SR00109 ;BIR/JLC - CONVERT DEFAULT BLOOD COMPONENTS;30 JUL 02 ;;3.0; Surgery ;**109**;24 Jun 93 ; ; Reference to ^LAB(66 supported by DBIA 210. ; Reference to ^DD(133 supported by DBIA 3646. ; ENNV ; I $G(DUZ)="" W !,"Your DUZ is not defined. It must be defined to run this routine." Q K ZTSAVE,ZTSK S ZTRTN="ENQN^SR00109",ZTDESC="CONVERT BLOOD COMPONENT INFORMATION (SURGERY)",ZTIO="" D ^%ZTLOAD W !!,"The conversion of blood component information in Surgery is",$S($D(ZTSK):"",1:" NOT")," queued",! I $D(ZTSK) D . W " (to start NOW).",!!,"YOU WILL RECEIVE A MAILMAN MESSAGE WHEN TASK #"_ZTSK_" HAS COMPLETED." Q ENQN ; ;Delete field from DD first S DIK="^DD(133,",DA=8,DA(1)=133 D ^DIK N CASE,DAYS,HOURS,MINS,NEW,OCNT,P,REQ,S0,SR,SRA,SRCREAT,SREXPR,SRF,SRP,STSTART,X,XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY,Y,NAME,BP D NOW^%DTC S SRSTART=$E(%,1,12),SRCREAT=$E(%,1,7),SREXPR=$$FMADD^XLFDT(SRCREAT,30,0,0,0) K ^XTMP("SR") S (SRA,OCNT)=0 F S SRA=$O(^SRO(133,SRA)) Q:'SRA S SRP=$P($G(^SRO(133,SRA,0)),"^",9) I SRP]"",SRP?1.N D . S SRF=$P($G(^LAB(66,SRP,0)),"^") . I SRF]"" S ^SRO(133,SRA,7)=SRF,$P(^SRO(133,SRA,0),"^",9)="" Q . S ^XTMP("SR",1,SRA)=SRP,OCNT=OCNT+1,BP(1,SRF)=$G(BP(SRP))+1 S CASE=0 F S CASE=$O(^SRF(CASE)) Q:'CASE D . S A=$G(^SRF(CASE,11,0)) Q:A="" S S0=0 . F S S0=$O(^SRF(CASE,11,S0)) Q:'S0 D .. S REQ=$P($G(^SRF(CASE,11,S0,0)),"^") Q:REQ="" Q:REQ'?1.N .. I '$D(^LAB(66,REQ,0)) D SET Q .. S NEW=$P(^LAB(66,REQ,0),"^") I NEW="" D SET Q .. S $P(^SRF(CASE,11,S0,0),"^")=NEW I $D(^XTMP("SR")) S ^XTMP("SR",0)=SREXPR_"^"_SRCREAT D SENDMSG S ZTREQ="@" Q SET S A=$G(^SRF(CASE,0)),^XTMP("SR",2,CASE)=$P(A,"^")_"^"_$P(A,"^",9)_"^"_REQ,OCNT=OCNT+1,BP(2,REQ)=$G(BP(2,REQ))+1 Q SENDMSG ;Send mail message when check is complete. K SR,XMY S XMDUZ="SURGERY,CONVERSION",XMSUB="SURGERY POINTER CONVERSION COMPLETED",XMTEXT="SR(",XMY(DUZ)="" D NOW^%DTC S Y=% X ^DD("DD") S SR(1,0)=" The conversion of blood component information in Surgery V.3.0",SR(2,0)="completed as of "_Y_"." S X=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(%,SRSTART,3) S:$L(X," ")>1 DAYS=+$P(X," "),X=$P(X," ",2) S HOURS=+$P(X,":"),MINS=+$P(X,":",2) S SR(3,0)=" ",SR(4,0)="This process completed in "_$S($G(DAYS):DAYS_" day"_$E("s",DAYS'=1)_", ",1:"")_HOURS_" hour"_$E("s",HOURS'=1)_" and "_MINS_" minute"_$E("s",MINS'=1)_"." S SR(5,0)=OCNT_" entries were found that could not be converted." I OCNT>0 D . S SR(6,0)=" ",SR(7,0)="These entries could not be converted because the associated" . S SR(8,0)="entry in the BLOOD PRODUCT file no longer exists." . S SR(9,0)=" ",SR(10,0)="The list of site parameters that could not be converted" . S SR(11,0)=" is contained in ^XTMP(""SR"",1",SR(12,0)=" " . S SRP=12,P="" F S P=$O(BP(1,P)) Q:P="" D .. S SRP=SRP+1,SR(SRP,0)=" "_BP(1,P)_$S(BP(1,P)=1:" entry",1:" entries")_" pointed to blood product "_P . S SRP=SRP+1,SR(SRP,0)=" ",SRP=SRP+1,SR(SRP,0)="The list of cases that could not be converted" . S SRP=SRP+1,SR(SRP,0)=" is contained in ^XTMP(""SR"",2",SRP=SRP+1,SR(SRP,0)=" " . S P="" F S P=$O(BP(2,P)) Q:P="" D .. S SRP=SRP+1,SR(SRP,0)=" "_BP(2,P)_$S(BP(2,P)=1:" entry",1:" entries")_" pointed to blood product "_P . S SRP=SRP+1,SR(SRP,0)=" ",SRP=SRP+1,SR(SRP,0)="In coordination with your Lab and Surgery ADPACs, determine" . S SRP=SRP+1,SR(SRP,0)="if you have the information required to rebuild these blood" . S SRP=SRP+1,SR(SRP,0)="products. If so, you may rebuild them and re-run the conversion." . S SRP=SRP+1,SR(SRP,0)="To re-run the conversion, type:" . S SRP=SRP+1,SR(SRP,0)=" D ENNV^SR00109 at the programmer's prompt." D ^XMD Q