SRHLMFN ;B'HAM ISC/DLR - Surgery Interface Master File Notification Message ; [ 05/19/98 9:31 AM ] ;;3.0; Surgery ;**41**;24 Jun 93 ; Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine SHOULD NOT be modified. MSG(SRTBL,FEC,REC,SRENT) ;sends MFN message ;MFN - Master File Notification Message ; SRTBL - table entry consisting of ; FEC - file event code (MAD,MDC,MAC,MDL) ; REC - record event code (REP,UPD) ; SRENT - (IEN) internal entry number of the record to be passed ; N HLCOMP,HLREP,HLSUB,ID,FIELD,FILE,SRI,XX S HLDAP=$O(^HL(771,"B","SR SURGERY",0)) Q:$G(HLDAP)="" Q:$P($G(^HL(771,HLDAP,0)),U,2)'="a" D INIT S SRI=1,HLCOMP=$E(HL("ECH"),1),HLREP=$E(HL("ECH"),2),HLSUB=$E(HL("ECH"),4) S ID=$P(SRTBL,U),FIELD=$P(SRTBL,U,3),FILE=$P(SRTBL,U,2) D MFI^SRHLUO3(.SRI,ID,FEC,FILE,SRENT) D MFE^SRHLUO3(.SRI,REC,FILE,FIELD,SRENT) D GEN EXIT W !,REC," Sending HL7 Master File ",$S(REC="MAD":"addition",REC="MDC":"deactivate",REC="MAC":"Reactivation",REC="MDL":"Deletion",1:"")," message" F XX=1:1:5 W "." Q INIT ;V. 1.6 interface ;EID - IEN of event protocol ;HL - array of output parameters ;INT - only for VISTA-to-VISTA message exchange ;SRET - Surgery Event Trigger I $P(SRTBL,U,2)=200 S SRET="SR Staff Master File Notification" E S SRET="SR Other Master File Notification" S EID=$O(^ORD(101,"B",SRET,0)),HL="HL",INT=0 D INIT^HLFNC2(EID,.HL,INT) S HLCOMP=$E(HL("ECH"),1),HLREP=$E(HL("ECH"),2),HLSUB=$E(HL("ECH"),4),HLFS=HL("FS"),HLQ=HL("Q"),HLECH=HL("ECH") Q GEN ;generate the message ;HLEID - IEN of event protocol ;HLARYTYP - acknowledgement array (see V. 1.6 HL7 doc) ;HLFORMAT - is HLMA is pre-formatted HL7 form ;HLMTIEN - IEN in 772 ;HLRESLT - message ID and/or the error message (for output) ;HLP("CONTPTR") - continuation pointer field value (not used) ;HLP("PRIORITY") - priority field value (not used) ;HLP("SECURITY") - security information (not used) S HLEID=EID,HLARYTYP="GM",HLFORMAT=1,HLMTIEN="",HLRESLT="" D GENERATE^HLMA(HLEID,HLARYTYP,HLFORMAT,.HLRESLT,HLMTIEN,.HLP) Q