SR122PST ;BIR/RJS - SRAAIS PROTOCOL 101 UPDATE ;11/21/03 ;;3.0;SURGERY;**122**;21 Nov 03 START ; THIS ROUTINE IS USED TO UPDATE THE PROTOCOL FILE 101 FOR THE AAIS ; SURGERY INTERFACE. IT IS A POST INSTALL ROUTINE FOR SR*3.0*122 S (SRSNDB,SRLOGB)="SR AAIS",SRRECB="SR SURGERY",SRFDA="101",(SRSND,SRREC,SRLOG,SRBAD)="" S SRSND=$O(^HL(771,"B",SRSNDB,SRSND)),SRREC=$O(^HL(771,"B",SRRECB,SRREC)),SRLOG=$O(^HLCS(870,"B",SRLOGB,SRLOG)) F SRLINE=1:1 S SRTXT=$P($T(SRAAIS+SRLINE),";;",2,99) Q:SRTXT="" D . K SRFIELD S SRIEN="" . S SRIEN=$O(^ORD(101,"B",SRTXT,SRIEN))_"," . S:SRIEN="," SRBAD=1 . S SRFIELD(SRFDA,SRIEN,"99")=$H,SRFIELD(SRFDA,SRIEN,"770.1")=SRSND . S SRFIELD(SRFDA,SRIEN,"770.2")=SRREC,SRFIELD(SRFDA,SRIEN,"770.7")=SRLOG . D FILE^DIE("","SRFIELD","SRERR") . I $D(SRERR("DIERR",1)) D .. S MSGTXT=SRTXT_" NOT UPDATED - ERROR CODE "_SRERR("DIERR",1) .. D BMES^XPDUTL(MSGTXT) .. K MSGTXT . I '$D(SRERR("DIERR",1)) D .. S MSGTXT=SRTXT_" SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED" .. D BMES^XPDUTL(MSGTXT) .. K MSGTXT . K SRERR . Q I SRBAD=1 D BMES^XPDUTL("THERE WAS AN ERROR IN THE POST INSTALL"),BMES^XPDUTL("PLEASE CONTACT EVS") K SRSND,SRLOG,SRREC,SRTXT,SRLINE,SRIEN,SRFDA,SRFIELD,SRERR,SRBAD D BMES^XPDUTL("PROTOCOL UPDATE COMPLETE") Q SRAAIS ;; ;;SR Notification of Appointment Booking ;;SR Notification of Appointment Cancellation ;;SR Notification of Appointment Deletion ;;SR Notification of Appointment Modification ;;SR Notification of Appointment Rescheduling ;;SR Other Master File Notification ;;SR Query for Scheduling Information ;;SR Receiver of Appointment Cancellation ;;SR Receiver of Appointment Deletion ;;SR Receiver of Appointment Modification ;;SR Receiver of Appointment Rescheduling ;;SR Receiver of Master File Notification ;;SR Receiver of New Appointment Booking ;;SR Receiver of Observation Unsolicited ;;SR Receiver of Scheduling Query ;;SR Receiver of Staff Master File Notification ;;SR Receiver of Unsolicited Requested Observation ;;SR Staff Master File Notification ;;SR Unsolicited transmission of AAIS Requested Observation ;;SR Unsolicited transmission of VistA Requested Observation Q