTMT Q:SPNLEXIT ;Filters F SPNG="SPNAEREC","SPNAENXT","SPNETIOL","SPNETPV","SPNHLOI","SPNPCP","SPNDATOC","SPNPAGE","SPNC","SPNNAME","SPNDFN" S:$D(@SPNG) ZTSAVE(SPNG)="" W !!,"### This report is designed for 132 column viewing/printing ###" W !,"### Set your terminal display to 132 columns ###" W !,"### For screen viewing, answer DEVICE prompt with 0;132 ###" W !,"### For file capture, answer DEVICE prompt with 0;132;9999 ###" W !,"### For a hardcopy, answer with a 132 column printer or subtype ###",! D DEVICE^SPNPRTMT("PRINT^SPNPRT02","SCD Patient Listing",.ZTSAVE) Q:SPNLEXIT I SPNIO="Q" D EXIT Q ; Print was Queued I IO'="" D PRINT D EXIT Q ; Print was not Queued Q EXIT ; Exit routine K ^TMP($J,"SPN"),^TMP($J,"SPNPRT","AUTO"),^TMP($J,"SPNPRT","POST") K SPNAEREC,SPNAENXT,SPNHLOI,SPNANS,SPNDATOC,SPNNAME,SPNPCP,SPNC,SPNETIOL,SPNETPV,VA,VAEL,VADM,ZTSAVE K SPNDFN,SPNG,SPNLPRT,SPNLEXIT Q PRINT ; Print main Body U IO K ^TMP($J,"SPN") S SPNLEXIT=$G(SPNLEXIT) ; Ensure that the exit is set N SPNDFN,SPNX W !,"Patient Listing",?55,"Date: ",$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,"5DZP"),! W !,$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("-",132) W !,"Patient",?14,"SSN",?27,"DOB",?40,"Eligibility",?57,"Means",?67,"LOI",?72,"Prov.",?78,"Etiology",?97,"Date Occ",?110,"AE Receivd",?122,"AE Next" W !,$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("-",132) S (SPNDFN,SPNLPRT)=0 F S SPNDFN=$O(^SPNL(154,SPNDFN)) Q:SPNDFN<1 D Q:SPNLEXIT . Q:SPNLEXIT . Q:$G(^SPNL(154,SPNDFN,0))="" ; No Zero node . I '$$EN2^SPNPRTMT(SPNDFN) Q ; Patient fail the filters . S DFN=SPNDFN D DEM^VADPT . S ^TMP($J,"SPN",VADM(1),SPNDFN)="" ; Sort the data . D KVAR^VADPT . Q I $D(^TMP($J,"SPN")) D Q:SPNLEXIT ; Indicates the report had data . S SPNNAME="" F S SPNNAME=$O(^TMP($J,"SPN",SPNNAME)) Q:SPNNAME="" Q:SPNLEXIT S SPNDFN=0 F S SPNDFN=$O(^TMP($J,"SPN",SPNNAME,SPNDFN)) Q:SPNDFN<1 D Q:SPNLEXIT .. I $E(IOST,1)="C",(IOSL<26) S SPNC=SPNC+1 I SPNC=22 R !!,"Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: ",SPNANS:DTIME .. I $G(SPNANS)="^" S SPNLEXIT=1 .. I SPNC=22 S SPNC=0 .. D PATIENT(SPNDFN) .. Q . Q E W !," ******* No Data for this report. *******" I $E(IOST,1)="C" N DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K Y D CLOSE^SPNPRTMT K ^TMP($J,"SPN") Q PATIENT(SPNDFN) ;PRINT PATIENT DATA ;INPUT: ; SPNFDFN = patient DFN ; N SPNX S DFN=SPNDFN D DEM^VADPT D ELIG^VADPT ; Get patient data S SPNHLOI=$$GET^DDSVAL(154,SPNDFN,2.1,"","E") S SPNPCP=$$GET^DDSVAL(154,SPNDFN,8.1,"","E") ;--- get etiol data S SPNETPV="" S SPNETPV=$S($D(^SPNL(154,SPNDFN,"E",1,0)):$P(^SPNL(154,SPNDFN,"E",1,0),U,1),1:10) ; Etiol pointer value - 'OTHER' if missing S SPNETIOL="" S SPNETIOL=$P(^SPNL(154.03,SPNETPV,0),U,1) S SPNDATOC=$S($D(^SPNL(154,SPNDFN,"E",1,0)):$P(^SPNL(154,SPNDFN,"E",1,0),U,2),1:"") ; etiol date of occurance ;--- get annual eval data S D0=SPNDFN D REC^SPNEVAL S SPNAEREC=X D NEXT^SPNEVAL S SPNAENXT=X W !,$E(VADM(1),1,12),?14,VA("PID"),?27,$P(VADM(3),U,2),?40,$E($P(VAEL(1),U,2),1,15),?57,$E($P(VAEL(8),U,2),1,8),?67,SPNHLOI W ?72,$E(SPNPCP,1,5),?78,$E(SPNETIOL,1,18),?97,$$FMTE^XLFDT(SPNDATOC,"5DZP"),?110,$$FMTE^XLFDT(SPNAEREC,"5DZP"),?122,$$FMTE^XLFDT(SPNAENXT,"5DZP") D KVAR^VADPT ; Clean up VA Stuff Q