SPNPRTAU ;HIRMFO/WAA- Automatic questions ; 8/20/96 ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;;01/02/1997 ;; ; This routine will ask the Automatic question for the sort/ ; search questions. ; The routine will store the data in the global ; ^TMP($J,"SPNPRT","AUTO",SEQUENCE... ; EN1 ; Main Entry Point N ACTION,SEQUENCE S SPNLEXIT=$G(SPNLEXIT,0) W !!,"Automatic Filters:" S ACTION="AUTO",SPNLEXIT=0 K ^TMP($J,"SPNPRT",ACTION) S SEQUENCE=0 F S SEQUENCE=$O(^SPNL(154.92,ACTION,SEQUENCE)) Q:SEQUENCE<1 D Q:SPNLEXIT . N SPNIEN,EXECUTE . S SPNIEN=$O(^SPNL(154.92,ACTION,SEQUENCE,0)) Q:SPNIEN<1 . S EXECUTE=$G(^SPNL(154.92,SPNIEN,2)) . Q:EXECUTE="" . X EXECUTE Q:SPNLEXIT . Q I SPNLEXIT K ^TMP($J,"SPNPRT",ACTION) Q